ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL)

List of the world's lighthouses by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society

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Lighthouse NameARLHS
CoordinatesGridsquareIOTA# of
AedarsteinnICE 115- --64° 40.0' N014° 18.0' WMapIP24uq--
Akranes (New)ICE 002- --64° 19.0' N022° 6.0' WMapHP84wh--
Akranes (Old)ICE 003- --64° 19.0' N022° 6.0' WMapHP84wh--
AlvidruhamarICE 027- --63° 27.0' N018° 19.0' WMapIP03uk--
ArnarnesICE 028- --66° 6.0' N023° 2.0' WMapHP86lc--
ArnarstapiICE 116- --64° 46.0' N023° 37.0' WMapHP84es--
BakkafjaraICE 117- --63° 32.0' N020° 9.0' WMapHP93wm--
BjarareyICE 030- --65° 47.0' N014° 19.0' WMapIP25us--
BjargtangarICE 029- --65° 30.0' N024° 32.0' WMapHP75rl--
Breiddalsvik (Selnes)
Selnes (Breiddalsvik)
ICE 078- --64° 47.0' N014° 1.0' WMapIP24xs--
BrimmesICE 031- --65° 19.0' N013° 47.0' WMapIP35ch--
DalatangiICE 032- --65° 16.0' N013° 35.0' WMapIP35fg--
DigranesICE 033- --66° 3.0' N014° 44.0' WMapIP26pb--
DyrholaeyICE 034- --63° 24.1' N019° 7.4' WMapIP03kj-2
EllidaeyICE 004- --65° 9.0' N022° 50.0' WMapHP85od--
EngeyICE 035- --64° 11.0' N021° 56.0' WMapHP94ae--
Faxasher/VestmannæyjarICE 036- --63° 28.0' N020° 14.0' WMapHP93vl--
FjallasskagiICE 037- --66° 0.0' N023° 49.0' WMapHP86ca--
FlateyICE 005- --66° 10.0' N017° 50.0' WMapIP16bd--
Frontur/Langanes/ArnarfirdiICE 111- --66° 23.0' N014° 32.0' WMapIP26rj--
Gardskagi NewICE 015- --64° 4.0' N022° 42.0' WMapHP84pb--
Gardskagi OldICE 016- --64° 4.0' N022° 42.0' WMapHP84pb--
GeirfuglaskerICE 038- --64° 1.0' N022° 21.0' WMapHP84ta--
GeirfuglaskerICE 118- --63° 19.0' N020° 30.0' WMapHP93rh--
GjogurtaICE 110- --66° 11.0' N018° 11.0' WMapIP06ve--
GjögurICE 039- --66° 0.0' N021° 19.0' WMapHP96ia--
GlettinganesICE 040- --65° 31.0' N013° 37.0' WMapIP35em--
GrejanesICE 042- --66° 16.0' N015° 20.0' WMapIP26hg--
Grimsay NortheastICE 006- --65° 41.0' N021° 24.0' WMapHP95hq--
Grimsey SouthICE 007Hist --66° 32.0' N017° 59.0' WMapIP16am--
Grimshafnartangi/KopaskerICE 043- --66° 18.0' N016° 28.0' WMapIP16sh--
Grindavik Center Range FrontICE 119- --63° 50.0' N022° 26.0' WMapHP83su--
Grindavik Center Range RearICE 008- --63° 50.0' N022° 26.0' WMapHP83su--
GrottaICE 044- --64° 9.9' N022° 1.3' WMapHP84xd-1
GölturICE 041- --66° 10.0' N023° 34.0' WMapHP86fd--
HafnarfjördurICE 112- --64° 3.0' N021° 56.0' WMapHP94ab--
HafnarnesICE 045- --64° 53.0' N013° 46.0' WMapIP34cv--
HafnarvikICE 106- --63° 51.0' N021° 22.0' WMapHP93hu--
HegranesICE 046- --65° 46.0' N019° 33.0' WMapIP05fs-1
HjalteyriICE 026- --65° 51.0' N018° 12.0' WMapIP05vu--
Hofn Harbour (Hvanney)
Hvanney (Hofn Harbour)
ICE 056- --64° 14.0' N015° 11.0' WMapIP24jf-1
HolmsbergICE 047- --64° 2.0' N022° 34.0' WMapHP84ra--
Hopsnes (Grindavik)ICE 048- --63° 49.5' N022° 24.5' WMapHP83tt-2
HornafjordurICE 105- --------
Hornbjarg/LatravikICE 049- --66° 25.0' N022° 23.0' WMapHP86tj--
HraunhafnartangiICE 050- --66° 32.0' N016° 2.0' WMapIP16xm--
HriseyICE 051- --66° 1.0' N018° 24.0' WMapIP06ta-1
HrolfsskerICE 052- --66° 5.0' N018° 25.0' WMapIP06tb--
HrollaugseyjarICE 010- --64° 2.0' N015° 59.0' WMapIP24aa--
HusavikICE 054- --66° 3.0' N017° 22.0' WMapIP16hb--
HvaleyriICE 120- --64° 21.0' N021° 44.0' WMapHP94di--
HvalnesICE 055- --64° 24.0' N014° 33.0' WMapIP24rj--
HöskuldseyICE 009- --65° 6.0' N023° 1.0' WMapHP85lc--
InggolfshöfdiICE 057- --63° 48.0' N016° 38.0' WMapIP13qt--
KalfshamarICE 058- --66° 1.0' N020° 26.0' WMapHP96sa--
KambanesICE 059- --64° 48.0' N013° 50.0' WMapIP34ct--
Ketilbodafles (Ketilsfles)
Ketilsfles (Ketilbodafles)
ICE 061- --------
KirkjuhollICE 062- --64° 48.0' N023° 6.0' WMapHP84kt-1
KlofningurICE 063- --65° 22.0' N022° 57.0' WMapHP85mi-2
KnarrarosICE 012- --63° 49.4' N020° 58.5' WMapHP93mt-1
KogurICE 109- --65° 37.0' N013° 52.0' WMapIP35bo--
KolbeinstangiICE 064- --65° 46.0' N014° 48.0' WMapIP25os--
KopanesICE 121- --65° 48.0' N024° 7.0' WMapHP75wt--
Krossnes (Stod)
Stod (Krossnes)
ICE 065- --64° 58.0' N023° 21.0' WMapHP84hx--
Krysuvik (Reykjanes Peninsula)ICE 113- --------
Landaholl Langanes/ArnarfirdiICE 066- --64° 50.0' N013° 50.0' WMapIP34ct--
Langanes ArnarfirdiICE 122- --65° 43.0' N023° 32.0' WMapHP85fr--
Lundy IslandICE 095- --66° 6.0' N017° 21.0' WMapIP16hc--
MalarhornICE 123- --65° 41.0' N021° 26.0' WMapHP95gq--
MalariffICE 067- --64° 44.0' N023° 48.0' WMapHP84cr-1
MalmeyICE 013- --66° 1.0' N019° 32.0' WMapIP06fa--
ManareyjarICE 014- --66° 14.0' N017° 9.0' WMapIP16kf--
MelrakkanesICE 068- --66° 24.0' N015° 43.0' WMapIP26dj--
Neshraun (Svörtuloft Thorlakshöfn)
Svörtuloft Thorlakshöfn (Neshraun)
ICE 091- --64° 52.0' N024° 2.0' WMapHP74xu--
NordfjördurICE 069- --65° 9.0' N013° 39.0' WMapIP35ed--
OlafsvikICE 098- --64° 53.0' N023° 40.0' WMapHP84dv--
OlafsvitiICE 070- --65° 37.0' N024° 10.0' WMapHP75wo--
OndverdarnesICE 099- --64° 51.0' N024° 2.0' WMapHP74xu--
OsholarICE 071- --66° 9.0' N023° 12.0' WMapHP86jd--
PapeyICE 017- --64° 36.0' N014° 11.0' WMapIP24vo--
PridrangarICE 019- --63° 29.3' N020° 30.8' WMapHP93rl--
RaudinupurICE 072- --66° 31.0' N016° 33.0' WMapIP16rm--
RaufarhöfnICE 073- --66° 27.0' N015° 56.0' WMapIP26ak--
ReydarfjordurICE 104- --65° 0.0' N013° 56.0' WMapIP35aa--
Reykjanes IICE 074- --63° 49.0' N022° 43.0' WMapHP83pt--
Reykjanes IIICE 075- --63° 49.0' N022° 43.0' WMapHP83pt--
Reykjanes IIIICE 020- --63° 49.0' N022° 43.0' WMapHP83pt--
Reykjavik/Mariner's SchoolICE 076- --64° 8.0' N021° 54.0' WMapHP94bd--
ICE 021- --64° 2.0' N022° 43.0' WMapHP84pa--
SaudanesICE 077- --66° 11.0' N018° 57.0' WMapIP06me-1
Saudanes WestICE 124- --66° 7.0' N023° 39.0' WMapHP86ec--
SeleyICE 022- --64° 59.0' N013° 31.0' WMapIP34fx--
SelskerICE 023- --66° 8.0' N021° 31.0' WMapHP96fd--
SelvikurnefICE 125- --66° 10.0' N018° 52.0' WMapIP06nd--
SelvogurICE 079- --63° 49.0' N021° 39.0' WMapHP93et--
SiglunesICE 080- --66° 12.0' N018° 49.0' WMapIP06oe--
SkaftarosICE 081- --63° 39.0' N017° 50.0' WMapIP13bp--
SkagataICE 082- --66° 7.0' N020° 6.0' WMapHP96wc--
SkardICE 083- --65° 29.0' N020° 59.0' WMapHP95ml--
SkardsfjaraICE 084- --63° 31.0' N017° 59.0' WMapIP13am--
SkorICE 107- --65° 25.0' N023° 59.0' WMapHP85ak--
SlettaeyriICE 126- --66° 18.0' N022° 58.0' WMapHP86mh--
ICE 025- --63° 58.0' N022° 46.0' WMapHP83ox--
StokksnesICE 085- --64° 14.0' N014° 58.0' WMapIP24mf--
Storhöfdi/Heimaey/VestmannæyjarICE 086- --63° 24.0' N020° 17.0' WMapHP93uj--
Straumnes NorthICE 087Hist --66° 5.0' N019° 21.0' WMapIP06hb-1
Straumnes NorthwestICE 088- --66° 26.0' N023° 8.0' WMapHP86kk--
Streiti (Streittishvarf)
Streittishvarf (Streiti)
ICE 089- --64° 44.0' N013° 59.0' WMapIP34ar--
Stykkisholmur South/AkraneICE 090- --65° 5.0' N022° 43.0' WMapHP85pc--
Sugandisey (Stykkishólmur Harbor)ICE 114- --------
Svalbard LightICE 096- --65° 52.0' N018° 15.0' WMapIP05uu--
Svalvogar/HraunICE 108- --65° 56.0' N023° 57.0' WMapHP85aw--
Thormudssker IslandICE 101- --64° 26.0' N022° 19.0' WMapHP84uk--
TjörnesICE 092- --66° 12.0' N017° 9.0' WMapIP16ke-1
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 100- --64° 27.0' N021° 57.0' WMapHP94ak--
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 102- --64° 41.0' N014° 11.0' WMapIP24vq--
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 097- --66° 3.0' N018° 31.0' WMapIP06rb--
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 011- --64° 0.0' N022° 36.0' WMapHP83qx--
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 018- --64° 26.0' N022° 19.0' WMapHP84uk--
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 024- --------
No longer an ARLHS light
ICE 103- --64° 49.0' N013° 49.0' WMapIP34ct--
Urdir/Heimaey/VestmannæyharICE 093- --63° 26.0' N020° 14.0' WMapHP93vk-1
Vatnsnes/KeflavikICE 094- --64° 0.0' N022° 32.0' WMapHP83rx--
VattarnesICE 053- --64° 56.0' N013° 41.0' WMapIP34dw--
Ædarsteinstangi (Karlsstathatangi)
Karlsstathatangi (Aedarsteinstangi)
ICE 060- --64° 44.0' N014° 11.0' WMapIP24vr--
ÆdheyICE 001- --66° 6.0' N022° 40.0' WMapHP86pc--

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