New Dungeness Lighthouse

ARLHS USA-538 Light

New Dungeness Lighthouse - Copyright 2006
Copyright 2006

The New Dungeness Lighthouse was first lit on December 14th, 1857. The last Coast Guard personnel left the light on March 1st, 1994. On September 3rd, 1994 the New Dungeness Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society assumed responsibility for staffing and maintenance of the Station under license from the U.S. Coast Guard.

Access to the Light Station is limited to hikers at low tide and small boats in calm seas; nevertheless, Keepers have greeted approximately 35,000 visitors since 1994. The safety and security of the property has been vastly improved since 1994 with quarterly safety audits, emergency protocols, communication equipment, first aid supplies and fire equipment.

The Association has developed an Interpretive Center in the Lighthouse to inform visitors about the historic and present significance of the Light Station. The Association works with the U.S. Coast Guard, which maintains the lantern, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who are responsible for the Dungeness Wildlife Refuge.

For additional information and weather at the light see

Added to the World List of Lights May 28, 2008.