ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL)

List of the world's lighthouses by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society

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Lighthouse NameARLHS
CoordinatesGridsquareIOTA# of
CabañalSPA 347- --------
Cabeca da CobraANO 003- --06° 33.0' S012° 30.0' EMapJI63gk--
Cabeçudas (SC)BRA 121- --26° 56.0' S048° 37.0' WMapGG53qb-1
Cabezo Muelle Prat (Strait of Magellan)CHI 078- --53° 10.0' S070° 54.0' WMapFD46nt--
Cabilison IslandPHI 011- --11° 53.0' N124° 17.0' EMapPK21dv--
Cabo AjoSPA 005- --43° 31.0' N003° 35.0' WMapIN83fm-2
Cabo Aristizabal HARG 023Hist --45° 13.0' S066° 31.7' WMapFE64rs--
Cabo AugustaCOL 004- --------
Cabo Bacopari (RN)BRA 014- --06° 23.0' S035° 0.0' WMapHI23mo-1
Cabo BazarutoMOZ 002- --21° 32.0' S035° 29.0' EMapKG78rl--
Cabo BlancoARG 001- --47° 12.0' S065° 45.0' WMapFE72ct--
Cabo BlancoPER 003- --04° 15.0' S081° 14.0' WMapEI95js--
Cabo Blanco IslandCOS 001- --------
Cabo BojadorWSA 003- --26° 7.0' N014° 29.0' WMapIL26sc--
Cabo Bojeador (Ilocos Norte)PHI 012- --18° 31.0' N120° 36.0' EMapPK08hm--
Cabo Branco (PB)BRA 015- --07° 9.0' S034° 49.0' WMapHI22ou--
Cabo Buen Tiempo/Cape Fairweather
Cape Fairweather/Cabo Buen Tiempo
ARG 022- --51° 30.0' S069° 3.0' WMapFD58lm--
Cabo BustoSPA 008- --43° 34.1' N006° 28.2' WMapIN63sn-6
Cabo CamaronHON 001- --15° 59.0' N085° 2.0' WMapEK75lx--
Cabo CanetSPA 010- --39° 41.0' N000° 12.0' WMapIM99vq--
Cabo CarranzaCHI 005- --35° 35.0' S072° 37.0' WMapFF34qk-2
Cabo CarvoeiroPOR 006- --39° 22.0' N009° 24.0' WMapIM59hi-7
Cabo CatocheMEX 084- --21° 36.0' N087° 4.0' WMapEL61lo--
Cabo CeeSPA 011- --42° 55.0' N009° 10.0' WMapIN52kw-2
Cabo CoderaVEN 031- --10° 34.0' N066° 3.0' WMapFK60xn-1
Cabo CorrientesCOL 015- --------
Cabo Corrientes (Jalisco)MEX 022- --20° 24.0' N105° 43.0' WMapDL70dj--
Cabo Corrubedo
Cape Corrubedo
SPA 012- --42° 34.6' N009° 5.4' WMapIN52kn-3
Cabo CruzCUB 016- --19° 50.0' N077° 44.0' WMapFK19dt--
Cabo CulleraSPA 013- --39° 11.0' N000° 13.0' WMapIM99ve-2
Cabo CuriosoARG 024- --49° 11.0' S067° 37.0' WMapFE60et--
Cabo da Inhaca Rear/MaputoMOZ 003- --25° 59.0' S032° 59.0' EMapKG64la--
Cabo da RocaPOR 007- --38° 47.0' N009° 30.0' WMapIM58gs-3
Cabo DañosoARG 025Hist --48° 49.0' S067° 13.0' WMapFE61je--
Cabo das Tres PontasANO 004- --10° 24.0' S013° 32.0' EMapJH69so--
Cabo de EspichelPOR 009- --38° 24.9' N009° 13.0' WMapIM58jj-7
Cabo de GataSPA 015- --36° 43.0' N002° 12.0' WMapIM86vr-1
Cabo de Hornos (Cape Horn)CHI 006- --55° 59.0' S067° 16.0' WMapFD64ia--
Cabo de IrtaSPA 351- --40° 16.0' N000° 18.0' EMapJN00dg-1
Cabo de la Huerta/Las Huertas/Cabo Huertas
Cabo Huertas/Cabo de la Huerta/Las Huertas : Las Huertas/Cabo Huertas/Cabo de la Huerta
SPA 016- --38° 21.0' N000° 24.0' WMapIM98ti--
Cabo de la NaoSPA 018- --38° 44.0' N000° 13.8' EMapJM08cr-3
Cabo de la VelaCOL 016- --12° 13.0' N072° 11.0' WMapFK32vf--
Cabo de PalosSPA 019- --37° 38.0' N000° 46.0' WMapIM97op-6
Cabo de Pera/Cap de Pera
Cap de Pera/Cabo de Pera
BAL 010- --39° 43.0' N003° 29.0' EMapJM19rrEU-0044
Cabo de Salinas/Mallorca South Point (Mallorca)
Mallorca South Point/Cabo de Salinas (Mallorca)
BAL 070- --39° 16.0' N003° 3.0' EMapJM19mgEU-004-
Cabo de San AntonioSPA 021- --38° 48.2' N000° 11.8' EMapJM08ct-4
Cabo de San FranciscoECU 016- --00° 39.0' S080° 5.0' WMapEI99xi-1
Cabo de Santa CatalinaSPA 022- --43° 22.0' N002° 31.0' WMapIN83ri--
Cabo de Santa MariaANO 005- --13° 25.0' S012° 32.0' EMapJH66gn--
Cabo de Santa Maria/Farol Santa Maria
Farol Santa Maria/Cabo de Santa Maria
POR 013- --36° 58.0' N007° 52.0' WMapIM66bx-4
Cabo de Santa MartaANO 006- --13° 53.0' S012° 25.0' EMapJH66ec--
Cabo de Santo Agostinho (New) (PE)BRA 016- --08° 21.0' S034° 57.0' WMapHI21mp--
Cabo de Santo Agostinho (Old) (PE)BRA 265- --08° 21.0' S034° 57.0' WMapHI21mp--
Cabo de Sao Roque (RN)BRA 017- --05° 29.0' S035° 16.0' WMapHI24im-1
Cabo de Sao VicentePOR 012- --37° 1.4' N008° 59.8' WMapIM57ma-11
Cabo de SinesPOR 008- --37° 58.0' N008° 53.0' WMapIM57nx-1
Cabo de TorresSPA 023- --43° 34.4' N005° 41.9' WMapIN73dn-2
Cabo del Home AnteriorSPA 331- --42° 15.0' N008° 52.0' WMapIN52nf-1
Cabo del Home PosteriorSPA 024- --42° 15.0' N008° 52.0' WMapIN52nf--
Cabo DelgadoMOZ 004- --10° 41.0' S040° 38.0' EMapLH09hh--
Cabo DomingoARG 026Hist --53° 41.0' S067° 51.0' WMapFD66bh--
Cabo EnganoDOM 005- --18° 37.0' N068° 20.0' WMapFK58uo--
Cabo Engano/CagayanPHI 013- --18° 35.0' N122° 8.0' EMapPK18bn--
Cabo Espíritu SantoCHI 007- --52° 40.0' S068° 36.0' WMapFD57qi-1
Cabo Estay AnteriorSPA 332- --42° 11.0' N008° 49.0' WMapIN52oe--
Cabo Estay PosteriorSPA 333- --42° 11.0' N008° 48.0' WMapIN52oe-1
Cabo Falso (New)MEX 100Hist --22° 53.0' N109° 58.0' WMapDL52av--
Cabo Falso (Old)MEX 101- --22° 53.0' N109° 58.0' WMapDL52av--
Cabo FinisterreSPA 026- --42° 53.0' N009° 16.3' WMapIN52iv-2
Cabo Francés ViejoDOM 001- --19° 40.0' N069° 56.2' WMapFK59ap--
Cabo Frio (New) (Rio de Janeiro)BRA 018- --23° 1.0' S042° 0.0' WMapGG86xx--
Cabo Frio (Old) (Rio de Janeiro)BRA 269- --23° 1.0' S042° 0.0' WMapGG86xx--
Cabo GuardianARG 027- --48° 34.0' S066° 30.0' WMapFE61sk-1
Cabo HaroMEX 023- --27° 50.0' N110° 53.0' WMapDL47nu--
Cabo HiguerSPA 029- --43° 23.5' N001° 47.5' WMapIN93cj-2
Cabo La Plata/Pasajes Ancho
Pasajes Ancho/Cabo la Plata
SPA 133- --43° 19.9' N001° 55.6' WMapIN93ah-1
Cabo Lebeche/Cap Llebeig (Cabrera)
Cap Llebeig/Cabo Lebeche (Cabrera)
BAL 095- --39° 10.0' N002° 55.0' EMapJM19keEU-004-
Cabo LedoANO 007- --09° 42.0' S013° 12.0' EMapJI60oh--
Cabo Llebeitx/Cap Llebeig (Dragonera)
Cap Llebeig/Cabo Llebeitx (Dragonera)
BAL 025- --39° 35.0' N002° 18.0' EMapJM19doEU-004-
Cabo Lobos (West Coast)MEX 176- --29° 54.0' N112° 45.0' WMapDL39pv--
Cabo LucreciaCUB 014- --21° 4.0' N075° 37.0' WMapFL21eb--
Cabo Machichaco/Matxitxako (New) (Vizcaya)
Matxitxako/Cabo Machichaco (New) (Vizcaya)
SPA 032- --43° 27.0' N002° 45.0' WMapIN83ok--
Cabo Machichaco/Matxitxako (Old) (Vizcaya)
Matxitxako/Cabo Machichaco (Old) (Vizcaya)
SPA 317- --------
Cabo ManglaresCOL 005- --------
Cabo Marzo (Pacific Coast)COL 057- --06° 50.0' N077° 41.0' WMapFJ16dt--
Cabo MataGUI 005- --12° 10.0' N016° 19.0' WMapIK12ud--
Cabo MayorSPA 033Hist --43° 29.4' N003° 47.4' WMapIN83cl-2
Cabo Melville (Isla De Balabac)PHI 014- --07° 49.0' N117° 0.0' EMapOJ87mt--
Cabo Nachtigal (Tan Tan)MOR 016- --28° 30.0' N011° 21.0' WMapIL48hm-1
Cabo NegroMOR 017- --35° 41.0' N005° 16.0' WMapIM75iq--
Cabo Orange (AM)BRA 277- --------
Cabo OropesaSPA 035- --40° 5.0' N000° 9.0' EMapJN00bc-2
Cabo OrtegalSPA 036- --43° 46.0' N007° 52.0' WMapIN63bs-1
Cabo PasadoECU 010- --00° 22.0' S080° 29.0' WMapEI99sp--
Cabo PeñasARG 028- --53° 51.0' S067° 34.0' WMapFD66fd--
Cabo PeñasSPA 037- --43° 39.3' N005° 51.0' WMapIN73bp-6
Cabo PolonioURU 005- --34° 24.3' S053° 46.7' WMapGF35co-2
Cabo Posesion (Strait of Magellan)CHI 036- --52° 18.0' S068° 28.0' WMapFD57sq--
Cabo PriorSPA 038- --43° 34.0' N008° 19.0' WMapIN53un-2
Cabo Prioriño ChicoSPA 039- --43° 28.0' N008° 20.0' WMapIN53tl-1
Cabo QuedalCHI 008- --40° 59.0' S073° 56.0' WMapFE39aa--
Cabo RaperCHI 009- --46° 50.0' S075° 38.0' WMapFE23ee-1
Cabo RasoARG 029- --54° 15.0' S065° 5.0' WMapFD75kr--
Cabo RasoPOR 011- --38° 43.0' N009° 29.0' WMapIM58gr-3
Cabo ReburdiñoSPA 040- --42° 46.0' N009° 3.0' WMapIN52ls--
Cabo RocheSPA 041- --36° 18.0' N006° 8.0' WMapIM66wh-1
Cabo SacratifSPA 042- --36° 42.0' N003° 28.0' WMapIM86gq-2
Cabo SalouSPA 043- --41° 3.0' N001° 10.0' EMapJN01nb-1
Cabo San AgustinSPA 044- --43° 33.8' N006° 44.0' WMapIN63pn-6
Cabo San AntonioCUB 017- --21° 52.0' N084° 57.0' WMapEL71mu--
Cabo San DiegoARG 030- --54° 39.0' S065° 7.0' WMapFD75ki--
Cabo San IsidroCHI 010- --53° 48.0' S071° 12.0' WMapFD46je--
Cabo San LazaroMEX 102Hist --24° 48.0' N112° 19.0' WMapDL34ut--
Cabo San LorenzoECU 007- --01° 3.0' S080° 54.0' WMapEI98nw--
Cabo San Lucas Range FrontMEX 103- --22° 53.0' N109° 55.0' WMapDL52bv--
Cabo San Pablo (New)ARG 074- --54° 17.0' S066° 41.0' WMapFD65pr-1
Cabo San Pablo (Old)ARG 031- --54° 17.0' S066° 41.0' WMapFD65pr--
Cabo San Roman (New)VEN 032Hist --12° 12.0' N070° 0.0' WMapFK52ae--
Cabo San Roman (Old) HVEN 024Hist --12° 12.0' N070° 0.0' WMapFK52ae--
Cabo San Sebastian
San Sebastián
ARG 013- --53° 19.0' S068° 9.0' WMapFD56wq-1
Cabo San SebastianSPA 045- --41° 54.0' N003° 12.0' EMapJN11ov-2
Cabo Santa MariaURU 004- --34° 40.1' S054° 9.2' WMapGF25wh-1
Cabo Santa Marta (CS)BRA 032- --28° 36.0' S048° 49.0' WMapGG51oj-1
Cabo Santa PolaSPA 046- --38° 11.0' N000° 34.0' WMapIM98re-1
Cabo SardaoPOR 014- --37° 36.0' N008° 49.0' WMapIM57oo-2
Cabo SilleiroSPA 047- --42° 6.0' N008° 54.0' WMapIN52nc-3
Cabo TepocaMEX 104- --30° 16.0' N112° 51.0' WMapDM30ng--
Cabo TiburonCOL 017- --08° 41.0' N077° 22.0' WMapFJ18hq--
Cabo TiñosoSPA 048- --37° 32.0' N001° 6.0' WMapIM97km--
Cabo Toriñana/Cabo Touriñán (New)
Cabo Touriñán/Cabo Toriñana (New)
SPA 049- --43° 3.0' N009° 18.0' WMapIN53ib--
Cabo Toriñana/Cabo Touriñán (Old)
Cabo Touriñán/Cabo Toriñana (Old)
SPA 330- --43° 3.0' N009° 18.0' WMapIN53ib--
Cabo TortosaSPA 050- --40° 43.0' N000° 56.0' EMapJN00lr--
Cabo TossaSPA 051- --41° 43.0' N002° 56.0' EMapJN11lr-2
Cabo TrafalgarSPA 052- --36° 11.0' N006° 2.0' WMapIM66xe-3
Cabo Tres PuntasGUL 001- --15° 58.0' N088° 36.0' WMapEK55qx--
Cabo VicosSPA 054- --42° 12.0' N008° 54.0' WMapIN52ne--
Cabo VidioSPA 055- --43° 35.6' N006° 14.6' WMapIN63vo-4
Cabo Villano (Vizcaya)SPA 057- -------3
Cabo Villano/Vilán (La Coruna) (New)
Vilán/Cabo Villano (La Coruna) (New)
SPA 056- --43° 9.1' N009° 12.1' WMapIN53jd-1
Cabo Villano/Vilán (La Coruna) (Old)
Vilán/Cabo Villano (La Coruna) (Old)
SPA 329- --43° 10.0' N009° 13.0' WMapIN53jd--
Cabo VirgenesARG 032- --52° 20.0' S068° 21.0' WMapFD57tq-2
Cabo VirgenesMEX 024- --27° 31.0' N112° 21.0' WMapDL37tm--
Cabot Head (Georgian Bay)CAN 067- -Ontario45° 14.7' N081° 17.5' WMapEN95if-1
Cabot IslandCAN 068Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador49° 10.0' N053° 22.0' WMapGN39hd--
Caboto (BA)BRA 019- --12° 45.0' S038° 30.0' WMapHH07rf--
Cabras (Ilha de Sao Tome)SAO 007- --00° 25.0' N006° 43.0' EMapJJ30ik--
Cacahual IslandCOL 006- --------
Cacilhas HPOR 082Hist --38° 41.5' N009° 9.0' WMapIM58kq-1
Caderini (Ant)ITA 003- --37° 3.0' N015° 16.0' EMapJM77pb--
Caeté (PA)BRA 020- --00° 48.0' S046° 37.0' WMapGI69qe--
Caffarelli IslandAUS 251- -Western Australia16° 3.0' S123° 17.0' EMapPH13pwOC-071-
Cagliari Molo di Levante (East Breakwater)SAR 041- --39° 12.0' N009° 7.0' EMapJM49neEU-024-
Cagliari Molo di Ponente (West Breakwater)SAR 040- --39° 12.0' N009° 7.0' EMapJM49neEU-024-
Cailleach HeadSCO 028- --57° 56.0' N005° 24.0' WMapIO77hw--
CaioGUI 001- --11° 50.0' N016° 19.0' WMapIK11uu--
Caiobá (PR)BRA 122- --25° 51.0' S048° 32.0' WMapGG54rd--
Cairn Ryan Point/Loch Ryan
Loch Ryan/Cairn Ryan Point
SCO 029- --54° 58.5' N005° 1.9' WMapIO74lx-2
Cairnbulg BriggsSCO 030- --57° 41.0' N001° 56.0' WMapIO97aq-1
Cairns of Coll/Suil Ghorm
Suil Ghorm/Cairns of Coll
SCO 032- --56° 42.0' N006° 27.0' WMapIO66sq--
Cais das Velas/Velas Wharf (Ilha de São Jorge)
Velas Wharf/Cais das Velas (Ilha de São Jorge)
AZO 031- --38° 41.0' N028° 12.0' WMapHM58vq-1
Cais Farol - Canal de OlhaoPOR 132- --36° 58.8' N007° 51.9' WMapIM66bx--
Caissie Cape/Cap-de-Caissie
Cap-de-Caissie/Caissie Cape, NB
CAN 743- -New Brunswick-----1
Caistor HENG 020Hist --------
Cala MorelBAL 009- --40° 3.0' N003° 52.0' EMapJN10wbEU-004-
Cala Sabina (Formentera)BAL 011- --38° 44.0' N001° 25.0' EMapJM08rrEU-004-
Cala Venesia (Port of Mahon, Menorca)BAL 075- --39° 52.0' N004° 18.0' EMapJM29duEU-004-
Calaburras/Punta Calaburras
Punta Calaburras/Calaburras
SPA 198- --36° 31.0' N004° 38.0' WMapIM76qm-2
Caladh BeaconSCO 304- --55° 55.9' N005° 11.8' WMapIO75jw-1
Calafat - ContradiqueSPA 375- --40° 55.7' N000° 51.0' EMapJN00kw--
Calafat - Dique De AbrigoSPA 374- --40° 55.6' N000° 51.0' EMapJN00kw--
CalaisFRA 004- --50° 57.7' N001° 51.2' EMapJO00wx--
Calais Fort Rouge HFRA 767Hist --------
Calais Jetée EstFRA 134- --50° 58.0' N001° 51.0' EMapJO00wx--
Calais Jetée OuestFRA 156- --50° 58.0' N001° 50.0' EMapJO00wx--
Calais Tour du Guet/Tour de Guet
Tour de Guet/Calais Tour du Guet
FRA 514- --50° 57.5' N001° 51.0' EMapJO00wx-1
Calata BuccarelliITA 004- --38° 43.0' N016° 7.0' EMapJM88br--
Calcasieu RiverUSA 101Hist -Louisiana-----1
Calçoene (AP)BRA 124- --02° 30.0' N050° 47.0' WMapGJ42ol--
Caldera AltaARG 131- --49° 16.1' S067° 39.5' WMapFE60er--
Caldera BajaARG 133- --49° 16.5' S067° 40.4' WMapFE60dr--
Caldy IslandWAL 004- --51° 38.0' N004° 41.0' WMapIO71pp--
Caleta ArdleyCHI 004- --62° 11.0' S058° 55.0' WMapGC07nt--
Caleta ColosoCHI 037- --23° 45.0' S070° 28.0' WMapFG46sf--
Caleta de Xel-HaMEX 171- --20° 28.0' N087° 16.0' WMapEL60il--
Caleta Los AmigosCHI 111- --------
Calf of Eday/Calf Sound, (Orkney Islands)
Calf Sound/Calf of Eday, (Orkney Islands)
SCO 034- --59° 14.0' N002° 46.0' WMapIO89ofEU-009-
Calf of Man (New)IOM 001- --54° 3.2' N004° 49.7' WMapIO74ob--
Calf of Man (Old High Tower)IOM 030- --54° 3.2' N004° 49.7' WMapIO74ob--
Calf of Man (Old Low Tower)IOM 031- --54° 3.2' N004° 49.7' WMapIO74ob--
Calf Rock (Co. Cork) HIRE 100Hist --51° 34.0' N010° 15.0' WMapIO41un--
Calheta Pierhead (Ilha de São Jorge)AZO 032- --38° 36.0' N028° 0.0' WMapHM58xo--
Calheta Range, FrontTMV 002- --20° 30.0' S029° 19.0' WMapHG59il--
Calheta Range, RearTMV 003- --20° 30.0' S029° 19.0' WMapHG59il--
IND 097- --11° 16.0' N075° 46.0' EMapMK71vg--
California - (Hudishibana)ARU 001- --12° 36.8' N070° 3.1' WMapFK42xoSA-0361
Calimere PointIND 024- --10° 18.0' N079° 52.0' EMapMK90wh--
Caloundra Head (New)AUS 252- -Queensland26° 48.0' S153° 8.0' EMapQG63neOC-001-
Caloundra Head (Old)AUS 253- -Queensland26° 48.0' S153° 9.0' EMapQG63neOC-001-
Calshot Spit Light FloatENG 279- --50° 48.0' N001° 18.0' WMapIO90it--
Calshot Spit Lightship, Hampshire
Lightship Calshot Spit, Hampshire
ENG 021- --------
Calumet Harbor (Lake Michigan)USA 102Hist -Indiana41° 43.6' N087° 29.6' WMapEN61gr-1
Calumet Harbor Breakwater South End (Lake Michigan)USA 1190Hist -Indiana41° 44.0' N087° 30.0' WMapEN61fr--
Calumet Harbor Entrance South Side (Lake Michigan)USA 1191- -Indiana41° 44.0' N087° 30.0' WMapEN61fr--
Calvaire Range Front (St. Lawrence River)CAN 874- -Quebec46° 33.4' N072° 5.2' WMapFN36wn-1
Calvaire Range Rear (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1114- -Quebec-----1
CalvaySCO 036- --57° 9.0' N007° 15.0' WMapIO67jd-1
Calvi CitadelleCOR 039- --42° 34.0' N008° 46.0' EMapJN42jnEU-014-
Calvi JetéeCOR 040- --42° 34.0' N008° 46.0' EMapJN42jnEU-014-
Camaçari (BA)BRA 125- --12° 45.0' S038° 9.0' WMapHH07wf--
Câmara de Lobos (Ilha da Madeira)MAD 015Hist --32° 39.0' N016° 59.0' WMapIM12mpAF-014-
Camaret PierFRA 208- --48° 17.0' N004° 35.0' WMapIN78rg--
Camarinal/Cabo de GraciaSPA 336- --36° 5.0' N005° 49.0' WMapIM76cb--
Cambados BreakwaterSPA 282- --42° 31.0' N008° 49.0' WMapIN52om--
CambrilsSPA 020- --41° 4.0' N001° 4.0' EMapJN01mb--
Çamburnu (Zefre) (Hisarustu-Giresun) (Black Sea)TUR 068- --40° 58.0' N038° 39.0' EMapKN90hx--
Çamburnu/Vona (Black Sea)TUR 067- --41° 8.0' N037° 48.0' EMapKN81vd--
Cameron IslandCAN 069Hist -Nova Scotia45° 49.0' N061° 0.0' WMapFN95lt--
CamiersFRA 768- --------
Camocim (CE)BRA 126- --02° 52.0' S040° 52.0' WMapGI97nd-2
Camp Islands (Labrador)CAN 678Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador52° 10.0' N055° 38.0' WMapGO22ed--
Camp Patmos (Kelleys Island - Lake Erie)USA 1245Hist -Ohio41° 37.0' N082° 41.0' WMapEN81po--
CampanaARG 033- --48° 24.0' S066° 28.0' WMapFE61so--
Campbell Bay Range Rear (Great Nicobar Island)AND 019- --07° 1.0' N093° 55.0' EMapNJ67waAS-033-
Campbell Island (Ottawa River)CAN 1054Hist -Ontario-----2
Campbell's IslandUSA 1169Hist -North Carolina34° 7.1' N077° 56.6' WMapFM14ac--
Campbellton Range BackCAN 070Hist -New Brunswick------
Campbellton Range FrontCAN 723Hist -New Brunswick------
CampecheMEX 105- --------
Campen/UnteremsFED 004- --53° 24.0' N007° 1.0' EMapJO33mj-2
Camperdown Dock East Side HSCO 364Hist --------
Camperdown Dock West Side HSCO 365Hist --------
Camplong (Java)IDO 089- --07° 13.0' S113° 19.0' EMapOI62ps--
Campveeerse TowerNET 033- --51° 33.0' N003° 40.0' EMapJO11un--
Camuri GrandeVEN 003- --10° 38.0' N066° 46.0' WMapFK60op--
Can Gio (Mekong Delta)VIE 010- --10° 24.0' N107° 1.0' EMapOK30mj--
Cana Island (Lake Michigan)USA 104- -Wisconsin45° 5.0' N087° 3.0' WMapEN65lb-4
CanadasSPA 366- -------2
CañadonARG 187- --------
Canakkale KalesiTUR 017- --40° 9.0' N026° 24.0' EMapKN30ed--
Canal Da Assetia - AssetiaPOR 115- --------
Canal de Assetia - MoinhoPOR 130- -------1
Canal de Chavez (Tamaulipas)MEX 177- --25° 52.0' N097° 10.0' WMapEL15ju--
Canal de Faro - Enfilacion 099 Deg - Anterior - Mar SantoPOR 138- --36° 58.6' N007° 52.0' WMapIM66bx--
Canal de Faro - Enfilacion 328 Deg - Anterior - Fabrica FritzPOR 139- --37° 0.9' N007° 54.9' WMapIM67ba--
Canal de Faro - Enfilacion 328 Deg - Posterior - A 731 M AnteriorPOR 140- --------
Canal de Olhao - Enfilacion 044.3 Deg - Posterior - A360 M.POR 128- --------
Canal de Olhao - Enfilacion 219.5 Deg (por Popa) - Anterior - GoladaPOR 141- --------
Canal de Olhao - Enfilacion 219.5 Deg (por Popa) - Posterior - A447POR 131- --36° 58.2' N007° 52.5' WMapIM66bx--
Canal de Sant Jordi Front (Port of Mahon, Menorca)BAL 076- --39° 53.0' N004° 17.0' EMapJM29dvEU-004-
Canal de Sant Jordi Rear (Port of Mahon, Menorca)BAL 077- --39° 53.0' N004° 17.0' EMapJM29dvEU-004-
Canal de St. Louis South JettyFRA 549- --43° 23.0' N004° 52.0' EMapJN23kj--
Canal de Vridi Jetée NordICO 009- --05° 15.0' N004° 0.0' WMapIJ85ag--
Canal de Vridi Jetée SudICO 010- --05° 14.0' N004° 0.0' WMapIJ85af--
Canal Olhao - Enfilacion 044.3 Deg - Anterior - MuellePOR 127- --------
Canal Woodin North SideNCA 008- --22° 23.0' S166° 48.0' EMapRG37joOC-032-
Canale della Bisce/Capo Ferro Northeast
Capo Ferro Northeast/Canale della Bisce
SAR 014- --41° 9.0' N009° 32.0' EMapJN41sdEU-024-
Canale Pigonati Inner (Green)ITA 268- --40° 39.0' N017° 57.0' EMapJN80xp--
Canale Pigonati Inner (Red)ITA 267- --40° 39.0' N017° 57.0' EMapJN80xp--
CanalizoARG 132- --49° 16.2' S067° 43.9' WMapFE60dr--
CanasiCUB 018- --23° 11.0' N081° 48.0' WMapEL93ce--
Canche (Somme River)FRA 209- --50° 31.4' N001° 35.5' EMapJO00tm--
Canda - Dique Martillo - ExtremoSPA 406- --------
Canda - Playa La Palmera - Espigon - ExtremoSPA 407- --------
Candlebox IslandCAN 071Hist -Nova Scotia43° 40.0' N066° 3.0' WMapFN63xp--
Canet-PlageFRA 828- --42° 43.0' N003° 2.0' EMapJN12mr-1
Canet-Plage Jetée du SudFRA 829- --42° 42.0' N003° 3.0' EMapJN12mq-1
Canigao Island (Leyte)PHI 074- --10° 15.0' N124° 45.0' EMapPK20jgOC-129-
Canna/Sanday (Small Isles)
Sanday/Canna (Small Isles)
SCO 037- --57° 1.0' N006° 28.0' WMapIO67sa-1
Cannanore/KannurIND 079- --11° 52.0' N075° 21.0' EMapMK71qu--
Cannes BreakwaterFRA 211- --43° 32.0' N007° 1.0' EMapJN33mm--
Cannes Old TowerFRA 665- --43° 32.0' N007° 1.0' EMapJN33mm--
Cannon PointKEN 003- --03° 58.0' S039° 46.0' EMapKI96va--
Cano IslandCOS 003- --08° 43.0' N083° 54.0' WMapEJ88br--
Canoe Gully Inner Range FrontCAN 073- -Prince Edward Island46° 27.0' N064° 6.0' WMapFN76wk--
Canoe Gully Inner Range RearCAN 074- -Prince Edward Island46° 27.0' N064° 6.0' WMapFN76wk--
Canoe Gully Outer Range FrontCAN 075- -Prince Edward Island46° 26.0' N064° 7.0' WMapFN76wk--
Canoe Gully Outer Range RearCAN 076- -Prince Edward Island46° 26.0' N064° 7.0' WMapFN76wk--
Canogli, Outer Breakwater HeadITA 189- --44° 21.0' N009° 9.0' EMapJN44ni--
Canso Harbour, NewCAN 1366- -Nova Scotia------
Canso Harbour, OldCAN 1408Hist -Nova Scotia------
Canso Range Front (Canso Town)CAN 634- -Nova Scotia45° 20.0' N060° 59.0' WMapFN95mi--
Canso Range Rear (Canso Town)CAN 077Hist -Nova Scotia45° 20.0' N060° 59.0' WMapFN95mi--
Cantareira Range FrontPOR 069- --41° 8.8' N008° 40.0' WMapIN51pd--
Cantick Head (Orkney Islands)SCO 038- --58° 47.0' N003° 8.0' WMapIO88ksEU-009-
Canto da Carneira (Ilha do Corvo)AZO 005- --39° 43.0' N031° 5.0' WMapHM49kr--
Canuay Islet (Leyte)PHI 075- --11° 26.0' N124° 51.0' EMapPK21kkOC-129-
Cap ALRIGHT (Magdalen Islands)CAN 775- -Quebec47° 23.5' N061° 46.4' WMapFN97cj--
Cap AndranomodyMAG 002Hist --12° 14.0' S049° 21.0' EMapLH47qs--
Cap au Diable Front RangeCAN 1291- -Quebec46° 50.0' N071° 1.9' WMapFN46lt-1
Cap au Diable Rear RangeCAN 1292- -Quebec46° 49.4' N071° 2.9' WMapFN46lt-1
Cap au SaumonCAN 078- -Quebec47° 46.2' N069° 54.4' WMapFN57bs-1
Cap aux Meules/Pointe Hérissée/Grindstone (Magdalen Islands)
Grindstone/Cap aux Meules/Pointe Hérissée (Magdalen Islands), QC : Pointe Hérossée/Grindstone/Cap aux Meules (Magdalen Islands), QC
CAN 961- -Quebec47° 23.0' N061° 56.0' WMapFN97aj--
Cap aux OiesCAN 079- -Quebec47° 29.3' N070° 13.9' WMapFN47vl-1
Cap BardasWSA 004- --22° 18.0' N016° 41.0' WMapIL12ph--
Cap Beddouza/Cap Cantin
Cap Cantin/Cap Beddouza
MOR 014- --32° 32.0' N009° 17.0' WMapIM52im--
Cap BengutALG 005Hist --36° 55.0' N003° 54.0' EMapJM16ww--
Cap Blanc (Ile Miquelon)SPM 002- --47° 6.0' N056° 24.0' WMapGN17tc-1
Cap Blanc (Mallorca)BAL 014- --39° 21.8' N002° 47.3' EMapJM19jiEU-0042
Cap Blanc (Percé)CAN 955- -Quebec48° 30.0' N064° 13.0' WMapFN78vl--
Cap Blanc du Nord/Jorf Lasfar
Jorf Lasfar/Cap Blanc du Nord
MOR 020Hist --33° 10.0' N008° 38.0' WMapIM53qe--
Cap Bon/Ras At-Tib
Ras At-Tib/Cap Bon
TUN 006- --37° 5.0' N011° 3.0' EMapJM57mc--
Cap BouacALG 061Hist --------
Cap BougarounALG 006- --37° 5.0' N006° 28.0' EMapJM37fc-1
Cap Brûlé
Montée du Lac Light
CAN 962Hist -Quebec47° 6.5' N070° 43.0' WMapFN47pc--
Cap Brûlé Front Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1150Hist -Quebec------
Cap Brûlé Rear Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1151Hist -Quebec------
Cap CarbonALG 007- --36° 47.0' N005° 6.0' EMapJM26ns--
Cap Carbon AuxiliaryALG 057- --36° 47.0' N005° 6.0' EMapJM26ns--
Cap Carthage/Ras Qatarjamah/Sidi Bou Saïd
Ras Qatarjamah/Sidi Bou Saïd/Cap Carthage : Sidi Bou Saïd/Cap Carthage/Ras Qatarjamah
TUN 012Hist --36° 52.0' N010° 21.0' EMapJM56eu--
Cap CaxineALG 008- --36° 49.0' N002° 57.0' EMapJM16lt--
Cap ChatCAN 089- -Quebec49° 5.3' N066° 44.5' WMapFN69pc--
Cap Collo/Pointe DjerdaALG 044- --37° 1.0' N006° 35.0' EMapJM37ga--
Cap CorbelinALG 009- --36° 55.0' N004° 26.0' EMapJM26fw-1
Cap Corse/La Giraglia
La Giraglia/Cap Corse
COR 016- --43° 2.0' N009° 24.0' EMapJN43qaEU-014-
Cap CouronneFRA 090- --43° 20.0' N005° 3.0' EMapJN23mh--
Cap d'AmbreMAG 003- --11° 57.0' S049° 17.0' EMapLH48pb--
Cap d'ArzewALG 010- --35° 53.0' N000° 17.0' WMapIM95uv--
Cap d'Espoir/Cape Despair (Gulf of St. Lawrence)
Cape Despair/Cap d'Espoir (Gulf of St. Lawrence), QC
CAN 086- -Quebec48° 25.2' N064° 19.0' WMapFN78uk-5
Cap de CreusSPA 059- --42° 19.0' N003° 19.0' EMapJN12ph-6
Cap de FerALG 011- --37° 5.0' N007° 10.0' EMapJM37nc--
Cap de FredalaMOR 001- --33° 43.0' N007° 24.0' WMapIM63hr--
Cap de GardeALG 012- --36° 58.0' N007° 47.0' EMapJM36vx--
Cap de l'AiguilleALG 027- --35° 53.0' N000° 29.0' WMapIM95sv--
Cap de l'EauMOR 018- --35° 9.0' N002° 26.0' WMapIM85sd--
Cap de l'Est (Saguenay River)CAN 963- -Quebec48° 22.6' N070° 42.3' WMapFN48pj--
Cap de la Hague/Hague
Hague/Cap de la Hague
FRA 031- --49° 43.0' N001° 57.0' WMapIN99ar--
Cap de la Heve I HFRA 223Hist --49° 31.0' N000° 5.0' EMapJN09am--
Cap de la Heve II HFRA 224Hist --49° 31.0' N000° 5.0' EMapJN09am--
Cap de la MadeleineCAN 081- -Quebec49° 15.1' N065° 19.5' WMapFN79ig--
Cap de la Madeleine (St Lawrence R.)CAN 875Hist -Quebec------
Cap de la Madeleine Lower Rear Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 876Hist -Quebec------
Cap de la Madeleine Upper Front Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 877Hist -Quebec------
Cap de la Madeleine Upper Rear Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 878Hist -Quebec------
Cap de la Madeleine Village Front Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 879Hist -Quebec------
Cap de la Table/Table Head (Anticosti Island)
Table Head/Cap de la Table (Anticosti Island), QC
CAN 082- -Quebec49° 21.1' N061° 53.7' WMapFN99bi--
Cap de la Tête au Chien/Dog's Head Cape
Dog's Head Cape/Cap de la Tête au Chien, QC
CAN 083- -Quebec47° 54.7' N069° 48.4' WMapFN57cv-1
Cap de Rabast/Pointe-Nord (Île d'Anticosti)CAN 084- -Quebec49° 57.1' N064° 9.0' WMapFN79ww--
Cap de Trois FourchesMOR 002Hist --35° 26.0' N002° 58.0' WMapIM85mk--
Cap Debundscha/Debundja (New)CAM 001- --04° 6.0' N008° 59.0' EMapJJ44lc--
Cap Debundscha/Debundja (Old)CAM 005- --04° 6.0' N008° 59.0' EMapJJ44lc--
Cap des Caissie Point
Point Caissie
CAN 090- -New Brunswick46° 19.2' N064° 30.8' WMapFN76rh-1
Cap des RosiersCAN 085- -Quebec48° 51.4' N064° 12.1' WMapFN78vu--
Cap DraaMOR 041- --28° 44.0' N011° 5.0' WMapIL48kr--
Cap du Mole St. NicolasHAI 002- --19° 49.0' N073° 25.0' WMapFK39ht--
Cap EgmontCAN 114- -Prince Edward Island46° 24.0' N064° 8.0' WMapFN76wj-2
Cap Est/Tanjona Antsirakosy
Tanjona Antsirakosy/Cap Est
MAG 018- --15° 17.0' S050° 28.0' EMapLH54fr--
Cap EsteriasGAB 001- --00° 37.0' N009° 20.0' EMapJJ40po--
Cap FagnetFRA 773- --49° 46.0' N000° 22.1' EMapJN09es--
Cap FalconALG 003- --35° 46.0' N000° 47.0' WMapIM95os--
Cap FerratFRA 099- --43° 40.0' N007° 19.0' EMapJN33pp--
Cap FerretFRA 226- --44° 38.7' N001° 14.9' WMapIN94jp--
Cap GaspéCAN 087- -Quebec48° 45.1' N064° 9.8' WMapFN78ws--
Cap Ghir/Cap Rhir
Cap Rhir/Cap Ghir
MOR 005- --30° 38.0' N009° 53.0' WMapIM50bp--
Cap IviALG 013- --36° 7.0' N000° 14.0' EMapJM06cc-1
Cap Juby/Tarfaya
Tarfaya/Cap Juby
MOR 038- --27° 55.0' N012° 56.0' WMapIL37mw--
Cap Lihou/Pointe du Roc/Granville (Granville)
Granville/Cap Lihou/Pointe du Roc (Granville) : Pointe du Roc/Granville/Cap Lihou (Granville)
FRA 126- --48° 50.0' N001° 37.0' WMapIN98et--
Cap LopezGAB 005- --------
Cap Lumiere/Richibucto Head
Richibucto Head/Cap Lumiere, NB
CAN 430- -New Brunswick-----2
Cap Malabata/Pointe Malabata
Pointe Malabata/Cap Malabata
MOR 032- --35° 49.0' N005° 45.0' WMapIM75dt--
Cap ManuelSEN 001- --14° 39.0' N017° 26.0' WMapIK14gp--
Cap Manuel Close SeSEN 002- --14° 39.0' N017° 26.0' WMapIK14gp--
Cap MasoalaMAG 019- --15° 59.0' S050° 13.0' EMapLH54ca--
Cap MatifouALG 014- --36° 49.0' N003° 15.0' EMapJM16ot--
Cap MineMAG 004- --12° 14.0' S049° 22.0' EMapLH47qs--
Cap N'Doua Point Range FrontNCA 007- --22° 24.0' S166° 55.0' EMapRG37loOC-032-
Cap Nachtigal/Cape Nightingale (New)CAM 002- --03° 57.0' N009° 13.0' EMapJJ43ow--
Cap Nachtigal/Cape Nightingale (Old)CAM 006- --03° 57.0' N009° 13.0' EMapJJ43ow--
Cap Pertusato (Strait Of Bonifacio)COR 006- --41° 22.0' N009° 11.0' EMapJN41oiEU-0141
Cap QuilatesMOR 004- --35° 17.0' N003° 41.0' WMapIM85dg--
Cap Rond (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1367Hist -Nova Scotia----NA-010-
Cap RosaALG 015- --36° 57.0' N008° 14.0' EMapJM46cw--
Cap Saint-JosephCAN 1322- -Quebec47° 26.9' N070° 21.9' WMapFN47tk--
Cap Sainte-Marie/Tanjona Vohimena
Tanjona Vohimena/Cap Sainte-Marie
MAG 005- --25° 35.0' S045° 9.0' EMapLG24nj--
Cap SerratTUN 015- --37° 14.0' N009° 13.0' EMapJM47of--
Cap SigliALG 016- --36° 54.0' N004° 46.0' EMapJM26jv--
Cap SimMOR 019- --31° 24.0' N009° 50.0' WMapIM51bj-2
Cap SpartelMOR 003- --35° 48.0' N005° 55.0' WMapIM75at--
Cap TakouchALG 017Hist --------
Cap TénèsALG 018- --36° 33.0' N001° 21.0' EMapJM06qn-2
Cap VarellaVIE 011- --12° 54.0' N109° 28.0' EMapOK42rv--
Cap-aux-Corbeaux Range FrontCAN 1323- -Quebec47° 26.1' N070° 25.7' WMapFN47sk-1
Cap-aux-Corbeaux Range RearCAN 1324- -Quebec47° 26.3' N070° 25.6' WMapFN47sk-1
Capa PalmasLIB 001- --04° 22.0' N007° 44.0' WMapIJ64di--
Capão da Canoa (RS)BRA 021- --29° 45.0' S050° 0.0' WMapGG40xg-2
Capão da Marca (RS)BRA 127- --31° 19.0' S051° 10.0' WMapGF48jq-1
Capay on HillECU 017- --02° 12.0' S080° 52.0' WMapEI97nt--
Capbreton Estacade SudFRA 808- --43° 39.0' N001° 27.0' WMapIN93gp--
Capbreton Jetée NordFRA 809- --43° 39.0' N001° 27.0' WMapIN93gp--
Cape Adzhigolskyi Range FrontUKR 119- --46° 36.7' N031° 47.8' EMapKN56vo-2
Cape Adzhigolskyi Range RearUKR 120- -------2
Cape AgulhasSAF 004- --34° 50.0' S020° 1.0' EMapKF05ae--
Cape AkamasCYP 001- --35° 5.5' N032° 16.9' EMapKM65dc-3
Cape AnguilleCAN 651- -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 54.0' N059° 25.0' WMapGN07gv--
Cape Ann
Thacher Island South
USA 105- -Massachusetts42° 38.2' N070° 34.5' WMapFN42rp-2
Cape ApteniaioGRE 001- --------
Cape AragoUSA 106- -Oregon43° 20.5' N124° 22.5' WMapCN73ti-1
Cape BaileyAUS 019- -New South Wales34° 2.0' S151° 13.0' EMapQF55oxOC-001-
Cape BanksAUS 020- -South Australia37° 54.0' S140° 23.0' EMapQF02ecOC-001-
Cape BauldCAN 652- -Newfoundland and Labrador51° 38.0' N055° 26.0' WMapGO21gp--
Cape BealeCAN 091- -British Columbia48° 48.0' N125° 13.0' WMapCN78jt-2
Cape BearCAN 092Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 0.2' N062° 27.6' WMapFN86sa-11
Cape Bear IFRA 212- --42° 30.9' N003° 8.2' EMapJN12nm-1
Cape Bear II HFRA 213Hist --42° 30.9' N003° 8.2' EMapJN12nm--
Cape BenatFRA 076Hist --43° 5.0' N006° 22.0' EMapJN33ec--
Cape Berberia (Formentera)BAL 013- --38° 38.0' N001° 23.0' EMapJM08qpEU-004-
Cape Blanc/Ras Nouadhibou
Ras Nouadhibou/Cape Blanc
MAU 001- --20° 46.0' N017° 3.0' WMapIL10ls--
Cape BlancoUSA 107- -Oregon42° 50.2' N124° 33.8' WMapCN72ru-7
Cape Bolinao (Piedra Point)PHI 015- --------
Cape BonavistaCAN 093Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador48° 42.0' N053° 5.0' WMapGN38lq-1
Cape Borda (Kangaroo Island)AUS 021- -South Australia35° 45.0' S136° 36.0' EMapPF84hgOC-139-
Cape BossutAUS 022- -Western Australia18° 43.0' S121° 39.0' EMapPH01tgOC-001-
Cape Bowling GreenAUS 023- -Queensland19° 20.0' S147° 26.0' EMapQH30rpOC-001-
Cape Bowling Green (Old)AUS 246HHist -Queensland19° 20.0' S147° 26.0' EMapQH30rpOC-001-
Cape Bowling Green (Old) (Australian National Maritime Museum)
Cape Bowling Green (Old), QLD H
AUS 246MHist MuseumQueensland19° 20.0' S147° 26.0' EMapQH30rpOC-001-
Cape Brett (North Island)NZL 005- --35° 10.0' S174° 20.0' EMapRF74et--
Cape Bruny (New)AUS 254- -Tasmania43° 30.0' S147° 9.0' EMapQE36nmOC-006-
Cape Bruny (Old)AUS 024- -Tasmania43° 30.0' S147° 9.0' EMapQE36nmOC-006-
Cape ByronAUS 025- -New South Wales28° 38.0' S153° 38.0' EMapQG61tiOC-001-
Cape Caballeria (Menorca)BAL 017- --40° 5.0' N004° 6.0' EMapJN20bcEU-004-
Cape Cala Figuera (Mallorca)BAL 018- --39° 28.0' N002° 31.0' EMapJM19glEU-004-
Cape CalavitePHI 016- --13° 27.0' N120° 18.0' EMapPK03dk--
Cape CameratFRA 077- --43° 12.1' N006° 40.5' EMapJN33ie-1
Cape Campbell (North Island)NZL 006- --41° 44.0' S174° 17.0' EMapRE78dg--
Cape CanaveralUSA 108- -Florida28° 27.6' N080° 32.6' WMapEL98rl-1
Cape CapricornAUS 026- -Queensland23° 29.0' S151° 14.0' EMapQG56omOC-001-
Cape Cepet (New)FRA 830- --43° 4.2' N005° 57.0' EMapJN23xb--
Cape Cepet (Old)FRA 078- --43° 5.0' N006° 22.0' EMapJN33ec--
Cape CerbereFRA 215- --42° 31.0' N003° 8.0' EMapJN12nm--
Cape Charles (1st)USA 1402Hist -Virginia37° 7.3' N075° 53.3' WMapFM27bcNA-083-
Cape Charles (2nd)USA 1059Hist -Virginia37° 7.2' N075° 53.5' WMapFM27bcNA-083-
Cape Charles (New)USA 109- -Virginia37° 7.4' N075° 54.4' WMapFM27bcNA-083-
Cape ChesmenskyERU 019- --------
Cape Clear Island (Co. Cork)IRE 117- --51° 26.1' N009° 29.1' WMapIO51gk--
Cape ClevelandAUS 027- -Queensland19° 11.0' S147° 1.0' EMapQH30mtOC-001-
Cape Coast CastleGHA 007- --------
Cape Cod
USA 110- -Massachusetts42° 2.4' N070° 3.7' WMapFN42xa-4
Cape Cod Canal Breakwater Light 6USA 1436- -Massachusetts------
Cape Collinson/Hak Kok Tau
Hak Kok Tau/Cape Collinson
HOK 007- --22° 16.0' N114° 15.0' EMapOL72dg--
Cape Columbine (Paternoster)SAF 034- --32° 49.0' S017° 51.0' EMapJF87we-1
Cape Comorin/Kanyakumari
Kanyakumari/Cape Comorin
IND 080- --08° 5.0' N077° 33.0' EMapMJ88sc-1
Cape Connaught (Nancowry Island-Nicobar)AND 020- --07° 56.0' N093° 34.0' EMapNJ67swAS-033-
Cape CroisetteFRA 217- --43° 13.0' N005° 20.0' EMapJN23pf--
Cape Croker (Georgian Bay)CAN 094- -Ontario------
Cape d'Aguilar/Hok Tsui
Hok Tsui/Cape d'Aguilar
HOK 001- --22° 13.0' N114° 15.0' EMapOL72df--
Cape d'Alprech I/Le PortelFRA 158- --50° 41.9' N001° 33.8' EMapJO00sq-1
Cape d'Alprech II/Le Portel HFRA 218Hist --50° 42.0' N001° 34.0' EMapJO00sq--
Cape d'Antifer IFRA 220- --49° 41.2' N000° 10.0' EMapJN09bq-1
Cape d'Antifer II HFRA 221Hist --49° 29.0' N000° 5.0' EMapJN09al--
Cape d'Armes/Porquerolles
Porquerolles/Cape d'Armes
FRA 128- --43° 0.0' N006° 10.3' EMapJN32cxEU-070-
Cape d'Artrutx (Menorca)BAL 015- --39° 55.0' N003° 50.0' EMapJM19wwEU-004-
Cape d'Aubarca (Ibiza)BAL 016- --39° 4.0' N001° 21.0' EMapJM09qbEU-004-
Cape d'OrCAN 095- -Nova Scotia45° 18.0' N064° 47.0' WMapFN75oh--
Cape de la Mola (Mallorca)BAL 019- --39° 32.0' N002° 22.0' EMapJM19emEU-0041
Cape de AgdeFRA 083Hist --43° 16.0' N003° 31.0' EMapJN13sg--
Cape de Antipes/PortFRA 075Hist --43° 35.0' N007° 8.0' EMapJN33no--
Cape de CarteretFRA 084- --49° 22.0' N001° 48.0' WMapIN99ci-2
Cape Decision
Cape Decision, AK
ALK 001- -Alaska56° 0.0' N134° 8.0' WMapCO26wa--
Cape DisappointmentUSA 112- -Washington46° 16.5' N124° 3.1' WMapCN76xg-2
Cape Don/Coburg PeninsulaAUS 028- -Northern Territory11° 19.0' S131° 46.0' EMapPH58vqOC-001-
Cape DoningtonAUS 029- -South Australia34° 44.0' S136° 0.0' EMapPF75xgOC-001-
Cape du Couedic (Kangaroo Island)AUS 030- -South Australia36° 4.0' S136° 42.0' EMapPF83iwOC-139-
Cape Edgecumbe
Cape Edgecumbe, AK
ALK 019- -Alaska57° 0.0' N135° 51.0' WMapCO27ba--
Cape Egmont (North Island)NZL 007- --39° 17.0' S173° 45.0' EMapRF60ur--
Cape EleaCYP 006- --35° 20.0' N034° 3.0' EMapKM75ai--
Cape Elizabeth (Eastern Stone Tower)USA 114Hist -Maine43° 33.9' N070° 12.2' WMapFN43vn--
Cape Elizabeth (Eastern Tower)USA 113- -Maine43° 34.0' N070° 12.0' WMapFN43vn-1
Cape Elizabeth (Western Stone Tower)USA 1019Hist -Maine43° 34.0' N070° 12.0' WMapFN43vn--
Cape Elizabeth (Western Tower)USA 115- -Maine43° 33.9' N070° 12.1' WMapFN43vn-1
Cape EnrageCAN 096- -New Brunswick-----3
Cape Farewell/Pillar Point (South Island)
Pillar Point/Cape Farewell (South Island)
NZL 040- --40° 30.0' S172° 43.0' EMapRE69im--
Cape Farruch (Mallorca)BAL 021- --39° 47.0' N003° 20.0' EMapJM19qsEU-004-
Cape Favaritx (Menorca)BAL 022- --40° 0.0' N004° 16.0' EMapJM29dxEU-0041
Cape Fear
Captain Charlie's Station
USA 1028Hist -North Carolina33° 53.6' N078° 2.1' WMapFM03xv-2
Cape Fear River Entrance Range RearUSA 1226- -North Carolina33° 53.5' N078° 0.8' WMapFM03xv--
Cape FenoCOR 013- --41° 24.0' N009° 6.0' EMapJN41njEU-0141
Cape FlatteryUSA 117- -Washington48° 23.6' N124° 44.2' WMapCN78pj--
Cape FloridaUSA 118- -Florida25° 40.0' N080° 9.4' WMapEL95wq-3
Cape Forchu/Yarmouth
Yarmouth/Cape Forchu, NS
CAN 097- -Nova Scotia43° 48.0' N066° 9.0' WMapFN63wt-4
Cape ForelandVAN 001- --16° 42.0' S168° 7.0' EMapRH43bh--
Cape ForestierAUS 031- -Tasmania43° 0.0' S148° 0.0' EMapQE37xaOC-006-
Cape Formentor (Mallorca)BAL 023- --39° 57.7' N003° 12.7' EMapJM19oxEU-0043
Cape Foulwind (South Island)NZL 008- --41° 45.0' S171° 28.0' EMapRE58rg--
Cape FourcroyAUS 244- -Northern Territory11° 48.0' S130° 1.0' EMapPH58aeOC-001-
Cape FournierCHA 008- --44° 3.0' S176° 20.0' WMapAE15uw--
Cape FrehelFRA 085- --48° 41.0' N002° 19.0' WMapIN88uq-2
Cape Frehel (Old Tower)/Tour Vauban
Tour Vauban/Cape Frehel (Old Tower)
FRA 227- --48° 41.0' N002° 19.0' WMapIN88uq-1
Cape Frehel (Oldest Tower) HFRA 228Hist --48° 41.0' N002° 19.0' WMapIN88uq-2
Cape Galata (New)BUL 015- --42° 42.0' N027° 54.0' EMapKN32wq-2
Cape Galata (Old)BUL 030Hist --42° 42.0' N027° 54.0' EMapKN32wq-1
Cape Galata (Oldest) HBUL 038Hist --------
Cape Gamow/Gamova (Primorsky Krai)
Gamova/Cape Gamow (Primorsky Krai)
ASR 145- --42° 33.0' N131° 13.0' EMapPN52on--
Cape GataCYP 002- --34° 34.0' N033° 1.0' EMapKM64mn--
Cape Gatos (Leipsoi)DOD 023- ------EU-001-
Cape George (Antigonish)CAN 098- -Nova Scotia45° 52.0' N061° 54.0' WMapFN95bu--
Cape George (Richmond)CAN 099- -Nova Scotia45° 44.0' N060° 49.0' WMapFN95or--
Cape GrecoCYP 003- --34° 57.0' N034° 5.0' EMapKM74bw-1
Cape Gris Nez IFRA 086- --50° 52.1' N001° 35.0' EMapJO00su-3
Cape Gris Nez II HFRA 229Hist --50° 52.0' N001° 35.0' EMapJO00su--
Cape Gros (Mallorca)BAL 024- --39° 47.8' N002° 40.9' EMapJM19itEU-0044
Cape Guardafui/Ras AsirSOM 003- --11° 50.0' N051° 17.0' EMapLK51pu--
Cape Hangklip (False Bay)SAF 005- --34° 23.0' S018° 50.0' EMapJF95jo--
Cape HatterasUSA 119- -North Carolina35° 15.0' N075° 31.7' WMapFM25fgNA-06713
Cape Hatteras (Old)USA 1251Hist -North Carolina35° 15.3' N075° 31.3' WMapFM25fgNA-0671
Cape Hatteras (original)USA 1413Hist -North Carolina35° 15.3' N075° 31.1' WMapFM25fgNA-067-
Cape Hatteras BeaconUSA 1030Hist -North Carolina35° 14.5' N075° 31.6' WMapFM25ffNA-0671
Cape Henlopen BeaconUSA 1186Hist -Delaware------
Cape Henlopen LightUSA 120Hist -Delaware-----1
Cape Henry (New)USA 121- -Virginia36° 55.6' N076° 0.4' WMapFM16xw-3
Cape Henry (Old)USA 122- -Virginia36° 55.5' N076° 0.5' WMapFM16xw-4
Cape Hermes (Port St. Johns)SAF 035- --31° 38.0' S029° 33.0' EMapKF48si--
Cape Hinchinbrook
Cape Hinchinbrook, AK
ALK 002- -Alaska60° 14.0' N146° 39.0' WMapBP60qf--
Cape HothamAUS 245- -Northern Territory12° 3.0' S131° 17.0' EMapPH57pwOC-001-
Cape InfantaSAF 036- --34° 28.0' S020° 51.0' EMapKF05km--
Cape InscriptionAUS 032- -Western Australia25° 29.0' S112° 58.0' EMapOG64lmOC-001-
Cape Jackson Rock (South Island)NZL 070- --------
Cape JaffaAUS 033Hist -South Australia36° 57.0' S139° 36.0' EMapPF93tbOC-001-
Cape Jervis,SAAUS 034- -South Australia35° 36.0' S138° 6.0' EMapPF94bjOC-001-
No longer an ARLHS light
CAN 706- -New Brunswick-----1
No longer an ARLHS light
UKR 058Hist --46° 37.0' N031° 16.0' EMapKN56po--
Cape KartsinoGRE 002- --------
Cape Kidnappers (North Island)NZL 009- --39° 39.0' S177° 6.0' EMapRF80ni--
Cape KitiCYP 004- --34° 49.0' N033° 36.2' EMapKM64tt-1
Cape KormakitiCYP 007- --35° 24.0' N032° 55.0' EMapKM65kj--
Cape Kumukahi (Hawaii)
Cape Kumukahi, HI
HAW 002- -Hawaii19° 31.0' N154° 49.0' WMapBK29omOC-019-
Cape l'Averdy (Bougainville)PAP 006- --05° 32.0' S155° 4.0' EMapQI74ml--
Cape Leeuwin/AugustaAUS 035- -Western Australia34° 22.5' S115° 8.2' EMapOF75npOC-001-
Cape Leucate Pleasure Harbor NorthFRA 550Hist --42° 52.0' N003° 3.0' EMapJN12mu--
Cape Leucate Pleasure Harbor SouthFRA 551Hist --42° 52.0' N003° 3.0' EMapJN12mu--
Cape Leucate/AudeFRA 230- --42° 55.0' N003° 3.0' EMapJN12mw-1
Cape LevequeAUS 036- -Western Australia16° 24.0' S122° 56.0' EMapPH13loOC-001-
Cape Levy (New) (Fermanville)FRA 080- --49° 42.0' N001° 28.0' WMapIN99gq-1
Cape Levy (Old) (Fermanville) HFRA 131Hist --49° 42.0' N001° 28.0' WMapIN99gq-1
Cape Lindos (Rhodes)DOD 024- ------EU-001-
Cape LiptrapAUS 037- -Victoria38° 55.0' S145° 55.0' EMapQF21wcOC-0012
Cape LookoutUSA 126- -North Carolina34° 37.4' N076° 31.5' WMapFM14roNA-0673
Cape Lounatrivi/Gogland IslandERU 020- --------
Cape Maria Van Diemen (North Island) HNZL 010Hist --34° 29.0' S172° 39.0' EMapRF65hm--
Cape MartinAUS 038- -South Australia37° 30.0' S140° 0.0' EMapPF92xmOC-001-
Cape Mary/Marii/Mys Marii (Sakhalin)
Marii/Mys Marii/Cape Mary (Sakhalin) : Mys Marii/Cape Mary/Marii (Sakhalin)
ASR 130- --54° 19.0' N142° 16.0' EMapQO14dhAS-018-
Cape MastihoGRE 003- --------
Cape May PointUSA 127- -New Jersey38° 56.0' N074° 57.6' WMapFM28mw-6
Cape MearesUSA 128- -Oregon45° 29.2' N123° 58.7' WMapCN85al-1
Cape Mendocino
Mal Coombs Park
USA 129M- MuseumCalifornia40° 1.3' N124° 4.2' WMapCN70xa--
Cape MendocinoUSA 129HHist -California40° 26.3' N124° 24.5' WMapCN70tk--
Cape MendraMNE 012- --41° 57.0' N019° 8.0' EMapJN91nw--
Cape Meredith HFAL 002Hist --52° 14.0' S060° 39.0' WMapFD97qs--
Cape Mesurado/Mamba Point (St. Paul River)
Mamba Point/Cape Mesurado (St. Paul River)
LIB 005- --06° 19.0' N010° 49.0' WMapIJ46oh--
Cape MoretonAUS 039- -Queensland27° 2.0' S153° 28.0' EMapQG62rxOC-0011
Cape MorganSAF 037- --32° 42.0' S028° 22.0' EMapKF47eh--
Cape Moule a ChiqueSTL 001- --13° 43.0' N060° 57.0' WMapFK93mr--
Cape MudgeCAN 100- -British Columbia49° 59.9' N125° 11.7' WMapCN79jx-2
Cape MuroCOR 014- --41° 44.0' N008° 40.0' EMapJN41hrEU-0141
Cape Nati (Menorca)BAL 026- --40° 3.0' N003° 50.0' EMapJN10wbEU-004-
Cape Naturaliste/DunsboroughAUS 040- -Western Australia33° 32.0' S115° 2.0' EMapOF76mlOC-001-
Cape Negro (Margarita Island)VEN 004Hist --11° 11.0' N063° 53.0' WMapFK81be--
Cape Negro IslandCAN 102Hist -Nova Scotia43° 30.0' N065° 21.0' WMapFN73hl-1
Cape Nelson/PortlandAUS 041- -Victoria38° 26.0' S141° 32.0' EMapQF01snOC-001-
Cape NormanCAN 679- -Newfoundland and Labrador51° 38.0' N055° 55.0' WMapGO21bp--
Cape North (New)CAN 103- -Nova Scotia47° 2.0' N060° 24.0' WMapFN97ta--
Cape North (Old)CAN 865HHist -Nova Scotia47° 2.0' N060° 24.0' WMapFN97ta--
Cape North (Old) (Museum of Science and Technology/Ottawa)
Cape North (Old), NS H
CAN 865MHist MuseumNova Scotia45° 24.1' N075° 37.4' WMapFN25ej-11
Cape NorthumberlandAUS 042- -South Australia38° 4.0' S140° 40.0' EMapQF01iwOC-001-
Cape Notoro/Notoro Misaki (Hokkaido)
Notoro Misaki/Cape Notoro (Hokkaido)
JPN 435- --44° 6.0' N144° 15.0' EMapQN24dcAS-078-
Cape OpatovoMNE 006- --42° 27.0' N018° 40.0' EMapJN92hk--
Cape Orford (New Britian)PAP 007- --05° 26.0' S152° 6.0' EMapQI64bn--
Cape Otway (New)AUS 255- -Victoria38° 52.0' S143° 31.0' EMapQF11sdOC-001-
Cape Otway (Old)AUS 043- -Victoria38° 52.0' S143° 31.0' EMapQF11sdOC-001-
Cape Palliser (North Island)NZL 011- --41° 37.0' S175° 17.0' EMapRE78pj--
Cape Pembroke (New)FAL 009- --51° 41.0' S057° 43.0' WMapGD18dh--
Cape Pembroke (Old)FAL 001- --51° 41.0' S057° 43.0' WMapGD18dh--
Cape PineCAN 653- -Newfoundland and Labrador46° 1.0' N053° 32.0' WMapGN36fa--
Cape PlatamuniMNE 013- --42° 16.0' N018° 46.0' EMapJN92jg--
Cape Poge/Cape Pogue
Cape Pogue/Cape Poge, MA
USA 132- -Massachusetts41° 25.1' N070° 27.1' WMapFN41sk-1
Cape Point (New)
Dias Point, Cape of Good Hope (New)
SAF 007- --34° 21.4' S018° 29.8' EMapJF95fp--
Cape Point (Old)
Cape of Good Hope, Cape MacLear (Old)
SAF 008- --34° 21.2' S018° 29.4' EMapJF95fp--
Cape Porcupine Range Front (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1310Hist -Nova Scotia45° 39.0' N061° 25.0' WMapFN95hp--
Cape Porcupine Range Rear (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1311Hist -Nova Scotia45° 39.0' N061° 25.0' WMapFN95hp--
Cape Prince of Wales
Cape Prince Of Wales, AK
ALK 020- -Alaska65° 38.0' N168° 7.0' WMapAP55wp--
Cape PsalisGRE 004- --------
Cape Race (New)CAN 118- -Newfoundland and Labrador46° 40.0' N053° 4.0' WMapGN36lp-1
Cape Rachado/Tanjung Tuan (Strait of Malacca)
Tanjung Tuan/Cape Rachado (Strait of Malacca)
WMA 003- --02° 24.0' N101° 51.0' EMapOJ02wj-3
Cape Range/Vlaming Head (Exmouth)
Vlaming Head/Cape Range (Exmouth), WA
AUS 165- -Western Australia32° 2.0' S115° 27.0' EMapOF77rxOC-001-
Cape Ray (Old)CAN 992Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 37.3' N059° 18.2' WMapGN07io--
Cape Ray, NewCAN 645- -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 37.3' N059° 18.2' WMapGN07io-2
Cape Recife (Algoa Bay)SAF 009- --32° 21.0' S018° 29.0' EMapJF97fp--
Cape Reinga (North Island)NZL 012- --34° 26.0' S172° 41.0' EMapRF65in--
Cape Robert (Manitoulin Island)CAN 104Hist -Ontario------
Cape Rodney (North Island)NZL 013- --36° 17.0' S174° 49.0' EMapRF73jr--
Cape Romain (New)USA 133- -South Carolina33° 1.1' N079° 22.4' WMapFM03ha--
Cape Romain (Old)USA 134- -South Carolina33° 1.1' N079° 22.4' WMapFM03ha--
Cape RosewayCAN 105Hist -Nova Scotia43° 37.0' N065° 16.0' WMapFN73io--
Cape Roussa (Pserimos)DOD 025- ------EU-001-
Cape Runaway (North Island)NZL 075- --37° 32.0' S177° 59.0' EMapRF82xl--
Cape SableCAN 106- -Nova Scotia43° 23.0' N065° 37.0' WMapFN73ej--
Cape Saint Paul (Tema)GHA 004- --05° 49.0' N000° 58.0' EMapJJ05lt--
Cape Salinas (Mallorca)BAL 028- --39° 16.0' N003° 2.0' EMapJM19mgEU-0042
Cape San AugustinPHI 017- --06° 16.0' N126° 12.0' EMapPJ36cg--
Cape San BlasUSA 135HHist -Florida29° 40.3' N085° 21.4' WMapEL79hq-2
Cape San Blas (Old)USA 136Hist -Florida------
Cape San Blas MuseumUSA 135M- -Florida29° 48.8' N085° 18.4' WMapEL79it-1
Cape San Juan
Cabo San Juan, Faro de las Cabezas de San Juan
PUR 021- -Puerto Rico18° 22.9' N065° 37.1' WMapFK78ej NA-0991
Cape Santiago/Punta de Santiago (Luzon)
Punta de Santiago/Cape Santiago (Luzon)
PHI 078- --13° 46.0' N120° 39.0' EMapPK03hsOC-042-
Cape Sarichef
Cape Sarichef, AK
ALK 003- -Alaska54° 36.0' N164° 56.0' WMapAO74mo--
Cape Saunders (South Island)NZL 014- --45° 53.0' S170° 44.0' EMapRE54ic--
Cape SchanckAUS 045- -Victoria38° 30.0' S144° 53.0' EMapQF21klOC-001-
Cape ScottCAN 107Hist -British Columbia50° 47.0' N128° 26.0' WMapCO50ss--
Cape SealSAF 038- --34° 7.0' S023° 24.0' EMapKF15qv--
Cape Severny Gusiny NosERU 006- --------
Cape Severnyy Odesskiy/Luzanovskiy
Lukul'skiy (Cape Lukul)
UKR 057- --46° 33.0' N030° 50.0' EMapKN56jn-2
Cape SeyvesteERU 021- --------
Cape SharpCAN 108Hist -Nova Scotia45° 22.0' N064° 24.0' WMapFN75ti-1
Cape Shiretoko/Shiretoko Misaki (Hokkaido)
Shiretoko Misaki/Cape Shiretoko (Hokkaido)
JPN 579- --44° 20.0' N145° 20.0' EMapQN24qiAS-078-
Cape Sierra LeoneSIE 001- --08° 30.0' N013° 18.0' WMapIJ38il--
Cape Sisterna (Arkio)DOD 026- ------EU-001-
Cape SorellAUS 046- -Tasmania42° 13.0' S145° 11.0' EMapQE27osOC-006-
Cape Spear (New)CAN 148Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 31.0' N052° 37.0' WMapGN37qm-1
Cape Spear (Old)CAN 748- -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 31.0' N052° 37.0' WMapGN37qm--
Cape Spencer
Cape Spencer, AK
ALK 004- -Alaska58° 12.0' N136° 38.0' WMapCO18qe--
Cape SpencerAUS 047Hist -South Australia35° 18.0' S136° 53.0' EMapPF84kqOC-001-
Cape SpencerCAN 109- -New Brunswick-----2
Cape St. Alban (Kangaroo Island)AUS 250- -South Australia35° 50.0' S138° 8.0' EMapPF94bdOC-139-
Cape St. Blaize (Mossel Bay)SAF 010- --34° 11.0' S022° 9.0' EMapKF15bt--
Cape St. Elias
Cape St. Elias, AK
ALK 005- -Alaska59° 48.0' N144° 36.0' WMapBO79qt--
Cape St. FrancisCAN 835- -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 49.0' N052° 47.0' WMapGN37ot--
Cape St. Francis/Seal PointSAF 039- --34° 12.0' S024° 50.0' EMapKF25jt--
Cape St. GeorgeAUS 048Hist -New South Wales35° 9.0' S150° 39.0' EMapQF54huOC-001-
Cape St. GeorgeUSA 140Hist -Florida29° 35.0' N085° 3.0' WMapEL79ln--
Cape St. James (Queen Charlotte Islands)CAN 110Hist -British Columbia51° 56.0' N131° 0.0' WMapCO41mw--
Cape St. Lawrence (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1368Hist -Nova Scotia----NA-010-
Cape St. LuciaSAF 040- --28° 31.0' S032° 24.0' EMapKG61el--
Cape St. MartinSAF 074- --------
Cape St. Mary'sCAN 111- -Nova Scotia44° 5.0' N066° 13.0' WMapFN64vb-1
Cape St. Mary'sCAN 721Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador46° 49.0' N054° 12.0' WMapGN26vt--
Cape Stanhope/Covehead Harbour
Covehead Harbour/Cape Stanhope, PE
CAN 150Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 26.0' N063° 9.0' WMapFN86kk-2
Cape Sveti AtanasBUL 004Hist --42° 51.0' N027° 54.0' EMapKN32wu--
Cape TeriberskyERU 024- --69° 15.1' N035° 9.5' EMapKP79ng--
Cape TernaySEY 001- --04° 38.0' S055° 22.0' EMapLI75qi--
Cape Three PointsGHA 005- --04° 44.0' N002° 5.0' WMapIJ84wr--
Cape Tormentine Entrance Rear RangeCAN 904Hist -New Brunswick-----1
Cape Tormentine Inner RangeCAN 605- -New Brunswick-----1
Cape Tormentine Pier Outer RangeCAN 112- -New Brunswick-----2
Cape TourvilleAUS 049- -Tasmania42° 7.0' S148° 21.0' EMapQE47evOC-006-
Cape Town Harbour BreakwaterSAF 072- --33° 54.0' S018° 26.0' EMapJF96fc-1
Cape Tramontana (Mallorca)BAL 029- --39° 36.0' N002° 20.0' EMapJM19doEU-004-
Cape TrasteMNE 008- --42° 21.0' N018° 41.0' EMapJN92ii--
Cape Tres PuntasVEN 005- --10° 46.0' N062° 43.0' WMapFK80ps--
Cape Tryon (New)CAN 113- -Prince Edward Island46° 32.0' N063° 30.0' WMapFN86fm-3
Cape Tryon (Old)CAN 771Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 32.0' N063° 30.0' WMapFN86fm-3
Cape Verige (Gospa)MNE 005- --42° 28.0' N018° 41.0' EMapJN92il--
Cape VidalSAF 041- --28° 9.0' S032° 33.0' EMapKG61gu--
Cape Vincent BreakwaterUSA 141- -New York44° 7.2' N076° 19.9' WMapFN14uc-3
Cape VolujicaMNE 014- --42° 5.0' N019° 4.0' EMapJN92mb--
Cape Wanbrow (South Island) HNZL 015Hist --------
Cape Whittle
Île aux Cormorants
CAN 776Hist -Quebec50° 9.8' N060° 3.6' WMapFO90xd--
Cape Wickham (King Island)AUS 050- -Tasmania39° 36.0' S143° 57.0' EMapQF10xjOC-233-
Cape Willoughby (Kangaroo Island)AUS 051- -South Australia35° 51.0' S138° 8.0' EMapPF94bdOC-1391
Cape WrathSCO 039Hist --58° 38.0' N005° 0.0' WMapIO78mp--
Capel RossoITA 126- --42° 19.0' N010° 55.0' EMapJN52kh--
Capelinhos (Ilha do Faial)AZO 033- --38° 35.8' N028° 49.6' WMapHM58oo--
Capilano (Vancouver Harbour)CAN 115Hist -British Columbia------
Capo BellavistaSAR 008- --39° 56.0' N009° 43.0' EMapJM49uwEU-024-
Capo Caccia (New)SAR 042- --40° 34.0' N008° 10.0' EMapJN40cnEU-024-
Capo Caccia (Old)SAR 009- --40° 34.0' N008° 10.0' EMapJN40cnEU-024-
Capo CarbonaraSAR 010- --39° 6.0' N009° 31.0' EMapJM49scEU-024-
Capo Cefalu'ITA 008- --38° 2.0' N014° 2.0' EMapJM78aa--
Capo CirceoITA 009- --41° 13.0' N013° 4.0' EMapJN61mf--
Capo ColonneITA 010- --41° 27.0' N012° 37.0' EMapJN61hk--
Capo CominoSAR 011- --40° 32.0' N009° 50.0' EMapJN40wmEU-024-
Capo d'AnzioITA 012- --41° 27.0' N012° 37.0' EMapJN61hk--
Capo d'OrlandoITA 018- --38° 10.0' N014° 45.0' EMapJM78je--
Capo d'OrsoITA 019- --40° 38.0' N014° 41.0' EMapJN70ip--
Capo d'OrsoSAR 043- --41° 10.7' N009° 25.4' EMapJN41reEU-0241
Capo d'Otranto/Palascia (New)
Palascia (New)/Capo d'Otranto
ITA 315- --40° 6.0' N018° 31.0' EMapJN90gc--
Capo d'Otranto/Palascia (Old)
Palascia (Old)/Capo d'Otranto
ITA 137- --40° 6.0' N018° 31.0' EMapJN90gc-2
Capo dell'ArmaITA 013- --43° 49.0' N007° 50.0' EMapJN33vt-1
Capo delle MeleITA 015- --43° 58.0' N008° 10.0' EMapJN43cx-2
Capo di BonifatiITA 016- --39° 33.0' N015° 53.0' EMapJM79wn-1
Capo di PulaSAR 012- --38° 59.0' N009° 1.0' EMapJM48mxEU-024-
Capo di VadoITA 017- --44° 15.0' N008° 27.0' EMapJN44ff--
Capo FaroITA 020- --38° 35.0' N014° 52.0' EMapJM78kn--
Capo FerratoSAR 013- --39° 18.0' N009° 39.0' EMapJM49thEU-024-
Capo FerroSAR 015- --41° 9.0' N009° 31.0' EMapJN41sdEU-024-
Capo FetoITA 190- --37° 40.0' N012° 32.0' EMapJM67gp--
Capo FocardoITA 022- --42° 45.0' N010° 25.0' EMapJN52fs--
Capo FrascaSAR 050- --39° 46.0' N008° 27.0' EMapJM49fsEU-024-
Capo GalloITA 023- --38° 13.0' N013° 19.0' EMapJM68pf--
Capo GranitolaITA 024- --37° 34.0' N012° 40.0' EMapJM67in--
Capo GrecaleITA 025- --35° 31.0' N012° 38.0' EMapJM65hm--
Capo MannuSAR 016- --40° 2.0' N008° 23.0' EMapJN40eaEU-024-
Capo MilazzoITA 026- --38° 16.0' N015° 14.0' EMapJM78og-2
Capo MisenoITA 027- --40° 47.0' N014° 5.0' EMapJN70bs-3
Capo MoliniITA 028- --37° 35.0' N015° 11.0' EMapJM77oo--
Capo Murro di PorcoITA 029- --37° 0.0' N015° 17.0' EMapJM76px--
Capo PalinuroITA 030- --40° 1.0' N015° 17.0' EMapJN70pa--
Capo PeloroITA 031- --38° 16.0' N015° 39.0' EMapJM78tg--
Capo RasocolmoITA 032- --38° 18.0' N015° 31.0' EMapJM78sh-1
Capo RizzutoITA 033- --38° 54.0' N017° 6.0' EMapJM88nv--
Capo RosselloITA 034- --37° 18.0' N013° 27.0' EMapJM67rh--
Capo SagroCOR 051- --42° 47.0' N009° 29.0' EMapJN42rsEU-014-
Capo San MarcoSAR 017- --39° 52.0' N008° 26.0' EMapJM49fuEU-024-
Capo San Marco (Sicilia)ITA 038- --37° 30.0' N013° 1.0' EMapJM67mlEU-025-
Capo San Vito (Baily)ITA 040- --40° 25.0' N017° 12.0' EMapJN80ok-2
Capo San Vito (Sicilia)ITA 155- --38° 11.0' N012° 44.0' EMapJM68ieEU-0252
Capo SandaloSAR 018- --39° 9.0' N008° 14.0' EMapJM49cdEU-1651
Capo Sant'eiaSAR 019- --39° 11.0' N009° 9.0' EMapJM49neEU-024-
Capo Santa CroceITA 035- --37° 15.0' N015° 15.0' EMapJM77pg--
Capo Santa Maria di LeucaITA 039- --39° 47.0' N018° 22.0' EMapJM99es-8
Capo ScalambriITA 042- --36° 47.0' N014° 30.0' EMapJM76fs--
Capo sell'ArmiITA 014- --37° 57.0' N015° 41.0' EMapJM77uw-2
Capo SpartiventoSAR 020- --38° 53.0' N008° 51.0' EMapJM48kvEU-024-
Capo Spartivento (Calabria)ITA 043- --37° 56.0' N016° 4.0' EMapJM87aw-1
Capo Suvero (Golfo de Santa Eufemia)ITA 045- --39° 57.0' N016° 10.0' EMapJM89cw-1
Capo TestaSAR 021- --41° 15.0' N009° 9.0' EMapJN41nfEU-0241
Capo Tiberio (Isola di Capri)ITA 183- --40° 34.0' N014° 16.0' EMapJN70dnEU-031-
Capo TriontoITA 191- --39° 37.0' N016° 46.0' EMapJM89jo--
Capo VaticanoITA 047- --38° 37.0' N015° 50.0' EMapJM78vo--
Capo ZafferanoITA 048- --38° 7.0' N013° 33.0' EMapJM68sc-1
Capones (Zambales)PHI 018- --14° 55.0' N120° 1.0' EMapPK04aw--
Capul MidiaROM 001- --44° 21.0' N028° 41.0' EMapKN44ii--
Capul TuzlaROM 009- --44° 0.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44ha--
Caraguata (PR)BRA 023- --25° 34.0' S048° 19.0' WMapGG54uk--
Carapachibey/Isla de la JuventudCUB 019- --21° 27.0' N082° 55.0' WMapEL81nk--
Caraquet Front RangeCAN 116Hist -New Brunswick------
Caraquet IslandCAN 893Hist -New Brunswick------
Caraquet Rear Range (New)CAN 1344- -New Brunswick47° 49.0' N064° 50.0' WMapFN77ot--
Caraquet Rear Range (Old)CAN 707Hist -New Brunswick47° 49.0' N064° 50.0' WMapFN77ot--
CarbonnierMAG 006- --22° 50.0' S047° 50.0' EMapLG37we--
CarchunaSPA 357- --36° 41.7' N003° 27.9' WMapIM86gq--
Cardiff Low Water Pier Head (Severn River) HWAL 061Hist --------
Cardigan RiverCAN 1254Hist -Prince Edward Island------
Carentan Front RangeFRA 692- --49° 26.0' N001° 7.0' EMapJN09nk--
Carentan Rear RangeFRA 693- --49° 26.0' N001° 7.0' EMapJN09nk--
Carey Point Range Rear (Great Bras d'Or)CAN 1285Hist -Nova Scotia46° 18.0' N060° 25.0' WMapFN96th--
Caribou (Gull Island)CAN 119- -Nova Scotia45° 46.0' N062° 41.0' WMapFN85ps-2
Caribou Harbour Inner Range FrontCAN 1002Hist -Nova Scotia45° 44.0' N062° 41.0' WMapFN85pr--
Caribou Harbour Inner Range RearCAN 1003- -Nova Scotia45° 44.0' N062° 41.0' WMapFN85pr--
Caribou Island (Lake Superior)CAN 631- -Ontario47° 20.0' N085° 49.0' WMapEN77ci--
Carl Von Schlick/Port Nolloth Range Rear
Port Nolloth Range Rear/Carl Von Schlick
SAF 020- --29° 15.0' S016° 52.0' EMapJG80kr--
Carleton Island (St. Lawrence River)USA 1246Hist -New York------
Carleton/Point TracadigacheCAN 964- -Quebec48° 5.2' N066° 7.5' WMapFN68wc-1
Carling Rock (Parry Sound) (Georgian Bay)CAN 1055Hist -Ontario------
Carloforte Entrance Range Front/Duono
Duono/Carloforte Entrance Range Front
SAR 044- --39° 9.0' N008° 18.0' EMapJM49ddEU-024-
CarlowaySCO 040- --58° 17.0' N006° 50.0' WMapIO68og--
Carmanah PointCAN 120Hist -British Columbia48° 37.0' N124° 45.0' WMapCN78oo--
CarnarvonAUS 052- -Western Australia24° 53.0' S113° 40.0' EMapOG65ucOC-001-
Carnon Port de Plaisance West PierFRA 700- --43° 32.0' N003° 58.0' EMapJN13xm--
Carousel Island/Île du Corossol
Île du Corossol/Carousel Island, QC
CAN 239- -Quebec50° 5.3' N066° 22.6' WMapFO60tc--
Carpentaria Lightship 2 (Queensland Maritime Museum)AUS 248- -Queensland----OC-001-
Carpentaria Lightship 4 (Sydney Maritime Museum)AUS 053- -New South Wales----OC-001-
Carquinez StraitUSA 142Hist -California-----1
Carragh an T'struithSCO 041Hist --55° 52.0' N006° 6.0' WMapIO65wu--
Carragh MhorSCO 042- --55° 50.0' N006° 6.0' WMapIO65wu--
Carraig Fhada/Port Ellen
Port Ellen/Carraig Fhada
SCO 043- --55° 37.2' N006° 12.7' WMapIO65vo-2
Carraig Nan Ron/Seal Rock
Seal Rock/Carraig Nan Ron
SCO 315- --56° 6.0' N004° 51.7' WMapIO76nc-1
Carrick RockIOM 028- --54° 4.0' N004° 43.0' WMapIO74pb--
CarroFRA 231Hist --43° 20.0' N005° 3.0' EMapJN23mh--
Carrozziere (Post)ITA 049- --37° 3.0' N015° 16.0' EMapJM77pb--
Carrumeiro ChicoSPA 025- --42° 54.0' N009° 11.0' WMapIN52jv--
Carry-le-Rouet/Pain de Sucre
Pain de Sucre/Carry-le-Rouet
FRA 839- --43° 20.0' N005° 9.0' EMapJN23nh--
Cartagena Dique de la CurraSPA 087- --37° 35.3' N000° 59.0' WMapIM97mo--
Cartagena Dique de Navidad/Navidad
Navidad/Cartagena Dique de Navidad
SPA 352- --37° 35.0' N000° 59.0' WMapIM97mo-1
Cartagena la Merced HCOL 070Hist --10° 26.0' N075° 34.0' WMapFK20fk-1
Carter H. Harrison Crib (Lake Michigan)USA 1197Hist -Illinois------
Carter Island/Lockeport Harbour
Lockeport Harbor/Carter Island, NS
CAN 121Hist -Nova Scotia43° 42.3' N065° 6.1' WMapFN73kq-1
CarúpanoVEN 029- --------
Carysfort ReefUSA 143- -Florida25° 13.3' N080° 12.7' WMapEL95vf-1
Casablanca Entrance Range FrontMOR 042Hist --33° 37.0' N007° 36.0' WMapIM63eo--
Cascumpeque (New)CAN 122Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 48.0' N064° 2.0' WMapFN76xt--
Cascumpeque (Old)CAN 808- -Prince Edward Island46° 48.0' N064° 2.0' WMapFN76xt--
Caseville HarborUSA 1258- -Michigan43° 56.6' N083° 16.4' WMapEN83iw--
Cashla Bay (Co. Galoway)IRE 015- --53° 16.0' N009° 34.0' WMapIO53fg--
CasquetsGUE 002- --49° 26.0' N002° 42.0' WMapIN89pk--
CassisFRA 840- --43° 13.0' N005° 32.0' EMapJN23sf--
Cassis MoleFRA 081- --43° 13.0' N005° 23.0' EMapJN23qf--
Castell de Ferro/Torre de la Instancia/Punta del Melonar
Punta del Melonar/Castell de Ferro/Torre de la Instancia : Torre de la Instancia/Punta del Melonar/Castell de Ferro
SPA 060- --36° 43.1' N003° 22.1' WMapIM86hr-1
Castellammare di Stabia MainITA 182- --40° 41.0' N014° 28.0' EMapJN70fq-1
Castello a Mare North Breakwater Head (Green Tower)ITA 266- --40° 39.0' N017° 58.0' EMapJN80xp-2
Castello d'IschiaITA 178- --40° 44.0' N013° 58.0' EMapJN60xrEU-031-
Castello della Colombaia (Sicily)ITA 307- ------EU-025-
Castello di ScillaITA 050- --38° 15.0' N015° 43.0' EMapJM78uf--
Castello Maniace (Syracuse Sicilia)ITA 193- --37° 3.0' N015° 18.0' EMapJM77pbEU-025-
Castellón (New)SPA 107- --39° 58.0' N000° 2.0' EMapJM09ax--
Castellón (Old)SPA 343- --39° 58.0' N000° 2.0' EMapJM09ax--
Castiglione della Pescaia North PierITA 194- --42° 46.0' N010° 53.0' EMapJN52ks--
Castiglione della Pescaia South PierITA 195- --42° 46.0' N010° 53.0' EMapJN52ks--
CastillettesCOL 019- --11° 51.0' N071° 20.0' WMapFK41hu--
Castillo de La PalmaSPA 061- --43° 28.0' N008° 17.0' WMapIN53ul--
Castillo de San AntonSPA 062- --43° 22.0' N008° 22.0' WMapIN53ti--
Castillo de San SebastianSPA 063- --36° 32.0' N006° 19.0' WMapIM66um--
Castillo de Sancti Petri/Sancti Petri
Sancti Petri/Castillo de Sancti Petri
SPA 065- --36° 23.0' N006° 13.0' WMapIM66vj--
Castillo de Santa AnaSPA 066- --43° 23.0' N003° 13.0' WMapIN83jj-1
Castillo del Morro/El Morro/Morro (Havanna)
El Morro/Morro/Castillo del Morro (Havanna) : Morro/Castillo del Morro/El Morro (Havanna)
CUB 009- --23° 9.0' N082° 21.0' WMapEL83td-1
Castillo del Papa Luna/Peñíscola
Peñíscola/Castillo del Papa Luna
SPA 067- --40° 21.5' N000° 24.5' EMapJN00ei--
Castillo del PenonPAR 001- --25° 6.0' S057° 28.9' WMapGG14gv--
Castillo Grande (Cartagena)COL 037- --10° 23.0' N075° 33.0' WMapFK20fj--
Castle Ayios Nikolaos (Rhodes)DOD 006- --36° 27.0' N028° 14.0' EMapKM46ckEU-0011
Castle Breakwater/St. Peter Port New Harbour Range Front (Guernsey)
St. Peter Port New Harbour Range Front/Castle Breakwater (Guernsey)
GUE 005- --49° 27.0' N002° 31.0' WMapIN89rk--
Castle Haven/Reen Point (Co. Cork)
Reen Point/Castle Haven (Co. Cork)
IRE 101- --51° 31.0' N009° 11.0' WMapIO51jm--
Castle HillUSA 144- -Rhode Island41° 27.7' N071° 21.8' WMapFN41hl-1
Castle Island (Acklins Island)BAH 001- --22° 7.0' N074° 20.0' WMapFL22uc--
Castle Pickney (Charleston Harbor)USA 1002Hist -South Carolina32° 46.8' N079° 55.0' WMapFM02bs-1
Castle Point (North Island)NZL 016- --40° 54.0' S176° 14.0' EMapRE89cc--
CastlerockNTI 017- --55° 11.0' N006° 47.0' WMapIO65oe--
Castletown PierheadIOM 002- --54° 4.3' N004° 39.0' WMapIO74qb--
Castletownbere/Castletown (Co. Cork)IRE 089- --51° 39.0' N009° 54.0' WMapIO51bp--
Casuarina PointAUS 054- -Western Australia33° 19.0' S115° 38.0' EMapOF76tqOC-001-
Cat IslandUSA 145Hist -Mississippi30° 13.6' N089° 6.2' WMapEM50kfNA-0821
Catembe HMOZ 035Hist --26° 0.0' S032° 34.0' EMapKG64ga--
Cattle PointUSA 146- -Washington-----2
CattolicaITA 051- --43° 58.0' N012° 45.0' EMapJN63jx-6
CaudebecquetFRA 774- --49° 31.3' N000° 45.1' EMapJN09jm--
Cauit PointPHI 019- --12° 16.0' N122° 38.0' EMapPK12hg--
Cava Island (Scapa Flow)SCO 044- --58° 53.0' N003° 11.0' WMapIO88jv--
CavaleiroIND 127- --20° 43.0' N071° 0.0' EMapML50mr--
Cavalli Islands (North Island)NZL 076Hist --34° 59.0' S173° 58.0' EMapRF65xa--
Cave Point/Albany Peak HeadAUS 055- -Western Australia38° 8.0' S117° 55.0' EMapOF81xuOC-001-
Caveau Point Front Range (Old)CAN 1314Hist -Nova Scotia------
Caveau Point Rear RangeCAN 123Hist -Nova Scotia46° 39.0' N061° 0.0' WMapFN96lp-1
Cay BokelBLZ 001- --17° 10.0' N087° 54.0' WMapEK67bd--
Cay SalBAH 018- -------1
Cayeux Feu de Marée/Cayeux Sud
Cayeux Sud/Cayeux Feu de Marée
FRA 772- --50° 10.3' N001° 28.9' EMapJO00re--
Cayeux-BrightonFRA 771- --50° 11.7' N001° 30.7' EMapJO00se--
Cayeux-Sur-MerFRA 232- --50° 10.3' N001° 29.0' EMapJO00re--
Cayo Arenas IslandMEX 004- --22° 8.0' N091° 24.0' WMapEL42hd--
Cayo Bahia de CadizCUB 015- --23° 12.0' N080° 29.0' WMapEL93se-4
Cayo Blanco De CasildaCUB 044- --21° 36.0' N079° 35.8' WMapFL01eo--
Cayo BolivarCOL 020- --------
Cayo BretonCUB 041- --21° 7.0' N079° 27.0' WMapFL01gc--
Cayo CachibocaCUB 040- --20° 41.0' N078° 45.0' WMapFL00pq--
Cayo Caiman Grande de Santa MariaCUB 020- --22° 41.1' N078° 53.0' WMapFL02nqNA-204-
Cayo Cinco BalasCUB 002- --21° 3.0' N079° 10.0' WMapFL01jb--
Cayo Cordoba (Isla de San Andres)SAP 002- --12° 33.0' N081° 41.0' WMapEK92dn--
Cayo Cruz del PadreCUB 037- --23° 17.0' N080° 54.0' WMapEL93ng--
Cayo de AguaVEN 006- --11° 50.0' N066° 57.0' WMapFK61mu--
Cayo de Buena VistaCUB 003- --22° 24.0' N084° 26.0' WMapEL72sj--
Cayo FrancesCUB 021- --22° 39.0' N079° 14.0' WMapFL02jp--
Cayo Guano del EsteCUB 001- --21° 40.0' N081° 3.0' WMapEL91lp--
Cayo Harradure (Tortuga Island)VEN 007- --11° 0.0' N065° 23.0' WMapFK71ha--
Cayo Juan ClaritoCUB 007- --23° 12.0' N080° 39.0' WMapEL93qe--
Cayo JutiasCUB 022- --22° 43.0' N084° 1.0' WMapEL72xr-2
Cayo LargoCUB 008- --21° 38.0' N081° 34.0' WMapEL91fp--
Cayo Lobos (East Coast)MEX 005Hist --18° 24.0' N087° 23.0' WMapEK68hj--
Cayo PalmaCOL 022- --------
Cayo Paredón Grande/Faro Diego Velázquez/Faro Paredón
Faro Diego Velázquez/Faro Paredón/Cayo Paredón Grande : Faro Paredón/Cayo Paredón Grande/Faro Diego Velázquez
CUB 010- --22° 29.0' N078° 10.0' WMapFL02wl--
Cayo Piedras del Norte/CardenasCUB 013- --23° 15.0' N081° 7.0' WMapEL93kf--
Cayo Piedras del Sur/Bahia CochinosCUB 024- --21° 58.0' N081° 8.0' WMapEL91kx--
Cayo Santa MariaCUB 025- --21° 11.0' N078° 39.0' WMapFL01qe--
Cayos Arcas Upper LightMEX 025- --20° 13.0' N091° 58.0' WMapEL40af--
Cayos de Albuquerque (Isla de San Andres)SAP 003- --12° 10.0' N081° 50.0' WMapEK92be--
Cayos del Este Sudeste (Isla de San Andres)SAP 004- --12° 24.0' N081° 28.0' WMapEK92gj--
Cayuga Inlet (Lake Cayuga)USA 1043- -New York-----1
Cayuga Inlet Breakwater (Lake Cayuga)USA 1213Hist -New York------
Cebu CapitolPHI 102- --10° 19.0' N123° 53.4' EMapPK10whOC-129-
Cedar IslandUSA 147- -New York41° 2.0' N072° 16.0' WMapFN31ua-2
Cedar Keys/Seahorse Key
Seahorse Key/Cedar Keys, FL
USA 745- -Florida29° 5.8' N083° 3.9' WMapEL89lc-2
Cedar PointUSA 1020HHist -Maryland38° 17.9' N076° 22.1' WMapFM18th-37
Cedar Point (Lake Erie)USA 926Hist -Ohio-----1
Cedar Point (Patuxent River Naval Air Museum)
Cedar Point, MD H
USA 1020MHist MuseumMaryland38° 16.6' N076° 27.8' WMapFM18sg-4
Cedar River Front Range (Lake Michigan)USA 942Hist -Michigan------
Cedar River Rear Range (Lake Michigan)USA 1071Hist -Michigan-----1
Cedars - TheCAN 124Hist -New Brunswick------
Cedeira/Punta Promontorio (Coruña)
Punta Promontorio/Cedeira (Coruña)
SPA 327- --43° 39.0' N008° 4.0' WMapIN53xp--
Celeken (cheleken)TKM 003- --------
Celestun (Cozumel Island)MEX 007- --20° 52.0' N090° 23.0' WMapEL40tu--
CeliceCRO 034- --43° 30.1' N016° 11.6' EMapJN83cm--
Cendung Laut (Sumatra)IDO 122- --05° 34.0' S105° 21.0' EMapOI24qk--
Centre Brother Island (Bay Of Quinte) (Lake Ontario)CAN 1056Hist -Ontario-----1
Centre Island (South Island)NZL 017- --46° 28.0' S167° 51.0' EMapRE33wm--
Centre Peak/Zubair Islands (Red Sea)
Zubair Islands/Centre Peak (Red Sea)
YEM 009- --15° 1.0' N042° 10.0' EMapLK15ca--
Cerro CarretasPER 056- --------
Cerro Cono (Strait of Magellan)CHI 038- --52° 40.0' S070° 23.0' WMapFD47ti--
Cerro de MontevideoURU 009- --34° 53.3' S056° 15.6' WMapGF15uc-4
Cerro del GavilanMEX 026- --18° 9.0' N094° 24.0' WMapEK28td--
Cerro WalkerVEN 049- --11° 48.7' N066° 11.1' WMapFK61vtSA-0541
Ceru Bentana/Ricado Winklar (Bonaire)
Ricado Winklar/Ceru Bentana (Bonaire)
NEA 002- --12° 18.0' N068° 23.0' WMapFK52thSA-006-
CerviaITA 196- --44° 16.0' N012° 21.3' EMapJN64eg--
Cesenatico (Porto Canale)ITA 052- --44° 12.0' N012° 24.0' EMapJN64ee-4
Ceycen/San Bernardo IslandCOL 023- --09° 42.0' N075° 51.0' WMapFJ29bq--
Ch'a-Mou HsuTAI 003- --23° 32.0' N119° 43.0' EMapOL93um--
Ch'i-Hou Shan (Chichin Island)TAI 001- --22° 36.9' N120° 15.9' EMapPL02do--
Ch'u-T'ou HsuTAI 041- --23° 16.0' N119° 40.0' EMapOL93tg--
Chacachacare Island (Trinidad)TRI 002- --10° 42.0' N061° 45.0' WMapFK90dq--
Chaine Tower/Sandy Point (Co. Antrim)
Sandy Point/Chaine Tower (Co. Antrim)
NTI 004- --54° 51.0' N005° 48.0' WMapIO74cu-5
Chamae Do/JamaedoNKR 011- --------
Chambers Island (new)USA 1419- -Wisconsin45° 12.1' N087° 21.9' WMapEN65he-1
Chambers Island (old)USA 150- -Wisconsin45° 12.1' N087° 21.9' WMapEN65he-2
Chambly Basin Rear Range (Richelieu River)CAN 1178Hist -Quebec------
Chambly Canton Front Range (Richelieu River)CAN 1179Hist -Quebec------
Chambly Canton Rear Range (Richelieu River)CAN 1180Hist -Quebec------
ChamcookCAN 905Hist -New Brunswick------
Champlain Memorial/Crown Point (Lake Champlain)
Crown Point/Champlain Memorial (Lake Champlain), NY
USA 207- -New York44° 1.8' N073° 25.3' WMapFN34ga-3
Champlain Upper Rear Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1181- -Quebec------
Chan-Do/Ch'an-DoNKR 024- --38° 41.0' N125° 7.0' EMapPM28nq--
Chance HarbourCAN 125Hist -New Brunswick------
Chanchardon (Southwest of Ile de Re)FRA 233- --46° 10.0' N001° 28.0' WMapIN96gd--
Chandeleur Island (New)USA 152Hist -Louisiana------
Chandeleur Island (Old)USA 151Hist -Louisiana------
ChandrabhagaIND 025- --19° 52.0' N086° 7.0' EMapNK39bu--
Changadae DanNKR 001- --38° 45.0' N128° 16.0' EMapPM48dr--
ChangadaedanSKR 033- --38° 45.0' N128° 16.0' EMapPM48dr--
Changan SoSKR 002- --37° 4.0' N126° 17.0' EMapPM37db--
Change IslandsCAN 836Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador49° 34.0' N054° 25.0' WMapGN29sn--
Changtiao ZuiPRC 012- --29° 58.0' N121° 46.0' EMapPL09vx--
Changxing DaoPRC 013- --39° 32.0' N121° 14.0' EMapPM09om--
Chania PierCRE 004- --35° 31.0' N024° 1.1' EMapKM25amEU-015-
Channel Head/Port aux Basques
Port aux Basques/Channel Head, NF
CAN 654- -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 34.0' N059° 7.0' WMapGN07kn--
Channel Lightship, Channel Islands
Lightship Channel, Channel Islands
ENG 268- --49° 54.5' N002° 53.7' WMapIN89nv-5
Chanonry PointSCO 045- --57° 34.4' N004° 5.6' WMapIO77wn-1
Chantry Island (Lake Huron)CAN 619- -Ontario44° 29.4' N081° 24.1' WMapEN94hl-3
Chaolian Dao/Qingdao (TSINGTAU)PRC 014- --35° 54.0' N120° 53.0' EMapPM05kv--
Chapala/EL Faro (Lake Chapala)
El Faro/Chapala (Lake Chapala)
MEX 188- --20° 17.2' N103° 11.6' WMapDL80jg--
Chapel Hill (Trincomalee Bay)SLI 004- --08° 33.0' N081° 19.0' EMapNJ08pnAS-003-
Chapel Hill Front Range/Conover Beacon
Conover Beacon/Chapel Hill Front Range, NJ
USA 191- -New Jersey40° 25.0' N074° 3.0' WMapFN20xk-1
Chapel Hill Rear RangeUSA 153- -New Jersey40° 24.0' N074° 4.0' WMapFN20xj-1
Chapéu Virado (PA)BRA 211- --01° 8.0' S048° 28.0' WMapGI58su-4
Chaplina Cape (Siberia)ASR 020- --------
Chapman, Essex HENG 022Hist --51° 31.0' N000° 39.0' EMapJO01hm--
ChapoyaECU 005- --02° 38.0' S080° 26.0' WMapEI97si--
Charity Island (Lake Huron)USA 943- -Michigan44° 2.3' N083° 26.5' WMapEN84ga--
Charles FortIRE 016- --51° 42.0' N008° 30.0' WMapIO51sq--
Charles PointAUS 056- -Northern Territory----OC-001-
Charleston (New)/Sullivans Island
Sullivans Island/Charleston (New), SC
USA 825- -South Carolina32° 45.5' N079° 50.6' WMapFM02bs-3
Charleston (Old)/Morris Island
Morris Island/Charleston (Old), SC
USA 515- -South Carolina32° 41.7' N079° 53.0' WMapFM02bq-3
Charlevoix South Pierhead (Lake Michigan)USA 156- -Michigan45° 19.0' N085° 16.0' WMapEN75ih-1
Charlos Harbour Range FrontCAN 892Hist -Nova Scotia------
Charlos Harbour Range RearCAN 637- -Nova Scotia45° 14.0' N061° 19.0' WMapFN95if--
Charlotte HarborUSA 157Hist -Florida------
Charlotte-Genesee/Port Of Genesee (Lake Ontario)
Port Of Genesee/Charlotte-Genesee (Lake Ontario), NY
USA 320- -New York-----2
Charston RockWAL 044- --51° 35.0' N002° 41.0' WMapIO81po--
Chassiron I (Oleron Island)FRA 234- --46° 3.0' N001° 25.0' WMapIN96gbEU-0322
Chassiron II (Oleron Island) HFRA 235Hist --46° 3.0' N001° 25.0' WMapIN96gbEU-032-
ChatFRA 788Hist --48° 2.0' N004° 49.0' WMapIN78oa--
Château d'If I (If Island) HFRA 236Hist --43° 17.0' N005° 20.0' EMapJN23pgEU-095-
Château d'If II (If Island) HFRA 237Hist --43° 17.0' N005° 20.0' EMapJN23pgEU-095-
Château d'Oléron (Île d'Oléron)FRA 115- --45° 53.0' N001° 12.0' WMapIN95jvEU-0323
Château d'Oléron Rear Range (Île d'Oléron)FRA 647- --45° 53.0' N001° 12.0' WMapIN95jvEU-0323
Château da Silva (Lake Memphremagog)CAN 1182Hist -Quebec------
ChathamUSA 158- -Massachusetts41° 40.3' N069° 57.0' WMapFN51aq-3
Chatham PointCAN 132- -British Columbia50° 20.0' N125° 26.0' WMapCO70gi--
Chatham Rocks/Ledge Obstruction/Stamford Harbor
Ledge Obstruction/Stamford Harbor/Chatham Rocks, CT : Stamford Harbor/Chatham Rocks/Ledge Obstruction, CT
USA 807- -Connecticut41° 0.8' N073° 32.5' WMapFN31fa-1
ChaudinskyUKR 008- --45° 0.0' N035° 50.0' EMapKN75wa-2
Chaul Kadu ReefIND 001- --18° 36.0' N072° 51.0' EMapMK68ko--
Chaul/Korlai Fort
Korlai Fort/Chaul
IND 081- --18° 32.0' N072° 54.0' EMapMK68km-1
Chausey/Ïles Chausey
Ïles Chausey/Chausey
FRA 005- --48° 52.0' N001° 49.0' WMapIN98cuEU-0391
Chaussée des Almadies/N'GorSEN 004- --14° 46.0' N017° 33.0' WMapIK14fs--
Chauveau (Southeast of Ile de Re)FRA 009- --46° 8.0' N001° 16.0' WMapIN96idEU-0321
Chay Range Front/RoyanFRA 582- --45° 37.0' N001° 2.0' WMapIN95lo--
Cheboygan Crib (Lake Huron)USA 160Hist -Michigan45° 39.4' N084° 27.9' WMapEN75sp--
Cheboygan Main (Lake Huron)USA 161- -Michigan------
Cheboygan River Range Front (Lake Huron)USA 162- -Michigan45° 39.0' N084° 28.0' WMapEN75sp-1
Cheboygan River Range Rear (Lake Huron)USA 163- -Michigan45° 39.0' N084° 28.0' WMapEN75sp--
Chebucto Head (New)CAN 133Hist -Nova Scotia44° 30.0' N063° 31.0' WMapFN84fm-1
Chebucto Head (Old)CAN 1383Hist -Nova Scotia------
Chechenskiy (Chechen' Island, Caspian Sea)ERU 293- -------1
Chef-de-Baie Jetée OuestFRA 800- --46° 9.0' N001° 14.0' WMapIN96jd--
Chelminek NorthPOL 050Hist --53° 40.0' N014° 31.0' EMapJO73gq-2
Chelminek SouthPOL 051Hist --53° 40.0' N014° 32.0' EMapJO73gq-2
Chenal Ecarté Range Front (St. Clair River)CAN 1348- -Ontario42° 38.0' N082° 30.0' WMapEN82sp--
Chenal Ecarté Range Rear (St. Clair River)CAN 1349- -Ontario42° 38.0' N082° 30.0' WMapEN82sp--
Chengshan Jiao / ShantungPRC 015- --37° 24.0' N122° 42.0' EMapPM17ij--
CheniushanPRC 016- --34° 59.0' N119° 49.0' EMapOM94vx--
Chennai/Madras (New)
Madras/Chennai (New)
IND 010- --13° 2.0' N080° 17.0' EMapNK03da-2
Chennai/Madras (Old)
Madras/Chennai (Old)
IND 026- --13° 2.0' N080° 17.0' EMapNK03da--
Chennai/Madras (Oldest)
Madras/Chennai (Oldest)
IND 027- --13° 2.0' N080° 17.0' EMapNK03da--
Chepillo IslandPAN 003- --08° 57.0' N079° 8.0' WMapFJ08kw--
Chequamegon Point (Lake Superior)USA 164Hist -Wisconsin46° 44.0' N090° 49.0' WMapEN46or--
Cherbourg East Jetty/Cherbourg Jetée Est H
Cherbourg Jetée Est/Cherbourg East Jetty H
FRA 819Hist --49° 39.0' N001° 37.0' WMapIN99ep--
Cherbourg Fort de l'EstFRA 240Hist --49° 40.0' N001° 35.0' WMapIN99ep--
Cherbourg Fort de l'Ouest
Ouest Castle/Cherbourg Fort de West
FRA 046- --49° 41.0' N001° 39.0' WMapIN99eq--
Cherbourg Fort de Querqueville/Digue de Querqueville/Digue Chavagnac
Digue Chavagnac/Cherbourg Fort de Querqueville/Digue de Querqueville : Digue de Querqueville/Digue Chavagnac/Cherbourg Fort de Querqueville
FRA 817- --49° 40.0' N001° 40.0' WMapIN99dp--
Cherbourg Fort du Centre/Fort Central H
Fort Central/Cherbourg Fort du Centre H
FRA 753Hist --------
Cherbourg Gare MaritimeFRA 816- --49° 39.0' N001° 37.0' WMapIN99ep-1
Cherbourg Ïle PeléeFRA 818- --49° 40.0' N001° 35.0' WMapIN99ep--
Cherbourg JettyFRA 087- --49° 40.0' N001° 35.0' EMapJN09tp--
CherchellALG 019- --36° 37.0' N002° 11.0' EMapJM16co--
Cheriyakara/Suhelipar (Laccadive Islands)LAK 010- --10° 3.0' N072° 17.0' EMapMK60dbAS-011-
Cherny (Barents Sea)ERU 018- --68° 22.0' N038° 39.0' EMapKP98hi--
Cherny Zapadny (Barents Sea)ERU 086- --69° 19.0' N033° 50.0' EMapKP69vh--
Cherry IslandCAN 950Hist -Quebec45° 8.0' N074° 23.9' WMapFN25td-2
Cherry Island Front RangeUSA 1149Hist -Delaware-----1
Cherry Island Rear RangeUSA 165Hist -Delaware-----2
Cherry Islet
Cherry Island, H4152
CAN 134- -New Brunswick44° 55.1' N066° 58.0' WMapFN64mw--
Cherrystone BarUSA 166Hist -Virginia37° 15.4' N076° 1.9' WMapFM17xg--
Chesapeake Light TowerUSA 168- -Virginia36° 54.6' N075° 42.6' WMapFM26dv--
Chesapeake Lightship (LV-116)
Lightship Chesapeake, LV-116, MD
USA 167Hist -Maryland39° 17.1' N076° 36.5' WMapFM19qg-3
Cheshkiy/Mys Svyatoy Nos (Barents Sea)
Mys Svyatoy Nos/Cheshkiy (Barents Sea)
ERU 022- --67° 55.0' N048° 36.0' EMapLP47hw--
Chesmenskiy (White Sea)ERU 238- --64° 43.0' N036° 33.0' EMapKP84gr--
Chester Range FrontUSA 169Hist -Pennsylvania------
Chester Range Rear/Schooner Ledge Rear
Schooner Ledge Rear/Chester Range Rear, PA H
USA 741Hist -Pennsylvania------
Chester RockUSA 1116Hist -Connecticut------
Chéticamp Harbour (Cape Breton Island)CAN 135Hist -Nova Scotia46° 38.0' N061° 1.0' WMapFN96lpNA-010-
Chéticamp Harbour Rear Range (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1369Hist -Nova Scotia46° 38.0' N061° 1.0' WMapFN96lpNA-010-
Chéticamp Inner Harbour Sector (Cape Breton Island)CAN 640- -Nova Scotia46° 38.0' N061° 1.0' WMapFN96lpNA-010-
Chetlat Island (Amindivi Islands)LAK 013- --11° 42.0' N072° 43.0' EMapMK61iqAS-011-
ChetwaiIND 082- --10° 33.0' N076° 1.0' EMapMK80an--
Chevray (Barents Sea)ERU 087- --69° 18.0' N034° 24.0' EMapKP79eh--
Chezani Rear (Grande Comore Island)COM 001- --11° 24.0' S043° 23.0' EMapLH18qo--
IND 015- --22° 20.0' N068° 58.0' EMapML42li--
Chi-Lai PiTAI 004- --24° 1.0' N121° 38.0' EMapPL04ta--
Chi-Lung East Breakwater ExtensionTAI 038- --25° 10.0' N121° 45.0' EMapPL05ue--
Chi-Lung East Breakwater HeadTAI 039- --25° 10.0' N121° 45.0' EMapPL05ue--
Chi-Lung TaoTAI 005- --25° 9.3' N121° 44.9' EMapPL05ud--
Chi-Lung West Inner Breakwater HeadTAI 040- --25° 9.0' N121° 45.0' EMapPL05ud--
Chi-Mei YuTAI 006- --23° 11.0' N119° 25.0' EMapOL93qe--
ChibataPOR 087- --38° 39.0' N009° 13.0' WMapIM58jp--
Chiburi Jima (Shimane)JPN 643- --36° 0.0' N133° 4.0' EMapPM66ma--
Chibuynyy Cape (Kurile Islands)ASR 021- ------AS-025-
Chicago Harbor (Breakwater) (Lake Michigan)USA 171- -Illinois41° 53.0' N087° 35.0' WMapEN61fv-1
Chicago Harbor (Old) (Lake Michigan)USA 170Hist -Illinois41° 53.0' N087° 35.0' WMapEN61fv--
Chicago Harbor Breakwater South (Lake Michigan)USA 1185- -Illinois41° 52.0' N087° 37.0' WMapEN61eu-1
Chicago Harbor Southeast Guidewall (Lake Michigan)USA 930Hist -Illinois41° 53.0' N087° 35.0' WMapEN61fv-1
Chicago Pierhead (Lake Michigan)USA 172Hist -Illinois41° 53.0' N087° 35.0' WMapEN61fv--
ChichibacoaCOL 024- --12° 17.0' N071° 13.0' WMapFK42jg--
Chicken PointAUS 234- -Tasmania42° 20.0' S148° 18.0' EMapQE47dpOC-006-
Chicken RockIOM 003- --54° 3.0' N004° 50.0' WMapIO74nb--
Chiens PerrinsFRA 630- --46° 43.6' N002° 24.6' WMapIN86tr--
ChigualocoCHI 113- --------
Chika Saki (Nagasaki)JPN 804- --------
Chikhacheva (Japan Sea)ASR 022- --43° 41.0' N135° 17.0' EMapPN73pq--
Chikura (Chiba)JPN 646- --34° 57.0' N139° 58.0' EMapPM94xwAS-117-
Chikura Middle Breakwater Head (Chiba)JPN 1304- --34° 57.0' N139° 58.0' EMapPM94xwAS-117-
Chilca Pucusana IslandPER 001- --12° 28.0' S076° 48.0' WMapFH17om--
ChilovAZE 004- --40° 18.7' N050° 35.3' EMapLN50hh--
ChiltepecMEX 172- --18° 26.0' N093° 6.0' WMapEK38kk--
China Saki (Ryukyu Islands)JPN 2596- --26° 11.0' N127° 49.0' EMapPL36ve--
Chinsalchui Point/Tsim Sha Tsui
Tsim Sha Tsui/Chinsalchui Point
HOK 008- --------
Punta del Perro
SPA 301- --36° 44.3' N006° 26.5' WMapIM66sr--
Chippawa (Niagara River)CAN 1057Hist -Ontario------
Chippewagan/Sheboygan (Lake Michigan)
Sheboygan/Chippewagan (Lake Michigan), WI H
USA 1241Hist -Wisconsin------
Chirai Misaki/Lamanon/Mys Lamanon (Sakhalin)
Lamanon/Mys Lamanon/Chirai Misaki (Sakhalin) : Mys Lamanon/Chirai Misaki/Lamanon (Sakhalin)
ASR 023- --48° 47.0' N141° 51.0' EMapQN08wsAS-018-
Chiri-DoNKR 025- --38° 42.0' N125° 9.0' EMapPM28nq--
Chirikova/Mys Chirikova (Magadan Oblast)
Mys Chirikova/Chirikova (Magadan Oblast)
ASR 142- --59° 29.0' N150° 30.0' EMapQO59fl--
Chirin Jima (Kagoshima)JPN 2035- --31° 16.0' N130° 41.0' EMapPM51ig--
Chiyo Saki Ko South Breakwater (Mie)JPN 1803- --34° 51.0' N136° 37.0' EMapPM84hu--
Cho-Do/HuibonggangNKR 026- --38° 30.0' N124° 54.0' EMapPM28km--
Chocolate IslandPHI 103- --11° 18.0' N124° 4.0' EMapPK21ah--
Chocolatera/La Puntilla
Chocolatera/La Puntilla
ECU 022Hist --02° 11.0' S081° 1.0' WMapEI97lt--
Choctaw PointUSA 1007Hist -Alabama------
Chojin Dan Front RangeSKR 004- --38° 33.0' N128° 25.0' EMapPM48fn--
Chojin Dan Rear RangeSKR 005- --38° 33.0' N128° 24.0' EMapPM48en--
Choptank RiverUSA 984Hist -Maryland38° 39.0' N076° 11.0' WMapFM18vp-3
Christian IslandCAN 136- -Ontario44° 47.2' N080° 9.4' WMapEN94ws-1
ChristianaUSA 1150Hist -Delaware------
Christiana North JettyUSA 173Hist -Delaware------
ChristiansøDEN 004- --55° 19.0' N015° 11.0' EMapJO75oh-1
Christiansø HavnDEN 151- --55° 19.0' N015° 11.0' EMapJO75oh--
Christmas Range Front/End Of The Road Range Front
End Of The Road Range Front/Christmas Range Front, MI
USA 980Hist -Michigan46° 26.0' N086° 42.0' WMapEN66pk-2
Christmas Range Rear/End Of The Road Range Rear
End Of The Road Range Rear/Christmas Range Rear, MI
USA 981- -Michigan46° 26.3' N086° 41.5' WMapEN66pk-1
Chrome Island/Yellow Island
Yellow Island/Chrome Island, BC
CAN 137- -British Columbia49° 28.0' N124° 41.0' WMapCN79pl-1
Chu Kalya/Sukala Point
Sukala Point/Chu Kalya
BUL 020- --42° 28.0' N027° 33.0' EMapKN32sl-1
Chub HeadsBER 017- --32° 17.0' N064° 59.0' WMapFM72mgNA-005-
ChubutARG 034- --43° 22.0' S065° 3.0' WMapFE76lp-2
Chui (RS)BRA 024- --33° 44.5' S053° 22.4' WMapGF36hg--
ChumbeZAN 001- --06° 17.0' S039° 11.0' EMapKI93or--
Chumunjin DanSKR 006- --37° 54.0' N128° 50.0' EMapPM47kv--
Church PointCAN 138Hist -Nova Scotia-----1
Church Point/Indian Point Front Range/Pointe à Jérome Front Range (Bouctouche)
Indian Point Front Range/Pointe à Jérome Front Range/Church Point (Bouctouche), NB : Pointe à Jérome Front Range/Church Point/Indian Point Front Range (Bouctouche), NB
CAN 729- -New Brunswick-----1
Churnavolokskiy (White Sea)ERU 160- --65° 12.0' N036° 51.0' EMapKP85ke--
Churubashskiy RearUKR 110- --45° 14.7' N036° 18.0' EMapKN85df-1
Chushinsky - Lower LightERU 027- -------2
Chushinsky - Upper LightERU 028- -------2
Chute à Blondeau Front Range (Ottawa River)CAN 1183Hist -Quebec------
Chute à Blondeau Rear Range (Ottawa River)CAN 1184Hist -Quebec------
Ciboux IslandCAN 139- -Nova Scotia46° 23.0' N060° 22.0' WMapFN96tj--
Cidreira (RS)BRA 025- --30° 10.0' S050° 12.0' WMapGF49vt-2
Cilacap Inlet Corner Range Front (Java)IDO 052- --07° 46.0' S109° 2.0' EMapOI42mf--
Cilacap Inlet Corner Range Rear (Java)IDO 053- --07° 46.0' S109° 2.0' EMapOI42mf--
Cilacap Inlet Entrance Range Front (Java)IDO 054- --07° 45.0' S109° 1.0' EMapOI42mg--
Cilacap Inlet Entrance Range Rear (Java)IDO 055- --07° 45.0' S109° 1.0' EMapOI42mg--
Cilacap Inlet Second Range Front (Java)IDO 056- --07° 46.0' S109° 2.0' EMapOI42mf--
Cilacap Inlet Second Range Rear (Java)IDO 057- --07° 46.0' S109° 2.0' EMapOI42mf--
Cilacap Inlet Third Range Front (Java)IDO 058- --07° 46.0' S109° 2.0' EMapOI42mf--
Cilacap Inlet Third Range Rear (Java)IDO 059- --07° 46.0' S109° 2.0' EMapOI42mf--
Cimiring (Cilacap Inlet) (Java)IDO 060- --07° 47.0' S109° 3.0' EMapOI42mf--
CiotatFRA 110- --43° 10.0' N005° 37.0' EMapJN23td--
Ciotat Jetty HeadFRA 570- --43° 11.0' N005° 37.0' EMapJN23te--
Ciotat Môle BérouardFRA 196- --43° 13.0' N005° 37.0' EMapJN23tf--
Ciotat Môle Neuf HFRA 841Hist --43° 10.0' N005° 37.0' EMapJN23td--
Ciotat Yacht Basin Breakwater HeadFRA 552- --43° 18.0' N005° 22.0' EMapJN23qh--
Cirebon (Java)IDO 123- --06° 43.0' S108° 34.0' EMapOI43gg--
CirkewwaMLT 008- --35° 59.0' N014° 20.0' EMapJM75dxEU-023-
Citadel IslandAUS 057- -Victoria39° 7.0' S146° 14.0' EMapQF30cvOC-136-
City Marina/EilatISR 007- --29° 32.0' N034° 58.0' EMapKL79lm-1
Ciudad ChetumalMEX 028- --18° 30.0' N088° 17.0' WMapEK58ul--
CivaTUR 002- --41° 24.9' N036° 41.1' EMapKN81ij-2
Civitanova Marche
Chiesa del Cristo Re
ITA 323- --43° 18.5' N013° 43.7' EMapJN63uh--
CivitavecchiaITA 293- --42° 6.0' N011° 47.0' EMapJN52vc--
Clapperton IslandCAN 140- -Ontario------
Clare Island North (Co. Mayo)IRE 017- --------
Clarence Head/YambaAUS 058- -New South Wales29° 26.0' S153° 22.0' EMapQG60qnOC-001-
Clark Wharf Spit (1854) HENG 023Hist --------
Clark's Point/Fort Taber
Fort Taber/Clark's Point, MA
USA 174- -Massachusetts41° 35.6' N070° 54.1' WMapFN41no-2
Clarke Cove Front Range (Bras d'Or Lake)CAN 1192Hist -Nova Scotia------
Clarke Cove Rear Range (Bras d'Or Lake)CAN 1193Hist -Nova Scotia------
ClaromecóARG 014- --38° 52.0' S060° 3.0' WMapFF91xd-1
Clay IslandUSA 992Hist -Maryland------
Cleft Of The RockUSA 964- -Oregon44° 17.4' N124° 6.6' WMapCN74wg-3
Cleggan Point (Co. Galway)IRE 131- --53° 35.0' N010° 8.0' WMapIO43wn--
Cleveland Bluff/Cleveland Harbor (Lake Erie)
Cleveland Harbor/Cleveland Bluff (Lake Erie), OH H
USA 920Hist -Ohio------
Cleveland East Breakwater West End (Lake Erie)USA 175Hist -Ohio------
Cleveland East LedgeUSA 179- -Massachusetts41° 37.9' N070° 41.7' WMapFN41pp-2
Cleveland East Pier (Lake Erie)USA 176Hist -Ohio-----1
Cleveland Harbor East Pierhead (Lake Erie)USA 177Hist -Ohio41° 30.5' N081° 43.1' WMapEN91dm-2
Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead (Lake Erie)USA 178Hist -Ohio41° 31.0' N081° 43.0' WMapEN91dm-1
Cleveland Point (Brisbane) (New)AUS 130- -Queensland27° 31.0' S153° 17.0' EMapQG62plOC-001-
Cleveland Point (Brisbane) (Old)AUS 257- -Queensland27° 31.0' S153° 17.0' EMapQG62plOC-001-
Cleveland West Pier Head (Lake Erie)USA 180Hist -Ohio41° 31.0' N081° 43.0' WMapEN91dm--
Cliffy IslandAUS 059- -Victoria38° 57.0' S146° 42.0' EMapQF31ibOC-136-
Clinton River (Lake St. Clair)USA 1259Hist -Michigan------
ClippertonCLI 001- --10° 17.0' N109° 13.0' WMapDK50jg--
Cloch PointSCO 047- --55° 57.0' N004° 53.0' WMapIO75nw--
Clopper's BarUSA 1136Hist -Texas-----1
Clover IslandUSA 1455- -Washington46° 13.1' N119° 7.0' WMapDN06kf-4
Club Nautico - Contradique - ExtremoSPA 402- --------
Club Nautico - Dique Abrigo - ExtremoSPA 401- --------
Club Yates HiguerillaCHI 105- --32° 55.8' S071° 32.4' WMapFF47fb--
Cluny Harbour/The Hook/GordonsburghSCO 269Hist --------
Cluny Rear LightSCO 270- --------
Clyth NessSCO 048- --58° 18.0' N003° 13.0' WMapIO88jh-1
Cnap Point Front RangeSCO 305- --56° 7.4' N004° 50.1' WMapIO76nc-2
Cnap Point Range Rear (Loch Long)SCO 331- --56° 7.4' N004° 50.0' WMapIO76oc-1
Co Lao Ré/Cu Laoré
Cu Laoré/Cu Lao Ré
VIE 013- --15° 23.0' N109° 9.0' EMapOK45nj--
Co Lao Xanh/Phuoc Chau/Poulo Gambir
Phuoc Chau/Poulo Gambir/Cu Lao Xanh : Poulo Gambir/Cu Lao Xanh/Phuoc Chau
VIE 012- --13° 37.0' N109° 22.0' EMapOK43qo--
Co To IslandVIE 002- --------
Coal Mole/Gabari Molehead
Gabari Molehead/Coal Mole
EGY 045- --------
Coastwatcher (Madang)PAP 008- --05° 12.0' S145° 49.0' EMapQI24vt--
Coatmer Amont
Coatmer Rear
FRA 854- --48° 48.0' N003° 6.0' WMapIN88kt-3
Coatmer Aval
Coatmer Front, Le Trieux
FRA 242- --48° 48.0' N003° 6.0' WMapIN88kt-3
Coatzacoalcos East Breakwater (Veracruz)MEX 182- --18° 10.0' N094° 25.0' WMapEK28se--
Coatzacoalcos West Breakwater (Veracruz)MEX 181- --18° 10.0' N094° 25.0' WMapEK28se--
Cobb Island Bar/Cobb Point Bar
Cobb Point Bar/Cobb Island Bar, MD H
USA 989Hist -Maryland-----7
Cobourg East PierheadCAN 755- -Ontario43° 57.1' N078° 9.9' WMapFN03ww-2
Cobourg Harbour 'T' PierCAN 1403- -Ontario43° 57.4' N078° 9.9' WMapFN03ww--
Cobourg West PierheadCAN 1402- -Ontario43° 57.1' N078° 9.9' WMapFN03ww--
Cocagne Range FrontCAN 141- -New Brunswick46° 20.1' N064° 36.9' WMapFN76qi-1
Cocagne Range Rear (Northumberland Strait)CAN 1290- -New Brunswick46° 20.0' N064° 37.0' WMapFN76qh-2
Kochi/Vypin/Cochin : Vypin/Cochin/Kochi
IND 083- --09° 59.9' N076° 13.3' EMapMJ89cx-2
Cochino GrandeHON 007- --15° 59.0' N086° 29.0' WMapEK65sx--
Cochon/ConcarneauFRA 583- --47° 52.0' N003° 56.0' WMapIN87au--
Cochon/Lorient/Port LouisFRA 584- --47° 43.0' N003° 22.0' WMapIN87hr--
Cockburn Shoal (Bay of Maputo) HMOZ 023Hist --------
Cockersands High/Cockersands, Lancaster H
Cockersands/Cockersands High, Lancaster H
ENG 024Hist --------
Cockersands Low, LancashireENG 076- --53° 59.0' N002° 53.0' WMapIO83nx--
Cockspur IslandUSA 181Hist -Georgia32° 1.4' N080° 52.8' WMapEM92na-6
Coconut Point/Hilo Harbor (Hawaii)
Coconut Point/Hilo Harbor, HI : Hilo Harbor/Coconut Point, HI
HAW 023- -Hawaii19° 43.0' N155° 5.0' WMapBK29krOC-019-
Coelleira IslandSPA 028- --43° 46.0' N007° 38.0' WMapIN63es--
Coffin IslandCAN 142- -Nova Scotia44° 2.0' N064° 38.0' WMapFN74qa--
Cofradía Náutica AlgarroboCHI 079- --33° 21.6' S071° 41.2' WMapFF46dp--
Cohansey CreekUSA 1033Hist -New Jersey39° 20.0' N075° 22.0' WMapFM29hi--
CoigARG 035- --51° 2.0' S069° 10.0' WMapFD58jx--
Colaba Point/Prongs Reef
Prongs Reef/Colaba Point
IND 007- --18° 53.0' N072° 48.0' EMapMK68jv--
Colchester ReefCAN 143Hist -Ontario41° 56.0' N082° 53.0' WMapEN81nw--
Colchester Reef (Lake Champlain)USA 182HHist -Vermont44° 33.3' N073° 19.7' WMapFN34in--
Colchester Reef (Shelburne Museum)
Colchester Reef (Lake Champlain), VT H
USA 182M- MuseumVermont44° 22.5' N073° 13.9' WMapFN34jj-3
Cold Spring HarborUSA 183Hist -New York40° 55.0' N073° 30.0' WMapFN30fw--
Cold Spring Harbor (New)USA 1329Hist -New York40° 55.0' N073° 30.0' WMapFN30fw--
Coldspring HeadCAN 144- -Nova Scotia45° 58.0' N063° 52.0' WMapFN85bx-3
Cole Harbour Front Range (Tor Bay)CAN 1194Hist -Nova Scotia------
Cole Harbour Rear Range (Tor Bay)CAN 1195Hist -Nova Scotia------
Cole Shoal (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1336Hist -Ontario-----1
Colle Cappuccini/Monte Cappuccini (Ancona)
Monte Cappuccini/Colle Cappuccini (Ancona)
ITA 104- --43° 37.0' N013° 31.0' EMapJN63so-10
Collingwood Breakwater (Georgian Bay) HCAN 1058Hist -Ontario------
Collingwood Inner Range Rear (Georgian Bay)CAN 1327Hist -Ontario44° 30.0' N080° 14.0' WMapEN94vm-1
Collingwood Outer Range Front/Collingwood Shore Range Front (Georgian Bay)
Collingwood Shore Range Front/Collingwood Outer Range Front (Georgian Bay), ON H
CAN 1328Hist -Ontario44° 30.0' N080° 14.0' WMapEN94vm-2
Collingwood Outer Range Rear/Collingwood Shore Range Rear (Georgian Bay)
Collingwood Shore Range Rear/Collingwood Outer Range Rear (Georgian Bay), ON H
CAN 1329Hist -Ontario44° 30.0' N080° 14.0' WMapEN94vm-2
CollioureFRA 243Hist --42° 27.0' N003° 11.0' EMapJN12ok-2
Colombatta IslandITA 056- --------
Colombier IslandCAN 837- -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 35.0' N058° 54.0' WMapGN07nn--
Colombier/Passe de l'Est Feu Antérieur
Passe de l'Est Feu Antérieur/Colombier
FRA 244- --48° 47.9' N003° 26.7' WMapIN88gt-1
Colombo (New)SLI 005- --06° 56.0' N079° 50.0' EMapMJ96wwAS-003-
Colombo (Oldest) HSLI 022Hist --06° 56.0' N079° 50.0' EMapMJ96wwAS-003-
Colombo Clock Tower/Old Colombo
Old Colombo/Colombo Clock Tower
SLI 021- --06° 56.0' N079° 50.0' EMapMJ96wwAS-003-
Colombo Island Breakwater North EndSLI 006- --06° 58.0' N079° 51.0' EMapMJ96wx--
Colombo Island Breakwater South EndSLI 007- --06° 57.0' N079° 51.0' EMapMJ96ww--
Colombo Northeast BreakwaterSLI 024- --06° 58.0' N079° 51.0' EMapMJ96wxAS-003-
Colombo Southwest BreakwaterSLI 023- --06° 57.0' N079° 51.0' EMapMJ96wwAS-003-
Colon Breakwater HPAN 040Hist --------
Colonia del SacramentoURU 007- --34° 28.4' S057° 51.1' WMapGF15bm-1
Colorada PointPHI 020- --12° 33.0' N123° 23.0' EMapPK12qn--
Colorado MaintainGAL 001- --00° 55.0' S089° 26.0' WMapEI59gb-1
Colson PointBLZ 004- --17° 4.0' N088° 14.0' WMapEK57vb--
Columbia Lightship (WLV-604)
Lightship Columbia, WLV-604, OR
USA 184Hist -Oregon46° 11.4' N123° 49.5' WMapCN86ce-2
Comandatuba (BA)BRA 026- --15° 21.0' S038° 59.0' WMapHH04mp--
Combahee BankUSA 1162Hist -South Carolina32° 28.0' N080° 26.0' WMapEM92sl--
Comboyuro Point (Moreton Island)AUS 294Hist -Queensland----OC-137-
Conanicut Island/North Conanicut
North Conanicut/Conanicut Island, RI
USA 185- -Rhode Island41° 34.4' N071° 22.3' WMapFN41hn-1
ConcarneauFRA 246- --47° 52.0' N003° 55.0' WMapIN87au--
FRA 573- --47° 52.0' N003° 55.0' WMapIN87bu--
Conceição (RS)BRA 027- --31° 44.0' S051° 29.0' WMapGF48gg-1
Conceptión/Riaba (Bioko)
Riaba/Conceptión (Bioko)
EQG 006- --03° 23.0' N008° 46.0' EMapJJ43jj--
Conche/Silver Point
Silver Point/Conche, NF
CAN 749- -Newfoundland and Labrador50° 53.0' N055° 54.0' WMapGO20bv--
Concord Point
Havre De Grace
USA 186- -Maryland39° 32.4' N076° 5.1' WMapFM19wm-12
Coney Island/Nortons Point
Nortons Point/Coney Island, NY
USA 187- -New York40° 35.0' N074° 1.0' WMapFN20xo--
Conimicut Shoal/Conimicut
Conimicut/Conimicut Shoal, RI
USA 188- -Rhode Island41° 43.0' N071° 20.7' WMapFN41hr-1
Coningbeg LightshipIRE 018- --------
Conneaut (Lake Erie)USA 189Hist -Ohio-----1
Conneaut Harbor West Breakwater (Lake Erie)USA 190Hist -Ohio41° 59.0' N080° 34.0' WMapEN91rx-1
ConstantaROM 002- --44° 9.5' N028° 37.8' EMapKN44hd-1
Constanta Old TowerROM 003- --44° 10.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44he--
Constanta Outer Harbour East Breakwater HeadROM 004- --44° 9.0' N028° 41.0' EMapKN44id--
Constanta Outer Harbour East Breakwater Traverse ArmROM 010- --44° 9.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44hd--
Constanta Outer Harbour South Breakwater HeadROM 011- --44° 9.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44hd--
Constantsa East Pier/King Carol I
King Carol I/Constantsa East Pier
ROM 017- --------
Constantsa Marina East/Tomis East Breakwater
Tomis East Breakwater/Constantsa Marina East
ROM 021- --44° 11.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44he--
Constantsa Marina Northeast/Tomis Northeast Breakwater
Tomis Northeast Breakwater/Constantsa Marina Northeast
ROM 022- --44° 11.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44he--
Constantsa South BreakwaterROM 016Hist --44° 9.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44hd--
Contis-Les-BainsFRA 088- --44° 6.0' N001° 19.0' WMapIN94ic-1
Contralmiranre VillarPER 005- --03° 40.9' S080° 41.0' WMapEI96ph--
Contrecoeur Course Range Front (St. Lawrence River)CAN 965Hist -Quebec------
Contrecoeur-Verchères Front Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1260- -Quebec------
Control TowerJOR 001- --29° 31.0' N035° 0.0' EMapKL79lm--
Conway InletCAN 146- -Prince Edward Island46° 39.0' N063° 53.0' WMapFN86bp--
Cooks Point
Light 68
CAN 1456- -Ontario44° 55.9' N075° 4.7' WMapFN24lw-4
Cooper/Durban BluffSAF 011- --29° 56.0' S031° 0.0' EMapKG50lb--
CopacabanaBOL 002- --16° 9.7' S069° 5.6' WMapFH53ku--
Copeland Island/Lighthouse Island (Co. Down) H
Lighthouse Island/Copeland Island (Co. Down) H
NTI 031Hist --------
CopinsaySCO 049- --58° 54.0' N002° 41.0' WMapIO88pv--
Copper HarborUSA 1072Hist -Michigan------
Copper Harbor - NewUSA 1073- -Michigan47° 29.0' N087° 52.0' WMapEN67bl-1
Copper Harbor - OldUSA 193Hist -Michigan47° 28.5' N087° 51.6' WMapEN67bl-2
Copper Harbor Front RangeUSA 1153Hist -Michigan47° 29.0' N087° 52.0' WMapEN67bl-1
Copper Harbor Rear RangeUSA 1074- -Michigan47° 29.0' N087° 52.0' WMapEN67bl-2
Copper Point (Co. Cork)IRE 019- --51° 30.0' N009° 32.0' WMapIO51fl--
Coppermine PointCAN 147- -Ontario-----1
Coq Point (New) (Benodet)FRA 247- --47° 52.0' N004° 7.0' WMapIN77wu--
Coq Point (Old) (Benodet) HFRA 248Hist --47° 52.0' N004° 7.0' WMapIN77wu--
Coquet Island, NorthumberlandENG 025- --55° 20.0' N001° 32.0' WMapIO95fh--
Coquille River (Bandon)USA 194- -Oregon43° 7.4' N124° 25.4' WMapCN73sc-4
Corbeaux Point (Yeu Island)FRA 249Hist --46° 41.4' N002° 17.1' WMapIN86uqEU-064-
Corbeil Point (Lake Superior)CAN 1028Hist -Ontario------
CordouanFRA 007- --45° 35.0' N001° 10.0' WMapIN95koEU-1591
CórdovaARG 180- --45° 43.4' S067° 22.4' WMapFE64hg--
Corlis Point FrontIRE 020- --52° 37.0' N009° 36.0' WMapIO52eo--
Corlis Point RearIRE 021- --52° 38.0' N009° 35.0' WMapIO52ep--
Corn CarhaiFRA 008- --48° 35.0' N004° 44.0' WMapIN78po--
Corne (Riviere de Treguier)FRA 250- --48° 51.0' N003° 11.0' WMapIN88ju-1
Corny PointAUS 060- -South Australia34° 54.0' S137° 1.0' EMapPF85mcOC-0012
Coroa Vermelha (BA)BRA 029- --17° 58.0' S039° 12.0' WMapHH02ja--
CorpachSCO 320Hist --56° 50.5' N005° 7.4' WMapIO76ku-1
Corpus ChristiUSA 1137Hist -Texas-----1
Corpus Christi Channel Cut A East Range FrontUSA 1392- -Texas27° 50.7' N097° 3.3' WMapEL17lu-3
Corpus Christi Channel Cut A East Range RearUSA 1366- -Texas27° 51.0' N097° 3.0' WMapEL17lu-1
Corpus Christi Channel Cut A West Range RearUSA 1362- -Texas27° 48.0' N097° 16.0' WMapEL17it--
Corpus Christi Channel Cut B East Range FrontUSA 1391- -Texas27° 50.7' N097° 3.2' WMapEL17lu-1
Corpus Christi Channel Cut B East Range RearUSA 1363- -Texas27° 49.0' N097° 11.0' WMapEL17jt--
Corpus Christi Channel Cut B West Range FrontUSA 1364- -Texas27° 48.6' N097° 13.7' WMapEL17jt-1
Corpus Christi Channel Cut B West Range RearUSA 1365- -Texas27° 49.0' N097° 25.0' WMapEL17ht-1
Corran Narrows NortheastSCO 050- --56° 43.4' N005° 14.0' WMapIO76jr-1
Corran PointSCO 051- --56° 43.2' N005° 14.6' WMapIO76jr-1
Corregidor IslandPHI 021- --14° 23.0' N120° 35.0' EMapPK04gjOC-244-
Corsewall PointSCO 052- --55° 0.4' N005° 9.6' WMapIO75ka-2
Corsini (Marina di Ravenna)ITA 114- --44° 29.5' N012° 17.1' EMapJN64dl-6
Corton HENG 026Hist --------
Corumbaú (BA)BRA 130- --16° 54.0' S039° 7.0' WMapHH03kc--
Corunna Range Front (St. Clair River)CAN 1350Hist -Ontario------
Corunna Range Rear (Moore Museum)
Corunna Range Rear (St. Clair River), ON H
CAN 1029MHist MuseumOntario------
Corunna Range Rear (St. Clair River)CAN 1029HHist -Ontario------
Coruripe (Alagoas)BRA 030- --10° 10.0' S036° 8.0' WMapHH19wu--
Cosgrove ShoalUSA 1055- -Florida24° 27.5' N082° 11.1' WMapEL84vk--
Coteau Landing (St. Lawrence River)CAN 966Hist -Quebec------
Cotijuba/Ilha Cotejuba (PA)
Ilha Cotejuba/Cotijuba (PA)
BRA 278Hist -------1
Cotiniere (Oleron Island)FRA 252- --45° 55.0' N001° 20.0' WMapIN95iwEU-0321
Cotiniere Digue Süd (Île d'Oléron)FRA 571- --45° 55.0' N001° 20.0' WMapIN95iwEU-0321
Cotiniere Harbour Range Front (Île d'Oléron)FRA 649- --45° 55.0' N001° 20.0' WMapIN95iwEU-0321
Cotiniere Harbour Range Rear (Île d'Oléron)FRA 650- --45° 55.0' N001° 20.0' WMapIN95iwEU-0321
Cotiniere Jetée Head (Île d'Oléron)FRA 572- --45° 55.0' N001° 20.0' WMapIN95iwEU-0321
CotonouBEN 001- --06° 21.0' N002° 26.0' WMapIJ86si--
Coubre PointFRA 133Hist --45° 42.0' N001° 14.0' WMapIN95jq-1
Country Island/Green Island (Tor Bay)
Green Island/Country Island (Tor Bay), NS
CAN 752- -Nova Scotia45° 6.0' N061° 33.0' WMapFN95fc--
Courbe Maskinongé/Maskinongé Curve (Lac Saint-Pierre)
Maskinongé Curve/Courbe Maskinongé (Lac Saint-Pierre), QC
CAN 1263- -Quebec------
Course de Saint-Antoine Front RangeCAN 1247- -Quebec46° 40.0' N071° 35.0' WMapFN46ep-1
Course de Saint-Antoine Rear RangeCAN 1248- -Quebec46° 40.0' N071° 34.9' WMapFN46fq-1
Courseulles Sur Mer EastFRA 674- --49° 20.0' N000° 27.0' WMapIN99sh--
Courtenay Bay BreakwaterCAN 906- -New Brunswick45° 15.0' N066° 3.0' WMapFN65xf-1
Courtis/Courtis (Saint-Malo)FRA 344- --48° 40.5' N002° 5.8' WMapIN88wq--
Covas Blancas (Ibiza)BAL 096- --38° 58.0' N001° 17.0' EMapJM08pxEU-004-
Cove Island (Lake Huron)CAN 149- -Ontario------
Cove PointUSA 195Hist -Maryland38° 23.2' N076° 22.9' WMapFM18tj-27
Cove Sea SkerriesSCO 053- --57° 43.5' N003° 20.3' WMapIO87hr-3
Covehead Range FrontCAN 151Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 25.0' N063° 9.0' WMapFN86kk-2
Covehead Range RearCAN 152Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 25.0' N063° 9.0' WMapFN86kk--
Cow HeadCAN 680- -Newfoundland and Labrador49° 55.0' N057° 48.0' WMapGN19cv--
Cowan Cowan (Moreton Island)AUS 295Hist -Queensland----OC-137-
Cowcolly/KedgereeIND 028- --21° 50.0' N087° 57.0' EMapNL31xt--
Cowee Island/Île du Grand Caouis
Île du Grand Caouis/Cowee Island, QC
CAN 240- -Quebec49° 49.6' N067° 0.4' WMapFN69lt--
Cox PointCAN 907Hist -New Brunswick------
Cox Reef (Lake Winnipeg)CAN 844- -Manitoba52° 19.0' N097° 13.0' WMapEO12jh--
Cox's BazarBAN 001- --21° 26.0' N091° 58.0' EMapNL51xk--
CoxsackieUSA 196Hist -New York------
Cozzo SpadaroITA 057- --36° 41.0' N015° 9.0' EMapJM76nq--
Crabiére (Chausey Island)FRA 717- --48° 52.0' N001° 49.0' WMapIN98cuEU-039-
Crabtree LedgeUSA 197Hist -Maine44° 28.2' N068° 12.2' WMapFN54vl--
Craighill Channel Entrance Range FrontUSA 1434- -Maryland------
Craighill Channel Entrance Range RearUSA 1435- -Maryland------
Craighill Channel Lower Range Front/Craighill Light
Craighill Light/Craighill Channel Lower Range Front, MD
USA 198- -Maryland39° 11.3' N076° 23.7' WMapFM19te-9
Craighill Channel Lower Range Rear/Millers Island
Millers Island/Craighill Channel Lower Range Rear, MD
USA 199- -Maryland39° 13.7' N076° 23.7' WMapFM19tf-9
Craighill Channel Upper Range Front/Cutoff Channel Range Front/Fort Howard
Cutoff Channel Range Front/Fort Howard/Craighill Channel Upper Range Front, MD : Fort Howard/Craighill Channel Upper Range Front/Cutoff Channel Range Front, MD
USA 200- -Maryland39° 11.8' N076° 26.9' WMapFM19se-9
Craighill Channel Upper Range Rear/Cutoff Channel Range Rear
Cutoff Channel Range Rear/Craighill Channel Upper Range Rear, MD
USA 201Hist -Maryland-----7
Craigton PointSCO 054Hist --57° 30.0' N004° 14.0' WMapIO77vm--
Crammag HeadSCO 055- --54° 39.9' N004° 57.9' WMapIO74mp--
Cranberry IslandCAN 153Hist -Nova Scotia45° 19.0' N060° 56.0' WMapFN95mh--
Craney IslandUSA 202Hist -Virginia-----2
Crayford Ness, EssexENG 027- --51° 29.0' N000° 13.0' EMapJO01cl--
Creac'h (Quessant Island)FRA 029Hist --48° 27.6' N005° 7.7' WMapIN78kl--
Cremorne Point/Robertson's Point
Robertson's Point/Cremorne Point, NSW
AUS 176- -New South Wales33° 51.0' S151° 14.0' EMapQF56odOC-001-
Crichton Head/Creighton Head (Crichton Island - Cape Breton Island)CAN 1267Hist -Nova Scotia45° 31.0' N061° 6.0' WMapFN95km--
CrinanSCO 257- --56° 5.5' N005° 33.4' WMapIO76fc-2
Crisp PointUSA 203- -Michigan46° 45.2' N085° 15.4' WMapEN76is--
Cristóvão Pereira (RS)BRA 131- --31° 3.8' S051° 9.9' WMapGF48kw-4
Croaghnakeela (Co. Galway)IRE 132- --53° 19.0' N009° 58.0' WMapIO53ah--
Croatan ShoalUSA 204Hist -North Carolina35° 56.7' N075° 46.7' WMapFM25cw--
Crocq Pier Head (St. Sampsons, Guernsey)GUE 016- --49° 29.0' N002° 31.0' WMapIN89rl--
Croix (Bretagne)FRA 025- --48° 50.0' N003° 3.0' WMapIN88lt-2
Cromarty NessSCO 056- --57° 41.0' N004° 2.2' WMapIO77xq-1
Cromer (Foulness), NorfolkENG 028- --52° 56.0' N001° 19.0' EMapJO02pw--
Cromwell Point/Fort Point/Valentia (Co. Kerry)IRE 077- --51° 56.0' N010° 19.0' WMapIO41uw--
Crooked River
Carrabelle Light
USA 205- -Florida29° 49.6' N084° 42.0' WMapEL79pt-4
Crookhaven (Rock Island Pt.) (Co. Cork)IRE 023- --51° 29.0' N009° 42.0' WMapIO51dl--
Crookhaven HeadsAUS 061- -New South Wales34° 54.0' S150° 48.0' EMapQF55jcOC-001-
Crosby/Hightown, Merseyside H
Hightown/Crosby, Merseyside H
ENG 029Hist --53° 31.0' N003° 4.0' WMapIO83lm--
Cross IslandCAN 154- -Nova Scotia44° 19.0' N064° 10.0' WMapFN74vh--
Cross LedgeUSA 931Hist -New Jersey39° 12.0' N075° 14.0' WMapFM29je--
Crossover Island (St. Lawrence River)USA 206- -New York-----2
Croucher's IslandCAN 898Hist -Nova Scotia44° 38.0' N063° 58.0' WMapFN84ap--
Crow Rock, Isles of Scilly, CornwallENG 213- --49° 56.0' N006° 19.0' WMapIN69uw--
Crowdy HeadAUS 062- -New South Wales31° 51.0' S152° 45.0' EMapQF68idOC-001-
Crowlin Iislands/Eilean BeagSCO 057- --57° 40.0' N006° 1.0' WMapIO67xp--
Crown Point (Tobago)TRI 007- --11° 9.0' N060° 51.0' WMapFK91nd--
Cua Nhuong/Vinh River
Vinh River/Cua Nhuong
VIE 043- --18° 46.0' N105° 46.0' EMapOK28vs--
Cua Thuan/Thai Duong Thuong
Thai Duong Thuong/Cua Thuan An
VIE 039- --16° 34.0' N107° 37.0' EMapOK36tn--
Cua VietVIE 014- --16° 54.0' N107° 12.0' EMapOK36ov--
Cubits GapUSA 208Hist -Louisiana------
CuckoldsUSA 210- -Maine43° 46.8' N069° 39.0' WMapFN53es--
CuddaloreIND 029- --11° 42.4' N079° 46.6' EMapMK91vq--
Cuitadella (Menorca)BAL 078- --39° 59.0' N003° 49.0' EMapJM19vxEU-004-
Cul de Sac Bay Front RangeSTL 002- --13° 59.0' N061° 1.0' WMapFK93lx--
Cul de Sac Bay Rear RangeSTL 003- --13° 59.0' N061° 1.0' WMapFK93lx--
CullenSCO 284- -------1
Culmore Point (Co. Londonderry)NTI 028- --55° 3.0' N007° 15.0' WMapIO65jb--
Cumana HVEN 036Hist --10° 28.0' N064° 11.0' WMapFK70vl--
CumareboVEN 008- --11° 29.0' N068° 21.0' WMapFK51tl--
Cumberland Head (Lake Champlain)USA 211Hist -New York------
Cumlewick NessSCO 058- --------
Currie Harbour (King Island)AUS 063- -Tasmania39° 56.0' S143° 51.0' EMapQF10wbOC-233-
Currituck BeachUSA 212- -North Carolina36° 22.6' N075° 49.8' WMapFM26cj-8
Curtis IslandUSA 213- -Maine44° 12.1' N069° 2.9' WMapFN54le--
Curuca Ilha Cajutuba (PA)BRA 031- --00° 34.0' S047° 56.0' WMapGI69ak--
Cuska (Dugi Island)CRO 036- --43° 53.0' N015° 18.0' EMapJN73pvEU-170-
CuttyhunkUSA 215Hist -Massachusetts41° 25.0' N070° 57.0' WMapFN41mj-1
Cuvier Island (North Island)NZL 018- --36° 26.0' S175° 47.0' EMapRF73vn--
Cuxhaven (Elbe River)FED 066- --53° 52.0' N008° 43.0' EMapJO43iu-1
Cuyo IslandPHI 081- --10° 51.0' N121° 0.0' EMapPK00luOC-120-
CzolpinoPOL 002- --54° 43.0' N017° 15.0' EMapJO84or-2

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