ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL)

List of the world's lighthouses by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society

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Lighthouse NameARLHS
CoordinatesGridsquareIOTA# of
GabarusCAN 189- -Nova Scotia45° 51.0' N060° 9.0' WMapFN95wu--
TUN 018- --33° 54.0' N010° 7.0' EMapJM53bv--
Gabion (Sumatra)IDO 128- --03° 48.0' N098° 43.0' EMapNJ93it--
Gable End Foreland (North Island)NZL 078- --38° 32.0' S178° 17.0' EMapRF91dl--
Gabo IslandAUS 078- -Victoria37° 34.0' S149° 55.0' EMapQF42xk-2
GacholleFRA 297- --43° 27.0' N004° 34.0' EMapJN23gk--
Gadarna IslandSWE 142- --------
Gadeokdo/Tondgu-MalSKR 043- --34° 59.0' N128° 50.0' EMapPM44kx--
GagetownCAN 190- -New Brunswick------
Gago Coutinho (Ilha de Sao Tome)SAO 009- --00° 1.0' N006° 32.0' EMapJJ30ga--
Gaidanos VrachonisisGRE 013- --------
Gaiduronisi (Siros Island)GRE 069- --37° 26.0' N024° 58.0' EMapKM27lkEU-0672
Gairlochy (Loch Lochy) (Highland)SCO 322- --56° 55.1' N004° 58.6' WMapIO76mw-1
Gaja Shima (Ryukyu Islands) (Kagoshima)JPN 2560- --29° 54.0' N129° 32.0' EMapPL49sv--
Galé (SC)BRA 216- --27° 11.0' S048° 24.0' WMapGG52tt--
GaleraCRO 044- --43° 28.0' N016° 11.0' EMapJN83cl--
Galera IslandPAN 004- --08° 12.0' N078° 47.0' WMapFJ08oe--
Galera Point/Toco (Trinidad)
Toco/Galera Point (Trinidad)
TRI 004- --10° 50.0' N060° 54.0' WMapFK90nt--
Galerazamba/Punta de la GaritaCOL 026- --------
GalèreFRA 598- --43° 30.0' N006° 57.0' EMapJN33ll-1
Galeriowa/Mlyny Range Rear (River Swina)POL 042- --------
Galgetange DirectionalFAR 008- --61° 33.0' N006° 48.0' WMapIP61on--
Galgetange FrontFAR 009- --61° 33.0' N006° 48.0' WMapIP61on--
Galgetange RearFAR 010- --61° 33.0' N006° 48.0' WMapIP61on--
GalijaCRO 045- --43° 31.0' N016° 25.0' EMapJN83fm--
GalijolaCRO 046- --44° 44.0' N014° 11.0' EMapJN74cr--
GalijolicaCRO 047- --43° 52.0' N015° 22.0' EMapJN73qu--
Galina PointJAM 002- --18° 25.0' N076° 55.0' WMapFK18nj--
Galinhos (RN)BRA 036- --05° 3.0' S036° 17.0' WMapHI14uw-1
GalisnikCRO 048- --43° 10.0' N016° 26.0' EMapJN83fd--
Galiton de l'OuestTUN 016- --37° 30.0' N008° 53.0' EMapJM47kl--
GallanesNOR 399- --62° 22.0' N005° 34.0' EMapJP22si--
Galley Head (Co. Cork)IRE 035- --51° 32.0' N008° 57.0' WMapIO51mm--
Gallia Bay Lower Range Front (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1005Hist -Quebec------
Gallia Bay Lower Range Rear (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1006Hist -Quebec------
Gallia Bay Upper Range Front (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1007Hist -Quebec------
Gallia Bay Upper Range Rear (St. Lawrence River)CAN 951Hist -Quebec46° 5.0' N073° 1.0' WMapFN36lc--
Galloo Island (Lake Ontario)USA 314- -New York------
Gallows Point (Nanaimo Harbour)CAN 191- -British Columbia------
GalterønSWE 144- --58° 6.0' N011° 48.0' EMapJO58vc--
GalunCRO 049- --44° 56.0' N014° 41.0' EMapJN74iw--
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range A FrontUSA 1339- -Texas29° 21.0' N094° 43.0' WMapEL29pi-1
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range A RearUSA 1340- -Texas-----1
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range B FrontUSA 1341- -Texas29° 21.0' N094° 46.0' WMapEL29oi-1
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range B RearUSA 1342- -Texas-----1
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range C Front Range/Inner Bar Channel Front Range
Inner Bar Channel Front Range/Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range C Front Range, TX
USA 1343- -Texas29° 21.0' N094° 47.0' WMapEL29oi-2
Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range C Rear Range/Inner Bar Channel Rear Range
Inner Bar Channel Rear Range/Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Range C Rear Range, TX
USA 1344- -Texas29° 20.0' N094° 48.0' WMapEL29oi-2
Galveston Bay Outer Bar Channel Front RangeUSA 1345Hist -Texas-----1
Galveston Bay Outer Bar Channel Rear RangeUSA 1346Hist -Texas29° 22.0' N094° 47.0' WMapEL29oi-2
Galveston Lightship
LV 28
USA 1411Hist -Texas29° 20.8' N094° 43.5' WMapEL29pi--
Galveston North JettyUSA 1193Hist -Texas29° 21.4' N094° 43.4' WMapEL29pi-3
Galveston South JettyUSA 315Hist -Texas29° 19.7' N094° 41.6' WMapEL29ph-3
Galway Harbour Leverets (Co. Galway)IRE 104- --53° 15.0' N009° 2.0' WMapIO53lf--
Galway Rinmore (Co. Galway)IRE 105- --53° 16.0' N009° 2.0' WMapIO53lg--
Gamagori East Breakwater (Aichi)JPN 1685- --34° 49.0' N137° 14.0' EMapPM84ot--
GambaGAB 007- --02° 47.0' S010° 1.0' EMapJI57af--
Gamboa (Panama Canal)PAN 027- --09° 6.0' N079° 41.0' WMapFJ09dc--
Gameleira (RN)BRA 133- --05° 13.2' S035° 25.4' WMapHI24gs--
GammelpølDEN 108- --54° 53.0' N010° 4.0' EMapJO54av-1
Gamnha GighaSCO 087- --55° 43.8' N005° 41.1' WMapIO75dr--
Gamova (Japan Sea)ASR 026Hist --42° 33.0' N131° 13.0' EMapPN52on--
GamvikNOR 092- --------
Gananoque Harbour (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1451- -Ontario44° 19.3' N076° 9.8' WMapFN14wh-2
Gananoque Narrows (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1065Hist -Ontario------
Gandia - Darsena Deportiva - A EstriborSPA 399- -------3
Gandia - Darsena Deportiva - Contradique - ExtremoSPA 400- -------3
Gandia - Muelle Sur - Angulo NESPA 398- -------2
Ganh RaiVIE 049Hist --10° 23.0' N107° 4.0' EMapOK30mj--
Ganjeolgot/Kanjol Ap/Cape GanjeolSKR 012- --35° 21.0' N129° 22.0' EMapPM45qi--
Gannet Lightship (Co. Wexford)
Lightship Gannet (Co. Wexford)
IRE 129- --------
Gannet RockCAN 192- -New Brunswick44° 30.0' N066° 47.0' WMapFN64om-4
Gannosiri (Kumamoto)JPN 067- --------
Gantheaume PointAUS 212- -Western Australia17° 59.0' S122° 11.0' EMapPH12caOC-001-
Gantock Beacon/The Gantocks (Firth of Clyde)
The Gantocks/Gantock Beacon (Firth of Clyde)
SCO 302- --55° 57.0' N004° 55.0' WMapIO75mw-1
Gap Rock/Wenweizhou/Wenwei Zhou
Wenwei Zhou/Gap Rock/Wenweizhou : Wenweizhou/Wenwei Zhou/Gap Rock
PRC 082- --------
Garapan (Lighthouse Reef, Saipan)MAI 001- --15° 13.0' N145° 44.0' EMapQK25uf-2
Garba (Susak Island)CRO 050- --44° 31.0' N014° 18.0' EMapJN74dmEU-136-
Garcia d'Ávila (BA)BRA 037- --12° 35.0' S038° 0.0' WMapHH17aj--
Garden Key
Fort Jefferson, Tortugas Harbor
USA 316- -Florida24° 37.7' N082° 52.3' WMapEL84npNA-0798
Gardiners Point IslandUSA 1046Hist -New York-----1
Gardskagi NewICE 015- --64° 4.0' N022° 42.0' WMapHP84pb--
Gardskagi OldICE 016- --64° 4.0' N022° 42.0' WMapHP84pb--
Gargalu IslandCOR 011- --42° 13.0' N008° 19.0' EMapJN42dfEU-014-
Gargantua (Lake Superior)CAN 1066Hist -Ontario------
Gargese South JettyCOR 017- ------EU-014-
Garmina (Rava Island)CRO 051- --44° 1.0' N015° 3.0' EMapJN74maEU-170-
GarnholmenNOR 379- --59° 12.0' N010° 46.0' EMapJO59je--
GarnishCAN 685Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 14.0' N055° 22.0' WMapGN27hf--
Garnitskiy (Onego Lake)ERU 184- --61° 55.0' N035° 8.0' EMapKP71nw--
Phare d' Antibes
FRA 111- --43° 33.9' N007° 8.0' EMapJN33nn-4
Garpen ISWE 016- --56° 23.0' N016° 8.0' EMapJO86bj--
Garpen IISWE 145- --56° 23.0' N016° 8.0' EMapJO86bj--
GarruchaSPA 078- --37° 11.0' N001° 49.0' WMapIM97ce--
Gary West BreakwaterUSA 317- -Indiana------
Gasay IslandSCO 088- --57° 8.9' N007° 17.4' WMapIO67id--
GaskiPOL 004- --54° 14.6' N015° 52.4' EMapJO74wf-25
Gasong Baohi (Sumatra)IDO 129- --01° 26.0' N097° 10.0' EMapNJ81ok--
GaspéCAN 971Hist -Quebec------
GasungeneNOR 300- --59° 50.0' N010° 35.0' EMapJO59ht--
GasvaerkDEN 240- --55° 3.3' N010° 36.8' EMapJO55hb-1
Gatteville II/Barfleur
Gatteville/Pointe de Barfleur (New) : Pointe de Barfleur/Gatteville (New)
FRA 300- --49° 41.8' N001° 15.9' WMapIN99iq-2
Gatteville/Pointe de Barfleur (Old)
Pointe de Barfleur/Gatteville (Old)
FRA 299- --49° 42.0' N001° 16.0' WMapIN99iq-1
Gatun Northbound Reach Front (Panama Canal)PAN 028- --------
Gatun Northbound Reach Rear/Gatun Locks (Panama Canal)PAN 014- --09° 18.0' N079° 55.0' WMapFJ09ah--
Gatun Upper Southbound Reach Rear (Panama Canal)PAN 029- --------
Gavrilova Cape (Sakhalin)ASR 027Hist ------AS-018-
Gavrilovskiy (Barents Sea)ERU 094- --69° 12.0' N035° 49.0' EMapKP79ve--
Gavrio (Andros Island)GRE 070- ------EU-067-
Gazya Sima (Kagoshima)JPN 068- --------
Gdansk Head East BreakwaterPOL 006- --54° 25.0' N018° 40.0' EMapJO94hk-1
Gdansk Northern PortPOL 005- --54° 25.0' N018° 40.0' EMapJO94hk-1
Gdansk Nowy Port/Latarnia Morska Gdansk Nowy PortPOL 033- --54° 24.0' N018° 42.0' EMapJO94ij-24
Gdansk Port PolnocnyPOL 007- --54° 24.0' N018° 42.0' EMapJO94ij--
Gdynia Breakwater North HPOL 078Hist --------
Gdynia Breakwater South HPOL 079Hist --------
GedserDEN 010- --54° 33.8' N011° 57.8' EMapJO54xn-7
Geeste North Mole I/Geestemünde North Mole I (Bremerhaven)
Geestemünde North Mole I/Geeste North Mole I (Bremerhaven)
FED 045- --53° 32.0' N008° 35.0' EMapJO43gm--
Geeste North Mole II/Geestemünde North Mole II (Bremerhaven)
Geestemünde North Mole II/Geeste North Mole II (Bremerhaven)
FED 046- --53° 32.0' N008° 35.0' EMapJO43gm-2
Geeste South Mole/Geestemünde South Mole (Bremerhaven)
Geestemünde South Mole/Geeste South Mole (Bremerhaven)
FED 047- --53° 32.0' N008° 35.0' EMapJO43gm-3
Geestemünde OberfeuerFED 331- -------3
Geestemünde-Fischereihafen UnterfeuerFED 332- -------2
GeirfuglaskerICE 038- --64° 1.0' N022° 21.0' WMapHP84ta--
GeirfuglaskerICE 118- --63° 19.0' N020° 30.0' WMapHP93rh--
GeitaNOR 093- --61° 16.0' N004° 49.0' EMapJP21jg--
GeitungenNOR 016- --59° 8.0' N005° 10.0' EMapJO29od--
Gelendzhikskiy (Black Sea)ERU 030- --44° 33.0' N038° 3.0' EMapKN94an-1
GeliboluTUR 023- --40° 25.0' N026° 41.0' EMapKN30ik-2
Gellen/HiddenseeFED 088- --54° 30.5' N013° 4.5' EMapJO64mm-1
Gellibrand (Polly Woodside Maritime Museum)
Point Gellibrand Pile (Polly Woodside Maritime Museum), VIC M : Point Gellibrand Pile, VIC H
AUS 079MHist MuseumVictoria38° 35.0' S143° 20.0' EMapQF11qkOC-001-
General Elliot Reef (Bangka)IDO 130- --02° 4.0' S106° 19.0' EMapOI37dw--
Genesee East Pier/Summerville (Lake Ontario)
Summerville/Genesee East Pier (Lake Ontario), NY H
USA 1214Hist -New York------
Genesee West Pier/Rochester Harbor
Rochester Harbor/Genesee West Pier, NY
USA 322- -New York43° 16.0' N077° 36.0' WMapFN13eg--
Genève Jetée du Sud (Lake Geneva)SWI 002- --46° 12.6' N006° 9.4' EMapJN36bf-1
GenicheskyUKR 019- -------2
Genkai Jima Breakwater (Fukuoka)JPN 1996- --33° 41.0' N130° 14.0' EMapPM53cq--
Genkai Sima (Fukuoka)JPN 069- --33° 41.0' N130° 14.0' EMapPM53cq--
GenovezROM 015- --44° 10.0' N028° 40.0' EMapKN44he-1
Gentilly Front Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 952- -Quebec------
Gentilly Rear Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1261- -Quebec------
Geomun DoSKR 007- --34° 0.0' N127° 20.0' EMapPM33px--
George Island
Little George Island, , MB
CAN 845- -Manitoba52° 49.2' N097° 36.8' WMapEO12et-1
George TownCAY 002- -------2
George's Island/Halifax Harbour Inned Range Front
Halifax Harbour Inner Range Front/George's Island, NS
CAN 193- -Nova Scotia44° 38.0' N063° 34.0' WMapFN84fpNA-0812
GeorgetownGUY 001- --06° 50.0' N058° 10.0' WMapGJ06vt--
Georgetown Railway WharfCAN 194Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 11.0' N062° 32.0' WMapFN86re--
Georgetown Range (Front)/St. Andrews Point
St. Andrews Point/Georgetown Front Range, PE
CAN 195- -Prince Edward Island46° 10.0' N062° 32.0' WMapFN86rd--
Georgetown Range (Rear)CAN 196Hist -Prince Edward Island46° 9.9' N062° 32.2' WMapFN86rd-1
Georgetown/North Island
North Island/Georgetown, SC
USA 323- -South Carolina33° 13.4' N079° 11.1' WMapFM03jf--
Georgi Dimitrov (Varna Museum)BUL 032- --43° 12.1' N027° 55.3' EMapKN33xe--
Gereaux IslandCAN 197Hist -Ontario------
GermandøSWE 152- --------
Gerogompos (Kefalonia Island)GRE 132- --38° 11.0' N020° 20.0' EMapKM08deEU-052-
Getxo Contradique de Algorta/Getxo East Breakwater
Getxo East Breakwater/Getxo Contradique de Algorta
SPA 094- --43° 21.0' N003° 2.0' WMapIN83li--
GfønningenNOR 030- --60° 3.0' N005° 9.0' EMapJP20nb--
Ghazaquet Jetee NordALG 037- --35° 6.0' N001° 52.0' WMapIM95bc--
Ghazaquet Rocher les duex FreresALG 038- --35° 6.0' N001° 52.0' WMapIM95bc--
GhoghaIND 134- --21° 42.0' N072° 17.0' EMapML61dq--
Giants Tomb IslandCAN 198Hist -Ontario44° 52.8' N080° 0.4' WMapEN94xv--
Gibbet IsletBER 001- --32° 19.0' N064° 45.0' WMapFM72ohNA-005-
Gibbs HillBER 010- --32° 15.0' N064° 50.0' WMapFM72ofNA-0051
GibraltarUSA 1076Hist -Michigan------
Gibraltar PointCAN 199- -Ontario43° 36.8' N079° 23.1' WMapFN03ho-1
Giens (Giens Half Island)FRA 100- --43° 2.0' N006° 8.0' EMapJN33ba--
Giftun el-Saghir (Red Sea)EGY 024Hist --27° 12.0' N033° 59.0' EMapKL67xe--
Gig HarborUSA 1064- -Washington47° 19.6' N122° 34.5' WMapCN87rh--
Giglio Castello Molo di Levante (Isola del Giglio)ITA 204- --42° 22.0' N010° 55.0' EMapJN52kiEU-028-
Giglio Castello Molo di Ponente (Isola del Giglio)ITA 205- --42° 22.0' N010° 55.0' EMapJN52kiEU-028-
Gilbert's Cove/Gilbert's Point
Gilbert's Point/Gilbert's Cove, NS
CAN 200- -Nova Scotia-----1
Gili Selang (Bali)IDO 131- --08° 24.0' S115° 42.0' EMapOI71uo--
Gili TrawanganIDO 375- ------OC-150-
Giliraja (Java)IDO 090- --07° 14.0' S113° 48.0' EMapOI62vs--
Gillis PointCAN 201- -Nova Scotia46° 1.0' N060° 46.0' WMapFN96oa--
GilskærenSWE 161- --------
Gimli (Lake Winnipeg)CAN 846Hist -Manitoba50° 38.0' N096° 59.0' WMapEO10mp-4
Gingra Rock (Lake Victoria)KEN 004- --03° 58.0' S039° 46.0' EMapKI96va--
Gordan/Gurdan/Giordan : Gurdan/Giordan/Gordan
MLT 003- --36° 4.0' N014° 13.0' EMapJM76cbEU-0233
Giovan Lungo/Pointe Saint-Cyprien/Punta San Ciprianu
Pointe Saint-Cyprien/Punta San Ciprianu/Giovan Lungo : Punta San Ciprianu/Giovan Lungo/Pointe Saint-Cyprien
COR 037- --41° 37.0' N009° 21.0' EMapJN41qoEU-014-
GipkaLAT 021- --57° 34.0' N022° 40.0' EMapKO17in-1
Girdle NessSCO 089- --57° 8.0' N002° 3.0' WMapIO87xd-2
Giresun (Black Sea)TUR 070- --40° 55.0' N038° 23.0' EMapKN90ew--
Girlo ProrvaUKR 041- --45° 28.0' N029° 43.0' EMapKN45ul--
Girvan North Breakwater HeadSCO 297- --55° 14.7' N004° 51.9' WMapIO75nf-1
Girvan South Pier HeadSCO 296- --55° 14.7' N004° 51.7' WMapIO75nf-1
Gisborne Harbour Front Range (North Island)NZL 079- --38° 41.0' S177° 59.0' EMapRF81xh--
Gisborne Harbour Rear Range (North Island)NZL 080- --38° 40.0' S177° 59.0' EMapRF81xh--
GisslanALA 006- --60° 11.0' N019° 18.0' EMapJP90peEU-002-
Gitmertangen Common FrontNOR 351- --58° 31.0' N008° 57.0' EMapJO48lm--
Gitmertangen North Range RearNOR 309- --58° 31.0' N008° 57.0' EMapJO48lm--
Gitmertangen South Range RearNOR 352- --58° 30.0' N008° 57.0' EMapJO48lm--
GiværNOR 094- --------
GjerdholmenNOR 353- --59° 3.0' N005° 27.0' EMapJO29rb--
GjerrildDEN 089- --56° 31.7' N010° 49.8' EMapJO56jm--
GjesnakkenNOR 095- --------
Gji DukatitALB 013- --40° 20.0' N019° 25.0' EMapJN90rh--
GjogurtaICE 110- --66° 11.0' N018° 11.0' WMapIP06ve--
Gjæslingen EastNOR 017- --------
Gjæslingen WestNOR 018- --64° 44.0' N010° 51.0' EMapJP54kr--
GjögurICE 039- --66° 0.0' N021° 19.0' WMapHP96ia--
Glace Bay North BreakwaterCAN 202- -Nova Scotia46° 12.0' N059° 57.0' WMapGN06ae--
Glace Bay Range FrontCAN 957Hist -Nova Scotia------
Glace Bay Range FrontCAN 1399- -Nova Scotia46° 11.8' N059° 56.9' WMapGN06ae--
Glace Bay Range RearCAN 897Hist -Nova Scotia46° 12.0' N059° 57.0' WMapGN06ae--
Glace Bay Range RearCAN 1400- -Nova Scotia46° 11.8' N059° 56.9' WMapGN06ae--
Gladstone BreakwaterUSA 1469- -Michigan45° 30.0' N087° 0.6' WMapEN65lm--
Glaronisia (Leros)DOD 028- --37° 6.0' N026° 53.0' EMapKM37kcEU-001-
Glas EileananSCO 090- --56° 29.0' N005° 43.0' WMapIO76dl--
Glasgow Point (Isle Madame)CAN 1215Hist -Nova Scotia------
Glasson Dock, LancashireENG 046- --54° 0.0' N002° 51.0' WMapIO84na--
GlavatCRO 004- --42° 45.9' N017° 8.7' EMapJN82ns--
Glengarry Point (St. Lawrence River)CAN 1067Hist -Ontario-----1
GlesværNOR 096- --------
GletteNOR 097- --------
GlettinganesICE 040- --65° 31.0' N013° 37.0' WMapIP35em--
Glückstadt NordmoleFED 090- --53° 47.0' N009° 25.0' EMapJO43qs--
Glückstadt OberfeuerFED 091- --53° 48.0' N009° 25.0' EMapJO43qt--
Glückstadt SüdmoleFED 352- --53° 47.1' N009° 24.6' EMapJO43qs--
Glückstadt UnterfeuerFED 089- --53° 48.0' N009° 24.0' EMapJO43qt--
GlyngøreDEN 077- --56° 46.0' N008° 52.0' EMapJO46ks-1
Glåpen (New)NOR 429- --67° 53.0' N013° 2.0' EMapJP67mv--
Glåpen (Old)NOR 098- --67° 53.0' N013° 2.0' EMapJP67mv--
Go Saki (Nagasaki)JPN 070- --34° 20.0' N129° 13.0' EMapPM44oh--
Go Se (Nagasaki)JPN 802- --33° 42.0' N129° 42.0' EMapPM43uq--
Goat Island
Cape Porpoise, ME
USA 325- -Maine43° 21.5' N070° 25.5' WMapFN43si-2
Goat Island/Newport Harbor
Newport Harbor/Goat Island, RI
USA 548- -Rhode Island41° 29.6' N071° 19.6' WMapFN41il-4
Goat Island/Yerba Buena Island
Yerba Buena Island/Goat Island, CA
USA 908- -California37° 48.0' N122° 22.0' WMapCM87tt-1
Goat Point (Mana Island) (North Island) HNZL 032Hist --------
Gobo Katuo Sima (Wakayama)JPN 1940- --33° 51.0' N135° 9.0' EMapPM73nu--
Gobo Ko Outer Breakwater (Wakayama)JPN 1941- --33° 52.0' N135° 9.0' EMapPM73nu--
Gobo Ko South Breakwater Head (Wakayama)JPN 1942- --33° 52.0' N135° 10.0' EMapPM73ou--
Godavery/Hope Island H
Hope Island/Godavery H
IND 034Hist --16° 49.0' N082° 18.0' EMapNK16dt--
Goderich Light StationCAN 546- -Ontario-----9
Goderich North Breakwater (Lake Huron)CAN 1009Hist -Ontario43° 45.0' N081° 44.0' WMapEN93ds-2
Goderich North Pier Front (Lake Huron)CAN 1010Hist -Ontario43° 45.0' N081° 44.0' WMapEN93ds-3
Goderich North Pier Rear (Lake Huron)CAN 1011Hist -Ontario43° 45.0' N081° 44.0' WMapEN93ds-4
Goderich Range Rear (Lake Huron)CAN 1012Hist -Ontario-----3
Goderich South Breakwater (Lake Huron)CAN 1013Hist -Ontario43° 45.0' N081° 44.0' WMapEN93ds-3
Godley Head (South Island)NZL 025- --43° 35.0' S172° 49.0' EMapRE66jj--
Godrevy Island, CornwallENG 047Hist --50° 15.0' N005° 24.0' WMapIO70hf--
Godthåb HarbourGRN 004- --------
GoedereedeNET 039- --51° 50.0' N003° 59.0' EMapJO11xt--
Goeree HNET 008Hist --51° 56.0' N003° 40.0' EMapJO11uw--
Goeree Light PlatformNET 040- --51° 55.0' N003° 39.0' EMapJO11tw--
Goessche Sas Green EntranceNET 086- --51° 32.0' N003° 57.0' EMapJO11xm--
Goessche Sas Red EntranceNET 087- --51° 32.0' N003° 57.0' EMapJO11xm--
Gogland Severny (Baltic Sea)ERU 056- --60° 6.0' N026° 57.0' EMapKP30lc--
Gogland Yuzhny (Baltic Sea)ERU 213- --60° 1.0' N027° 1.0' EMapKP30ma-1
Goh Beng/Ko Bulaobot (Andaman Sea)
Ko Bulaobot/Goh Beng (Andaman Sea)
THA 006- --07° 4.0' N099° 24.0' EMapNJ97qb--
Goh Nom Sao NoiTHA 007- --08° 19.0' N098° 31.0' EMapNJ98gh--
Goisi Saki (Iwate)JPN 072- --38° 59.0' N141° 45.0' EMapQM08vx--
Gokasho Ko/O Shima (Mie)JPN 1805- --34° 18.0' N136° 40.0' EMapPM84hh--
Gokasyo Ura (Mie)JPN 1806- --34° 21.0' N136° 42.0' EMapPM84ii--
GolacCRO 052- --44° 11.0' N014° 51.0' EMapJN74ke--
Gold Cliff (Monmouthshire)WAL 056- --51° 32.0' N002° 54.0' WMapIO81nm--
Golets (White Sea)ERU 031- --64° 46.0' N040° 2.0' EMapLP04as--
Golf de Juan - Lecrouton Breakwater HeadFRA 561- --43° 34.0' N007° 7.0' EMapJN33nn--
Golfo NuevoARG 038- --42° 43.3' S065° 1.8' WMapFE77lg--
Gollwitz Nord (Oberfeuer) (Poel Island)FED 092- --54° 1.4' N011° 28.3' EMapJO54ra-6
Golo IslandPHI 025- --13° 38.0' N120° 39.0' EMapPK03hpOC-126-
Goncalo Velho (Ilha De Santa Maria)AZO 009- --36° 56.0' N025° 1.0' WMapHM76lw-1
Gonio Range FrontASP 002- --37° 47.7' S077° 33.9' EMapMF82se--
Gonio Range RearASP 003- --37° 47.7' S077° 33.8' EMapMF82se--
Gonovra Ko North Breakwater Head (Nagasaki)JPN 2170- --33° 44.0' N129° 41.0' EMapPM43ur--
Goods Island LightshipAUS 225- -Queensland------
Goods Island Range FrontAUS 080- -Queensland10° 34.0' S142° 9.0' EMapQH19bk--
Goods Island Range Rear/Western Hill
Western Hill/Goods Island Range Rear, QLD
AUS 232- -Queensland10° 34.0' S142° 9.0' EMapQH19bk--
Goose IslandAUS 081- -Tasmania40° 19.0' S147° 48.0' EMapQE39vq--
Goose LakeCAN 911Hist -New Brunswick------
Goose RocksUSA 326- -Maine44° 8.1' N068° 49.8' WMapFN54odNA-055-
GopalpurIND 035- --19° 15.0' N084° 56.0' EMapNK29lg--
Gopnath PointIND 135- --21° 12.0' N072° 7.0' EMapML61be--
Gora Szwedow (Hel Peninsula) HPOL 043Hist --54° 37.1' N018° 49.0' EMapJO94jo-2
Gorda PointPHI 026- --12° 40.0' N122° 9.0' EMapPK12bq--
Gordon's/South Point
South Point/Gordon's
BAR 004- --13° 3.0' N059° 32.0' WMapGK03fb--
Gore Bay/Janet Head
Janet Head/Gore Bay, ON
CAN 203- -Ontario------
Gorey Range FrontJER 003- --49° 12.0' N002° 1.0' WMapIN89xe-1
Gorio Ko Breakwater (Kumamoto)JPN 2091- --32° 31.0' N130° 11.0' EMapPM52cm--
Gorki (Baltic Sea)ERU 138- --59° 48.0' N028° 30.0' EMapKO49gt--
Gorleston North Breakwater, NorfolkENG 219- --52° 34.0' N001° 44.0' WMapIO92dn--
Gorleston Rear Range/Gorleston, Norfolk
Gorleston/Gorleston Rear Range, Norfolk
ENG 303- --52° 34.0' N001° 44.0' EMapJO02un--
Gorleston Sea Range Front, NorfolkENG 220- --52° 34.0' N001° 44.0' WMapIO92dn--
Gorleston South Breakwater, NorfolkENG 221- --52° 34.0' N001° 44.0' WMapIO92dn--
Gorling Bluff/East EndCAY 001- --19° 18.0' N081° 6.0' WMapEK99kh-1
GorlizSPA 286- --43° 26.0' N002° 56.7' WMapIN83mk-1
GoroNCA 003- --22° 20.0' S167° 2.0' EMapRG37mpOC-032-
Gorodetskiy (White Sea)ERU 240- --67° 42.0' N040° 59.0' EMapLP07lq--
Gorodskoy (White Sea)ERU 241- --63° 54.0' N038° 6.0' EMapKP93bv--
GoroetkyERU 032- --------
Gorro Frigio (Golfo Nuevo)ARG 091- --42° 35.0' S064° 18.0' WMapFE77uj--
Goryansky (Sakhalin)ASR 028- --48° 57.0' N142° 59.0' EMapQN18lwAS-018-
Gosu (Shimane)JPN 071- --35° 2.0' N132° 14.0' EMapPM65ca--
Goto Sao Saki (Nagasaki)JPN 073- --32° 49.0' N129° 4.0' EMapPM42mt--
Gotska Sandøn IslandsSWE 020- --58° 24.0' N019° 11.0' EMapJO98oj-1
Gotska Sandøn Northwest PointSWE 021- --58° 24.0' N019° 11.0' EMapJO98oj-1
Gould IslandUSA 958Hist -Rhode Island41° 32.0' N071° 21.0' WMapFN41hm--
Goulet de Fromentine Nord/Tourelle du Milieu
Tourelle du Milieu/Goulet de Fromentine Nord
FRA 637- --46° 54.0' N002° 10.0' WMapIN86wv--
Goulet de Fromentine Sud/Tourelle de Bois-Vinet
Tourelle de Bois-Vinet/Goulet de Fromentine Sud
FRA 802- -------1
Gourdon Range RearSCO 345- --56° 50.0' N002° 17.0' WMapIO86uu--
Govena/Mys Govena (Koryakia Oblast)
Mys Govena/Govena (Koryakia Oblast)
ASR 146- --59° 48.0' N166° 6.0' EMapRO39bt--
Government House (Nassau)BAH 019- --25° 5.2' N077° 21.1' WMapFL15hc--
Goza Ko West Breakwater (Mie)JPN 1807- --34° 16.0' N136° 46.0' EMapPM84jg--
Goza Misaki (Mie)JPN 074- --34° 16.0' N136° 45.0' EMapPM84jg--
Gozen Iwa (Shizuoka)JPN 1425- --34° 36.0' N138° 16.0' EMapPM94do--
Gozyo Se (Miyazaki)JPN 2126- --32° 39.0' N131° 49.0' EMapPM52vp--
Grabow Range FrontFED 366- --54° 13.6' N013° 23.3' EMapJO64qf-1
Grabow Range RearFED 367- --54° 13.6' N013° 23.7' EMapJO64qf-1
Graeme Point/Pulteney Point
Pulteney Point/Graeme Point, BC
CAN 420- -British Columbia50° 38.0' N127° 9.0' WMapCO60kp--
Graemsay Island Range Front/Taing of Oxan/Hoy Sound Low
Hoy Sound Low/Graemsay Island Range Front/Taing of Oxan : Taing of Oxan/Hoy Sound Low/Graemsay Island Range Front
SCO 174- --58° 56.0' N003° 18.0' WMapIO88iw--
Graemsay Island Range Rear/Taing of Sandside/Hoy Sound High
Hoy Sound High/Graemsay Island Range Rear/Taing of Sandside : Taing of Sandside/Hoy Sound High/Graemsay Island Range Rear
SCO 104- --58° 56.0' N003° 17.0' WMapIO88iw--
Graham Bay/Stillwater Park (Ottawa River)
Stillwater Park/Graham Bay (Ottawa River), ON
CAN 1352- -Ontario45° 21.2' N075° 49.4' WMapFN25ci-27
Graham Pond (North Breakwater)CAN 204- -Prince Edward Island46° 6.0' N062° 27.0' WMapFN86sc--
Graham Pond (South Breakwater)CAN 205- -Prince Edward Island46° 6.0' N062° 27.0' WMapFN86sc--
Grainger Bank (Spratley Islands)SPR 003- --07° 49.0' N110° 28.0' EMapOJ57ft--
Gran Admirante Grau/San Lorenzo IslandPER 006- --12° 3.8' S077° 14.8' WMapFH17jw--
Gran Puerto De CancúnMEX 189- --------
Gran Tarajal East Side (Isla de Fuerteventura)CAI 077- --28° 12.0' N014° 2.0' WMapIL28xeAF-004-
Gran Tarajal West Side (Isla de Fuerteventura)CAI 017- --28° 12.0' N014° 2.0' WMapIL28xeAF-004-
Gran Torre di OristanoSAR 022- --39° 54.0' N008° 31.0' EMapJM49gvEU-024-
Granberget IslandSWE 022- --57° 53.0' N011° 35.0' EMapJO57sv--
Grand AnseCAN 912Hist -New Brunswick------
Grand BankCAN 686Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador47° 6.0' N055° 45.0' WMapGN27dc--
Grand Bassa PointLIB 004Hist --------
Grand BassamICO 013- --05° 12.0' N003° 44.0' WMapIJ85de--
Grand BendCAN 1422- -Ontario43° 18.8' N081° 46.1' WMapEN93ch-1
Grand Cayman/Memorial LightCAY 005- --19° 18.0' N081° 23.0' WMapEK99hh--
Grand Dune Flats Front RangeCAN 726Hist -New Brunswick------
Grand Etang (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1216Hist -Nova Scotia----NA-010-
Grand Harbour East Breakwater/Ricasoli
Ricasoli/Grand Harbour East Breakwater
MLT 004- --35° 54.0' N014° 31.0' EMapJM75gvEU-0231
Grand Harbour West Breakwater/St. Elmo
St. Elmo/Grand Harbour West Breakwater
MLT 002- --35° 54.0' N014° 32.0' EMapJM75gvEU-0231
Grand Haven Main (Lake Michigan)USA 327Hist -Michigan------
Grand Haven South Pierhead Inner (Lake Michigan)USA 1077- -Michigan43° 3.4' N086° 15.2' WMapEN63ub-3
Grand Haven South Pierhead Outer (Lake Michigan)USA 1078- -Michigan43° 3.4' N086° 15.4' WMapEN63ub-4
Grand Island Harbor Front Range (Old)
Grand Island Harbor Range (Front)/Bay Furnace (Lake Superior)
USA 1110- -Michigan46° 26.3' N086° 41.5' WMapEN66pk-1
Grand Island Harbor Rear Range
Grand Island Harbor Range (Rear)/Grand Island North/Old North/Christmas (Lake Superior), MI : Grand Island North/Old North/Christmas/Grand Island Harbor Range (Rear) (Lake Superior), MI : Old North/Christmas/Grand Island Harbor Range (Rear)/Grand Island N
USA 329- -Michigan46° 26.2' N086° 41.5' WMapEN66pk-1
Grand Island Range Front (Lake Erie)USA 1047- -New York------
Grand Island Range Rear (Dunkirk Lighthouse and Veterans Park Museum)
Grand Island Range Rear (Niagara River), NY H
USA 1144MHist MuseumNew York------
Grand Island Range Rear (Niagara River)USA 1144HHist -New York------
Grand Jardin (New) (Saint-Malo)FRA 030- --48° 40.0' N002° 5.0' WMapIN88wp--
Grand Jardin (Old) (Saint-Malo) HFRA 825Hist --48° 40.2' N002° 5.0' WMapIN88xq--
Grand Jetée/ToulonFRA 562- --43° 5.0' N005° 56.0' EMapJN23xc--
Grand LahouICO 001- --05° 9.0' N005° 1.0' WMapIJ75ld--
Grand LéjonFRA 018- --48° 45.0' N002° 40.0' WMapIN88qs--
Grand Marais (New)USA 330- -Minnesota47° 44.7' N090° 20.3' WMapEN47tr--
Grand Marais (Old) (Lake Superior)USA 1382Hist -Minnesota------
Grand Marais Harbor of Refuge Range Front USA 1079- -Michigan46° 41.0' N085° 58.3' WMapEN76aq-2
Grand Marais Harbor of Refuge Range RearUSA 1080- -Michigan46° 40.6' N085° 58.3' WMapEN76aq-2
Grand Marais West BreakwaterUSA 1383- -Minnesota47° 45.0' N090° 20.0' WMapEN47tr--
Grand PassageCAN 206Hist -Nova Scotia44° 17.0' N066° 21.0' WMapFN64tg-1
Grand RibaudFRA 304- --43° 1.0' N006° 8.6' EMapJN33baEU-070-
Grand RouveauFRA 019- --50° 13.0' N001° 34.0' EMapJO00sfEU-070-
Grand Tracadie (Wharf)CAN 207- -Prince Edward Island46° 24.0' N063° 2.0' WMapFN86lj--
Grand Traverse (Lake Michigan)USA 332- -Michigan45° 12.6' N085° 33.0' WMapEN75ff--
Grand TurkTCI 001- --21° 31.0' N071° 8.0' WMapFL41km--
Grandcamp Feu de la Maresquerie Range RearFRA 676- --49° 23.0' N001° 3.0' WMapIN99lj--
Grandcamp Feu du Perret Range FrontFRA 677- --49° 23.0' N001° 3.0' WMapIN99lj--
Grandcamp Jetée Est (Red)FRA 678- --49° 21.0' N001° 3.0' WMapIN99li--
Grandcamp Jetée Ouest (Green)FRA 679- --49° 21.0' N001° 3.0' WMapIN99li--
Grande Île Kamouraska (St. Lawrence River)CAN 972Hist -Quebec------
Grande Motte East PierFRA 703- --43° 33.0' N004° 5.0' EMapJN23bn--
Grande Motte West PierFRA 704- --43° 33.0' N004° 5.0' EMapJN23bn--
Grande Norway Island/Xuy Nong Chao
Xuy Nong Chao/Grande Norway Island
VIE 020- --20° 37.0' N107° 10.0' EMapOL30no--
Grande RivièreCAN 778Hist -Quebec48° 23.9' N064° 30.2' WMapFN78rj--
Grande Vinotiere/MoleneFRA 306- --48° 22.0' N004° 44.0' WMapIN78piEU-065-
Grandique PointCAN 208Hist -Nova Scotia45° 36.0' N061° 1.0' WMapFN95lo--
Grands Cardinaux (Hoedic Island)FRA 017- --47° 19.0' N002° 50.0' WMapIN87nhEU-048-
Granite Island (Lake Superior)USA 333- -Michigan46° 43.0' N087° 25.0' WMapEN66gr-1
Grant Beach Range FrontCAN 727- -New Brunswick------
Grant Beach Range RearCAN 728- -New Brunswick------
Grant's PassUSA 1008Hist -Alabama------
Granton (Firth of Forth)SCO 335- --55° 59.0' N003° 13.0' WMapIO85jx--
Granville Môle Neuf HFRA 757Hist --48° 49.0' N001° 36.0' WMapIN98et--
GraskarsbadanFIN 124- --60° 2.0' N024° 54.0' EMapKP20ka--
Grassy Hill/CooktownAUS 083- -Queensland15° 28.0' S145° 15.0' EMapQH24omOC-0011
Grassy Island North Channel Range Front (Detroit River)USA 1261Hist -Michigan------
Grassy Island North Channel Range Rear (Detroit River)USA 1262Hist -Michigan------
Grassy Island Range FrontUSA 334HHist -Wisconsin44° 33.2' N087° 59.4' WMapEN64an-8
Grassy Island Range Front MuseumUSA 334M- MuseumWisconsin44° 32.2' N088° 0.3' WMapEN54xm-8
Grassy Island Range RearUSA 339HHist -Wisconsin44° 33.2' N087° 59.5' WMapEN64an-7
Grassy Island Range Rear MuseumUSA 339M- MuseumWisconsin44° 32.2' N088° 0.3' WMapEN54xm-7
Grassy Island South Channel Range Front (Detroit River)USA 1263Hist -Michigan------
Grassy Island South Channel Range Rear (Detroit River)USA 1264Hist -Michigan------
Grau du Roi - East PierFRA 308- --43° 32.0' N004° 8.0' EMapJN23bm--
Grau du Roi - Old Tower HFRA 307Hist --43° 32.0' N004° 8.0' EMapJN23bm--
Grau du Roi - West PierFRA 309- --43° 32.0' N004° 8.0' EMapJN23bm--
Grauten (Gotland Island)SWE 155- --57° 44.0' N019° 1.0' EMapJO97mr--
Gravarna NedreSWE 450- --58° 21.0' N011° 15.0' EMapJO58pi--
Gravarna ÖvreSWE 451- --58° 21.0' N011° 15.0' EMapJO58pi--
Gravelines Jetée EastFRA 157- --51° 1.0' N002° 6.0' EMapJO11ba--
Gravelines Jetée West HeadFRA 563- --51° 1.0' N002° 6.0' EMapJO11ba-1
Gravelines/Petit Fort-Philippe
Petit Fort-Philippe/Gravelines
FRA 751- --51° 0.2' N002° 6.5' EMapJO11ba--
Gravelly Shoal (Lake Huron)USA 340- -Michigan44° 1.1' N083° 32.2' WMapEN84fa--
Gravenhurst Narrows/Lighthouse Island (Lake Muskoka)
Lighthouse Island/Gravenhurst Narrows (Lake Muskoka), ON
CAN 1031- -Ontario44° 57.0' N079° 24.0' WMapFN04hw--
GravesUSA 341Hist -Massachusetts42° 22.0' N070° 52.0' WMapFN42ni-2
Gravesend Pier (River Thames), KentENG 280- --------
Grays Harbor/Westport
Westport/Grays Harbor, WA
USA 342- -Washington46° 53.3' N124° 7.0' WMapCN76wv-3
Grays Reef (Lake Michigan)USA 343- -Michigan45° 46.0' N085° 9.0' WMapEN75ks-2
Great Astrolabe Reef/Solo Rock
Solo Rock/Great Astrolabe Reef
FIJ 002- --18° 38.0' S178° 32.0' EMapRH91gi--
Great Basses ReefSLI 010- --06° 11.0' N081° 29.0' EMapNJ06re--
Great BedsUSA 344Hist -New Jersey40° 29.0' N074° 15.0' WMapFN20ul-1
Great Bras d'Or Range InnerCAN 209Hist -Nova Scotia46° 17.0' N060° 25.0' WMapFN96tg--
Great Bras d'Or Range OuterCAN 606Hist -Nova Scotia46° 17.0' N060° 25.0' WMapFN96tg--
Great Captain IslandUSA 346Hist -Connecticut------
Great Castle Head Range Front/Great Castle Head (Milford Haven)
Great Castle Head/Great Castle Head Range Front (Milford Haven)
WAL 007Hist --51° 43.0' N005° 6.0' WMapIO71kr--
Great Castle Head Range Rear (New)/Little Castle Head (Milford Haven)
Little Castle Head/Great Castle Head Range Rear (New) (Milford Haven)
WAL 050- --51° 43.0' N005° 7.0' WMapIO71kr--
Great Castle Head Range Rear (Old) (Milford Haven)WAL 060- --------
Great Duck IslandCAN 210- -New Brunswick-----1
Great Duck IslandUSA 347- -Maine44° 9.0' N068° 15.0' WMapFN54ud--
Great Duck Island (Lake Huron)CAN 1032- -Ontario45° 39.0' N082° 58.0' WMapEN85mp--
Great Fish PointSAF 046- --33° 31.0' S027° 6.0' EMapKF36nl--
Great Harbor CayBAH 003- --------
Great Inagua/Southwest Point
Southwest Point/Great Inagua
BAH 007- --20° 57.0' N073° 40.0' WMapFL30ew--
Great Isaac Cay/Great Isaac
Great Isaac/Great Isaac Cay
BAH 002- --26° 2.0' N079° 5.0' WMapFL06la--
Great Island (North Island)NZL 026- --------
Great Ormes Head/Pen-y-Gogarth
Pen-y-Gogarth/Great Ormes Head
WAL 008- --53° 21.0' N003° 52.0' EMapJO13wi-1
Great PassEGY 046- --------
Great Point (New)/Nantucket (New)
Nantucket (New)/Great Point (New), MA
USA 348Hist -Massachusetts41° 23.0' N070° 3.0' WMapFN41xj-1
Great Point (Old)/Nantucket (Old)
Nantucket (Old)/Great Point (Old), MA H
USA 349Hist -Massachusetts41° 23.4' N070° 2.9' WMapFN41xj-1
Great Salt Pond Breakwater Inner (Block Island)USA 1274Hist -Rhode Island------
Great Salt Pond Breakwater Outer (Block Island)USA 1275Hist -Rhode Island------
Great ShoalsUSA 350Hist -Maryland38° 12.9' N075° 52.8' WMapFM28bf-2
Great Skellig Rock (Co. Kerry)IRE 118- --41° 46.0' N010° 33.0' WMapIN41rs--
Great Stirrup CayBAH 008- --25° 49.4' N077° 54.0' WMapFL15bt--
Great Swan IslandHON 002- --17° 25.0' N083° 57.0' WMapEK87aj--
Great West/Ponquogue Point/Shinnecock
Ponquogue Point/Shinnecock/Great West, NY H : Shinnecock/Great West/Ponquogue Point, NY H
USA 755Hist -New York40° 51.0' N072° 28.0' WMapFN30su-2
Great Wicomico RiverUSA 351Hist -Virginia37° 48.3' N076° 16.1' WMapFM17ut-2
Greater Tunb Island/Jazireh-ye Tonb-e BozorgIRA 005- --26° 16.0' N055° 18.0' EMapLL76pg--
GrebenCRO 053- --44° 20.0' N014° 41.0' EMapJN74ii--
GrebeniCRO 054- --42° 39.0' N018° 1.0' EMapJN92ap--
Green Bay Harbor Entrance (Lake Michigan)USA 352- -Wisconsin44° 39.3' N087° 54.2' WMapEN64bp-3
Green Cape (Lattice Tower)AUS 260- -New South Wales37° 16.0' S150° 3.0' EMapQF52arOC-001-
Green Cape (Original Tower)AUS 085- -New South Wales37° 16.0' S150° 3.0' EMapQF52arOC-001-
Green Head (St. John River)CAN 817- -New Brunswick------
Green IslandMYA 006- --16° 3.0' N097° 33.0' EMapNK86sb--
Green Island (Catalina)CAN 687- -Newfoundland and Labrador48° 30.0' N053° 3.0' WMapGN38ll--
Green Island (Chatham Sound)CAN 742- -British Columbia54° 34.0' N130° 42.0' WMapCO44pn--
Green Island (Fortune Bay)CAN 658- -Newfoundland and Labrador46° 52.0' N056° 5.0' WMapGN16xu--
Green Island (Lake Erie)USA 353Hist -Ohio41° 38.7' N082° 52.1' WMapEN81np-1
Green Island (New) (Cape Breton Island)CAN 211- -Nova Scotia----NA-010-
Green Island (Old) (Cape Breton Island)CAN 1370Hist -Nova Scotia----NA-010-
Green Island (Yarmouth)CAN 212Hist -Nova Scotia------
Green Island NewUSA 1437- -Wisconsin45° 3.3' N087° 29.5' WMapEN65gb-2
Green Island OldUSA 945- -Wisconsin45° 3.4' N087° 29.6' WMapEN65gb-2
Green Island/Haulbowline Range Rear (Co. Down)
Haulbowline Range Rear/Green Island (Co. Down)
NTI 015- --54° 2.0' N006° 6.0' WMapIO64wa--
Green Island/Île Verte (St. Lawrence River)
Île Verte/Green Island (St. Lawrence River), QC
CAN 244- -Quebec48° 3.1' N069° 25.5' WMapFN58gb-5
Green Island/Tsing Chau
Tsing Chau/Green Island
HOK 002- --22° 17.0' N114° 7.0' EMapOL72bg--
Green Point (Clansthal)SAF 014- --30° 15.0' S030° 47.0' EMapKF59js--
Green Point (Mouille Point)SAF 047- --33° 54.0' S018° 24.0' EMapJF96ec--
Green Shoal (Ottawa River)
Beacon Hill
CAN 811- -Ontario45° 28.4' N075° 35.7' WMapFN25el-4
Green's Point/l'Etete Passage (Bay of Fundy)
l’'Etete Passage/Green's Point (Bay of Fundy), NB
CAN 214Hist -New Brunswick45° 2.3' N066° 53.5' WMapFN65na-2
Greenbury PointUSA 1388Hist -Maryland38° 58.5' N076° 27.3' WMapFM18sx--
Greenbury Point ShoalUSA 354Hist -Maryland38° 58.1' N076° 27.2' WMapFM18sx-2
Greenly IslandCAN 213- -Quebec51° 22.5' N057° 11.4' WMapGO11ji--
Greenore (Co. Louth)IRE 037- --54° 2.0' N006° 7.9' WMapIO64wa--
Greenport HarborUSA 1293- -New York41° 6.0' N072° 21.0' WMapFN31tc-2
Greens Ledge/Greens Reef
Greens Reef/Greens Ledge, CT
USA 355- -Connecticut41° 2.5' N073° 26.6' WMapFN31ga--
Greenwich Lightship, South Coast
Lightship Greenwich, South Coast
ENG 269- --50° 24.5' N000° 0.1' WMapIO90xj-5
Gregory IslandCAN 215- -Nova Scotia45° 43.0' N060° 48.0' WMapFN95or--
Greifswalder Oie (New)FED 006- --54° 14.9' N013° 55.4' EMapJO64xfEU-0575
Greifswalder Oie (Old)FED 355- --54° 14.9' N013° 55.5' EMapJO64xf--
GrejanesICE 042- --66° 16.0' N015° 20.0' WMapIP26hg--
Grenadier Island (St. Lawrence River)CAN 818- -Ontario------
Grey Point (Belfast Bay) HNTI 032Hist --------
Grey RocksSCO 092- --56° 30.0' N005° 43.0' WMapIO76dm-1
Gria (Andros Island)GRE 072- --37° 54.0' N024° 57.0' EMapKM27lvEU-067-
Griete-MargarethapolderNET 088- --51° 21.0' N003° 54.0' EMapJO11wi--
Griffith Island (Georgian Bay)CAN 216Hist -Ontario------
Griffiths Island/Port Fairy
Port Fairy/Griffiths Island, VIC
AUS 086- -Victoria38° 24.0' S142° 15.0' EMapQF11do--
Grigor'evskyUKR 045- --46° 36.0' N031° 0.0' EMapKN56lo-2
Grimsay NortheastICE 006- --65° 41.0' N021° 24.0' WMapHP95hq--
Grimsby BreakwaterCAN 1417- -Ontario43° 12.3' N079° 33.0' WMapFN03fe-6
Grimsey SouthICE 007Hist --66° 32.0' N017° 59.0' WMapIP16am--
Grimshafnartangi/KopaskerICE 043- --66° 18.0' N016° 28.0' WMapIP16sh--
Grimsholmen East Side of South EntranceNOR 364- --67° 23.0' N013° 52.0' EMapJP67wj--
Grimsskær/KalmarSWE 156- --------
Grindavik Center Range FrontICE 119- --63° 50.0' N022° 26.0' WMapHP83su--
Grindavik Center Range RearICE 008- --63° 50.0' N022° 26.0' WMapHP83su--
Grindle PointUSA 356- -Maine44° 16.9' N068° 56.6' WMapFN54mgNA-055-
Grindstone IslandCAN 711- -New Brunswick45° 43.3' N064° 37.2' WMapFN75qr-3
GrinnaNOR 099- --63° 14.0' N007° 37.0' EMapJP33tf--
GrintalsLAT 022- --57° 39.0' N024° 23.0' EMapKO27ep--
GripNOR 100- --------
GriseråoddeDEN 075- --56° 34.8' N008° 34.0' EMapJO46gn-6
GroenriviermondSAF 048- --30° 52.0' S017° 35.0' EMapJF89td--
Groin (Aichi)JPN 1686- --34° 35.0' N137° 1.0' EMapPM84mo--
Groin Head (Yamagata)JPN 1177- --38° 57.0' N139° 49.0' EMapPM98vw--
Grondines Front Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 953Hist -Quebec46° 35.1' N072° 5.9' WMapFN36wo--
Grondines Rear Range (St. Lawrence River)CAN 954Hist -Quebec46° 35.8' N072° 4.7' WMapFN36xo--
GroomsportNTI 018- --54° 39.0' N005° 41.0' WMapIO74dp--
Gros Cap Reef Light (Lake Superior)CAN 565Hist -Ontario-----1
Grosnez PointJER 004- --49° 16.0' N002° 15.0' WMapIN89ug-1
Grosse Ile North Channel Front Range (Detroit River)USA 357- -Michigan42° 10.1' N083° 8.4' WMapEN82ke--
Grosse Ile North Channel Rear Range (Detroit River)USA 1278Hist -Michigan------
Grosse Ile South Channel Front Range (Detroit River)USA 1279Hist -Michigan------
Grosse Ile South Channel Rear Range (Detroit River)USA 358Hist -Michigan------
Grosse Point (Lake Michigan)USA 359- -Illinois42° 3.8' N087° 40.6' WMapEN62db-3
Grosse Roche (Saguenay River)CAN 819Hist -Quebec48° 13.1' N069° 52.6' WMapFN58bf--
GrossensielFED 094Hist --53° 28.0' N008° 29.0' EMapJO43fl--
Grossensiel Rear Range (Black) (Weser River)FED 296- --53° 28.0' N008° 29.0' EMapJO43fl--
Grosser VogelsandFED 007- --54° 0.0' N008° 29.0' EMapJO44fa--
Grosserpater FrontFED 095- --53° 20.0' N008° 30.0' EMapJO43fi--
Grosserpater RearFED 096- --53° 19.0' N008° 30.0' EMapJO43fh--
GrossgrundenSWE 023- --------
GrottaICE 044- --64° 9.9' N022° 1.3' WMapHP84xd-1
Grotto Point/Port Jackson Entrance Range FrontAUS 087- -New South Wales33° 49.0' S151° 16.0' EMapQF56peOC-001-
Grove Point Range FrontUSA 1423- --------
Grove Point Range RearUSA 1424- --------
Großenseil UnterfeuerFED 333- --------
Großerpater OberfeuerFED 335Hist --------
Großerpater UnterfeuerFED 334- --------
Gruissan Port de Plaisance Jetée NordFRA 638- --43° 6.0' N003° 8.0' EMapJN13nc--
Gruissan Port de Plaisance Jetée SudFRA 639- --43° 6.0' N003° 8.0' EMapJN13nc--
GrujicaCRO 005- --44° 25.0' N014° 34.0' EMapJN74gj--
GrundkallenSWE 024- --60° 30.0' N018° 51.0' EMapJP90kl--
Gruney Island (Shetland Islands)SCO 093- --60° 39.0' N001° 18.0' WMapIP90ip--
GrunnsundholmenNOR 101- --------
GrydaNOR 329- --59° 3.0' N005° 37.0' EMapJO29tb--
GrünendeichFED 097- --53° 35.0' N009° 37.0' EMapJO43tn--
GrytSWE 162- --------
Grytoey FyrlygtNOR 102- --------
Grytoy West Side of South EntranceNOR 365- --67° 23.4' N013° 50.7' EMapJP67wj--
GråviktangenNOR 354- --58° 35.0' N008° 59.0' EMapJO48ln--
Grænne Harbor (Lake Vänern)SWE 153- --------
GræsskærenSWE 154- --58° 37.0' N017° 14.0' EMapJO88oo--
GrÆsøyaneNOR 103- --62° 26.0' N005° 46.0' EMapJP22vk--
GrønholmskjærNOR 355- --58° 45.0' N009° 20.0' EMapJO48ps--
GrønskærSWE 157- --59° 17.0' N019° 1.0' EMapJO99mg--
Grønsund FFDEN 136- --54° 53.0' N012° 7.2' EMapJO64bv-1
Grøtå HolmeSWE 158- --58° 9.0' N011° 51.0' EMapJO58wd--
Grøtø SkaftøSWE 159- --58° 13.0' N011° 24.2' EMapJO58qf--
Guaira South BreakwaterVEN 011Hist --10° 36.0' N066° 57.0' WMapFK60mo--
GuanicaPUR 007- -Puerto Rico17° 58.0' N066° 55.0' WMapFK67mx NA-099-
Guará (AP)BRA 217- --01° 11.0' N049° 54.0' WMapGJ51be--
Guaratiba (RJ)BRA 134- --23° 5.0' S043° 34.0' WMapGG86fw--
Guaráu Island (SP)BRA 038- --24° 23.0' S046° 59.0' WMapGG65mo--
Guard Island
Guard Islands
ALK 008- -Alaska55° 27.0' N131° 53.0' WMapCO45bk-2
Guardamar - Frente Extremo W del Muelle PesqueroSPA 431- --38° 6.6' N000° 38.9' WMapIM98qc--
Guardamar - Muelle Pesquero - ExtremoSPA 430- --38° 6.6' N000° 38.8' WMapIM98qc--
Guaxindiaba (RJ)BRA 039- --21° 28.0' S041° 3.0' WMapGG98lm--
GubbenSWE 160- --62° 21.0' N017° 35.0' EMapJP82ti--
Guetaria/Punta de San Antón
Punta de San Antón/Guetaria
SPA 216- --43° 18.0' N002° 12.0' WMapIN83vh-2
Guéthary Feu PostérieurFRA 810- --43° 26.0' N001° 37.0' WMapIN93ek--
GuetteFRA 313- --------
GuildertonAUS 088- -Western Australia31° 20.0' S115° 29.0' EMapOF78rqOC-001-
Guile Point East/Old Law (Holy Island), Northumberland
Old Law/Guile Point East (Holy Island), Northumberland
ENG 222- --55° 40.0' N001° 48.0' WMapIO95cq-1
Guillemot Lightship (Kilmore Quay) (Co. Wexford)IRE 114- --------
Guilvinec Pier HeadFRA 314- --47° 47.5' N004° 17.1' WMapIN77ut--
Guilvinec Range RearFRA 564- --47° 47.8' N004° 16.4' WMapIN77ut-1
Guimaras/Lusaran Point (New) (Isla De Guimaras)
Lusaran Point/Guimaras (New) (Isla De Guimaras)
PHI 047- --10° 29.0' N122° 28.0' EMapPK10flOC-129-
Guimaras/Lusaran Point (Old)
Lusaran Point/Guimaras (Old)
PHI 121- --10° 29.0' N122° 28.0' EMapPK10flOC-129-
Guintacan IslandPHI 027- --11° 18.0' N123° 54.0' EMapPK11whOC-129-
GuisiPHI 084- --10° 29.0' N122° 29.0' EMapPK10fl--
Guldholmen/Gullholmen (New)
Gullholmen/Guldholmen (New)
NOR 310- --59° 26.0' N010° 34.0' EMapJO59gk--
Guldholmen/Gullholmen (Old)
Gullholmen/Guldholmen (Old)
NOR 104- --59° 26.0' N010° 34.0' EMapJO59gk--
Guldringnes (vardoy)NOR 449- --70° 21.8' N031° 6.9' EMapKQ50ni--
Gulei Tou (Thunder Head)PRC 029- --23° 43.0' N117° 35.0' EMapOL83sr--
GulenNOR 105- --------
Gull Cove (Whitehead Island)CAN 739Hist -New Brunswick----NA-1261
Gull Harbour (New) (Hecla Island Lake Winnipeg)CAN 848- -Manitoba51° 12.0' N096° 36.0' WMapEO11qe-3
Gull Harbour (Old) (Hecla Island Lake Winnipeg)CAN 847- -Manitoba51° 12.0' N096° 36.0' WMapEO11qe-3
Gull IslandIND 085- --18° 50.0' N072° 54.0' EMapMK68kt--
Gull Island (Cape St. John)CAN 660Hist -Newfoundland and Labrador50° 0.0' N055° 22.0' WMapGO20ha--
Gull Island (Lake Michigan)USA 1115Hist -Michigan45° 43.0' N085° 51.0' WMapEN75br--
Gull Island (Lake Superior)USA 1065- -Wisconsin46° 54.0' N090° 27.0' WMapEN46sv--
Gull Island (Lake Winnipeg)CAN 737- -Manitoba------
Gull Rock (Lockeport)CAN 217Hist -Nova Scotia-----1
Gull RocksUSA 362Hist -Rhode Island-----3
Gull Rocks (Lake Superior)USA 361- -Michigan47° 25.0' N087° 40.0' WMapEN67ej--
Gull ShoalUSA 1029Hist -North Carolina35° 22.0' N075° 57.4' WMapFM25ai--
Gulskären, on Sodra GulskarSWE 431- --58° 17.0' N011° 23.0' EMapJO58qg--
Gumisaka Ko Breakwater (Fukui)JPN 1187- --36° 2.0' N136° 1.0' EMapPM86aa--
Gun CayBAH 009- --25° 35.0' N079° 19.0' WMapFL05io--
Gun PointBER 002- ------NA-005-
Gunfleet, Essex HENG 049Hist --51° 46.0' N001° 17.0' EMapJO01ps--
Gunge Ko West Breakwater Head (Hyogo)JPN 1776- --34° 28.0' N134° 51.0' EMapPM74klAS-117-
GunnarnesNOR 430- --71° 0.0' N024° 8.0' EMapKQ21ba--
Gunnarsholmen (Lake Vänern)SWE 164- --58° 51.0' N013° 12.0' EMapJO68ou--
Gunning Point IslandCAN 218- -Nova Scotia44° 22.0' N064° 12.0' WMapFN74vi-1
GunvorsgrundeySWE 165- --63° 29.0' N020° 27.0' EMapKP03fl--
Gunza-Kabolo/Novo Redondo
Novo Redondo/Gunza-Kabolo
ANO 036Hist --11° 12.0' S013° 50.0' EMapJH68vt--
Gura Portita Fairway South SideROM 012- --44° 41.0' N028° 59.0' EMapKN44lq-1
Guruni (Skopelos Island)GRE 071- --39° 13.0' N023° 36.0' EMapKM19tfEU-0491
Gustaf DalénALA 007- --60° 5.0' N020° 59.0' EMapKP00lbEU-002-
Gustaf DalenSWE 166- --58° 36.0' N017° 28.0' EMapJO88ro--
GustavsvärnFIN 007- --59° 48.0' N022° 57.0' EMapKO19lt--
Guvlymayak New (guwly Mayak, Kuuli Mayak)TKM 009- --------
Guvlymayak Old (guwly Mayak, Kuuli Mayak)TKM 008- --------
Guyon IslandCAN 219- -Nova Scotia45° 46.0' N060° 7.0' WMapFN95ws--
GuysboroughCAN 220- -Nova Scotia45° 22.0' N061° 28.0' WMapFN95gi--
Guysborough (Old) (Peart Point)CAN 1217Hist -Nova Scotia------
Gvardeyskiy (Baltic Sea)KAL 003- --54° 58.0' N020° 16.0' EMapKO04dx--
GW/Ems LightfloatNET 152- --54° 10.0' N006° 21.0' EMapJO34ee--
GwadarPAK 006- --25° 6.0' N062° 21.0' EMapML15ec--
Gyllene UtternSWE 163- --------
Gyoko East Breakwater Head (Miyagi)JPN 1145- --38° 24.0' N141° 21.0' EMapQM08qjAS-117-
Gyoko North Breakwater Head (Miyagi)JPN 1146- --38° 24.0' N141° 21.0' EMapQM08qjAS-117-
Güvercin Adasi/Pigeon Island/Bird IslandTUR 072- --37° 52.0' N027° 15.0' EMapKM37ou--
GåsfetenSWE 146- --56° 7.0' N015° 13.0' EMapJO76oc--
GåsholmFAR 011- --62° 5.0' N007° 28.0' WMapIP62gb--
GåshällanFIN 136- --62° 34.5' N021° 2.7' EMapKP02mn--
GåshællenSWE 147- --61° 0.0' N017° 17.0' EMapJP81pa--
GåsskærSWE 149- --58° 2.0' N011° 31.0' EMapJO58sa--
Gåsøren ISWE 148- --64° 40.0' N021° 19.0' EMapKP04pq--
Gåsøren IISWE 017- --64° 40.0' N021° 19.0' EMapKP04pq-1
GåvenSWE 150- --58° 16.0' N011° 21.0' EMapJO58qg--
Gåveskår LightSWE 018- --57° 40.0' N011° 46.0' EMapJO57vp--
Gælleudde (Lake Vänern)SWE 143- --58° 29.0' N012° 28.0' EMapJO68fl--
GævlebugtenSWE 151- --57° 38.0' N011° 52.0' EMapJO57wp--
GölturICE 041- --66° 10.0' N023° 34.0' WMapHP86fd--
Gøteborg (Vinga)SWE 019- --------

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