ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL)

List of the world's lighthouses by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society

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Netherlands Antilles

Lighthouse NameARLHS
CoordinatesGridsquareIOTA# of
Boca Spelonk (Bonaire)NEA 001- --12° 13.0' N068° 12.0' WMapFK52vfSA-006-
Bullen Baai (Curaçao)NEA 014- --12° 11.0' N069° 1.0' WMapFK52leSA-006-
Ceru Bentana/Ricado Winklar (Bonaire)
Ricado Winklar/Ceru Bentana (Bonaire)
NEA 002- --12° 18.0' N068° 23.0' WMapFK52thSA-006-
Kaap St. Marie (Curaçao)NEA 004- --12° 11.0' N069° 3.0' EMapMK42meSA-006-
Klein Bonaire/BonaireNEA 005- --12° 9.0' N068° 20.0' WMapFK52udSA-006-
Klein Curacao (Little Curaçao)NEA 006- --12° 0.0' N068° 39.0' WMapFK52qaSA-006-
Kralendijk Orange Battery (Bonaire)NEA 007- --12° 9.0' N068° 17.0' WMapFK52udSA-006-
Malmok (Bonaire)NEA 013Hist --12° 18.7' N068° 23.4' WMapFK52thSA-006-
Noordpunt (Wespunt) (Curaçao)NEA 008- --12° 23.0' N069° 10.0' EMapMK42ojSA-0061
Point Kanon
NEA 009- --13° 10.0' N068° 44.3' WMapFK53pdSA-0062
Riffort (Sint Anna-Curaçao)NEA 010Hist --12° 6.0' N068° 56.0' EMapMK42lcSA-006-
No longer an ARLHS light
NEA 003- ------SA-006-
Wecua Punt (Bonaire)NEA 011- --12° 14.0' N068° 25.0' WMapFK52tfSA-006-
Willem's Toren (Lacre Punt) (Bonaire)NEA 012- --12° 2.0' N068° 14.0' WMapFK52vaSA-006-

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Database HTML Rendering Programs, MySQL Schema and Web Site Content (excluding the actual lighthouse data)
Copyright 2006-2025 John Huggins
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Lighthouse Listings Display: $Revision: 1.32 $